Recycle and Re-Use!! From Paperless Kitchen Cloths and Scrubs to Oui Jars!

How is that for a blog title? Recycle and Re-Use!! From Paperless Kitchen Cloths and Scrubs to Oui Jars!?? How could those possibly go together?!  Ahhhhh y’all know my brain is just wired differently than most, because it makes great sense to me.

Truthfully, when I sat down to write I was just going to write a post about just how fantastic these Paperless Kitchen Cloths and the AMAZING Scrubs are. But, seriously?  WHO wants to read about me cleaning my kitchen?

I mean granted these clothes are so strong I don’t think they will ever fall apart. They have a sponge like feel, but thin! They seem indestructible!!  Absorbs spills SUPER FAST. Washes dishes, leaves my appliances streak free. The small squares seem to just attract crumbs and dirt! I throw mine in the washing machine when they are dirty and reuse!  One cloth is equivalent to 15 rolls of paper towels, but personally I think they will last waaaaaaaaaay longer!

My favorite though is the scrubbing cloth!!  These things feel like the scratchy end of Velcro. That’s the best way I can describe it. These things are AMAZING!! I use these on glass, granite counters, silver sink, Teflon pans, cast iron skillets. Another one you can throw in the washing machine and reuse. OR you can place it on your top rack of the dishwasher!! Say whaaaaaa?? BTW they are cute too! 

But, what if I have a craft to share too???? That’s way better than me telling you how amazing my kitchen looks. Right?? Craft that uses a RECYCLED jar!!

What is a Oui Jar?  Well, in my personal opinion Oui is only the BEST tasting yogurt out there. OHMMMMGEEEEEEEEE!! BONUS!! Oui comes in a cute little glass jar and y’all know me. I never see trash, I see a craft I haven’t made yet.

I have been dying to try my hand at coloring glass. What a perfect way to try!! Small little jars. Here is what I did; and what I’ll do differently next time.

Clean the little jars inside and out. Trust me, get all the sticky residue off the outside! My little scrub is perfect for this!

Starting with clean and dry jars; add a healthy squirt, approximately 2 tablespoons of Mod Podge (which I grabbed at the dollar store 2 for a $1! I used almost 3/4 of the 2-ounce bottle for all 4 jars.) add food coloring and mix.  “Note to self” take the lid off the food coloring before squeezing. Ummmm yeah… I did.

I tried 5 drops of food color and 8 drops of food color. I couldn’t tell the difference when they were done.

I tried to just swirl the mixture to coat the sides but that took wayyyyyyyyy to long! So I used the back side of a plastic spoon.

Truthfully, I want them to be way, WAY lighter so my next batch will be 2 or 3 drops of food color.

Once you have made sure that the color mixture has coated the entire inside you will want to turn these over and let them drain. I recommend placing a something under one side so that air will get inside and help dry the mixture.  I turned mine over for 1.5 hours. I think my next batch I will try over night, I seem to have a lot of bubbles in this batch.

Paperless Kitchen Cloths baking jars

Next bake them at 215 degree oven for 1.5 hours. Keep checking them to be certain they are the color you are looking for.

After the jars are completely cooled add a votive candle. Viola!  Christmas candles. I’m thinking these may need a vinyl design as well. All I know is I need more jars!! AND YOU need need to try these Paperless Kitchen Cloths and Scrubs!! BONUS!!! Save 10% with this Amazon coupon code:


off the Paperless Kitchen Cloths and Scrubs.



  • Tamra Phelps

    I can never bring myself to throw out those little glass oui jars, too, lol. I just think someday I’ll find a use for them, maybe serving puddings, etc. I keep every candle jar, too.

  • Crystal K

    Glad to see you have excellent taste in yogurt, haha. And your jars look so cute! I would never have recognized them as yogurt jars!

  • Diane Brimmer

    Man I don’t know what to comment on first! I love the idea of the paperless dish clothes. So economical in the long run as well. Oh and the Oui jars! They are just so awesome. I love the colors. Blue would be pretty too and you could Vinyl glittery snow flakes on them for the winter. Such great ideas! You are just awesome.

  • Rosie

    I love the jars, and I’m wired like you – I get all googly eyed and see a new craft! I have quite a few jars, and this would be a nice way to use them! I love the scrubbing cloths, and since I’m on a mission to be doing some extra cleaning, I just put them in my cart. I spent time yesterday cleaning with the toothbrush, and trying out the mixture of hydrogen peroxide with baking soda.

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