Star Wars The Last Jedi

The Last Jedi Star Wars

There are NO SPOILERS ahead!

The Husband and I were invited to an advanced screening of Star Wars The Last Jedi. I am a fan of the Star Wars movies; not the stand in line overnight to be the first one to see the movie, but I do enjoy them. The Husband however, if someone will give him the keys to an X-Wing Fighter he would leave me in a millisecond and may never come out of the sky!! He has to see new installments the weekend they hit the screen. There is no line too long.

Overall opinions

The Husband: It was a good action packed movie with great CGI. There were a few spots that started to lull and then ……..BAMB action or a comic zinger.
My take: I enjoyed this movie. I had missed the last Star Wars episode (gasp!!) but this is a stand alone movie that I easily pieced together who was who.

The Husband: Great comic relief. Not overly done but excellent one liners.
My take: FUNNY!! I didn’t expect The Last Jedi to be so funny. Laugh out loud funny. Not overly done like The Husband said;  just the right amount of zinging one-liners. And facial expressions. VERY funny!

The Husband: CGI is the best yet in the Star Wars series.
My take: WOW the CGI is impressive. There is one scene that will take your breath away in total silence. WOW!! 

The Husband: There was no stand out hero but a lot of sidekicks. The movie needs a hero!!
My take: The movie proves no one person can save the universe you need team work!!

(we argued that alllllllll the way home!!)

Final thoughts; I don’t think Star Wars fans will be disappointed and I think The Last Jedi will bring in a whole new generation of fans.

Star Wars The Last JediThe play with color is amazing. Red, White, Black. It’s very cinematic very strong. I can’t think of a better way to describe it.

The ending credits pay homage to Carrie Fisher with a very loving sentiment. I can’t think of a better send off RIP Princess Leia.

FYI if you are like The Husband and I, we stay until the lights come up in the theater ‘just in case’ there is a last little clip. Spoiler. No clip. Just house lights. (You are welcome!!)

Next movie in our future? SOLO!

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