Ahhhh Come ON!!!

I’m still having major glitches with the blog. WOW! Do I know how to hose things up or WHAT?!?!

Hopefully I will have this all fixed soon. Since I only have a couple more days with Alice I am not going to stress over it until next week when I’m back home.

Ahhhh Come ON Kitchen Sandpoint IdahoWhen I do get back home I’ll start documenting our remodel. I’m so excited!! It’s going to be fabulous!! (BTW did you know that the standard kitchen remodel takes 12 weeks?! TWELVE WEEKS?!?! Granted that’s from time of order of the cupboards to finish…. but ummmmmmmmmmm 12!!)

I cheated. It’s August 27, 2024 and here is what my kitchen looks like now.

Anyway, I hope you are all having a fantastic week. I’m enjoying every second with Alice that I can.

Oh and before I forget, The Husband sent pictures from the yard in Idaho. Seems that the deer have finally left me a few flowers to enjoy. Apparently, deer don’t like mint. HA!! I can enjoy flowers AND deer!!!

Updates soon!


  • Rosie

    Enjoy your visit, it is precious! I feel bad for you that in order to have the new digs, you had to be far away from your sweetheart. Maybe they will move to Idaho, it is so nice!

  • Sab Edwards

    Thanks ok, I got blocked/banned from twitter because I am tweeting stuff that is automated (the contests from bloggers) I guess with the new rules in place things will be a whole lot different

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