Happy November! $50 Your Way Giveaway!!
Happy November little Peanuts! Doesn’t it seem like I JUST posted the October giveaway?? Why is time going so FAST!?
Here is my monthly update. Decks and the front porch are done!! Pictures to follow. Now we are staining the decks as quickly as possible and hoping to finish before the snow comes. It did snow twice but nothing that stuck THANKFULLY!
The barn is almost done. It should be finished by the end of next week.
Since most of the construction activity is done the deer and bear came back so of course I put my trail-cam out. I have missed seeing my little guys out there. Seriously, how cute is my REAL bear.
He does look awfully cuddly right?? And mighty comfortable too!! So, note to self don’t walk out the back door after dark. EVER!
Okay, that’s my update for the month now on to the real reason you are here!
I truly am thankful you stop by!
My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! I really do appreciate the fact that you are here. THANK YOU!!!
This months giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements is always appreciated!!
GOOD LUCK little Peanuts!!!
This Giveaway is a single blog giveaway. The prize is $50 the way YOU want. PayPal, Venmo, Zelle or GC. Prize is open WW BUT it’s in US currency.

Christina A.
My day was pretty good–spent most of it at home except a run into our small town to the grocery store and to drop mail at the post office. That about covers it! Hah!
Terri S.
I’m getting ready for Christmas. We put our tree up and I wrote out a lot of Christmas cards today. I’ll finish the rest of the cards tomorrow.
shelly peterson
I slept in a bit and then had some family over for dinner.
Sarah L
Nice quiet day at home with a long sleep in. Next up eating leftovers.
Kate Sarsfield
Sounds like heaven!
Mary Gardner
My day is going well. I ran some errands this morning. It is cloudy and raining here with a pretty good chill in the air so we are staying in and doing a little baking and making some turkey soup this afternoon.
Candie L
I am not sure how my day is going. . . Does that count as a fair answer?
Diane K. Brimmer
I had so much fun today, the grandkids and I made crafts together. We made those little gumball machines and we decorated little Christmas trees from Dollar Tree. The kids had a blast.
Bryan Vice
Wow today is the last day of November. Well its been a good month found out I’m gonna be a dad again ! so thats good news
Kate Sarsfield
I’m heading up into the mountains later today to sing at an annual Mass for families of people who have died during the year. Sounds morbid but it’s really lovely and happy. Straight from there heading to a small town near Wicklow for the last night of Oklahoma! Sat-Nav doesn’t work up there (even if I had one!) so if you don’t hear from me for a while be assured that I have a sleeping bag, warm clothes & chocolate!
Kim Avery
Today I will be doing a few quick errands and making sure we are stocked up on necessities. We are expecting a winter storm to come tomorrow morning.
Hesper Fry
My day is going good thus far this morning! Just had a cup of hot white tea and reading a really good book.
Patrice P.
My day is going okay – I think I should have stayed in bed longer and gotten more sleep, though.
Getting an early start, having mornin’ coffee and checking messages. Will need to get anything done today, storm coming tomorrow!
Sarah L
I am stuffed! Had our Thanksgiving dinner today. All the food was so good. Thankful for good friends.
Diane K. Brimmer
I think we had turkey over load! I really didn’t eat that much of it , but boy did I have a stomach ache. So I was glad it was just my husband and I since I got to spend the rest of the day in bed.
Tamra Phelps
So, it looks like I might get out of here soon. I’m definitely tired of the hospital. It gets old quick, lol.
Kate Sarsfield
Mum & I have just voted in local elections now I’m going to do a quick stir-fry and put my feet up for the evening. My hip’s really sore after singing at last night’s book launch.
Kim Avery
Spending the morning relaxing but have to venture out later for a few necessities. I’m staying away from big box stores though.
Mary Gardner
My day is going well so far. We had a nice Thanksgiving yesterday and after cleaning up the kids wanted to go ahead and put up the Christmas tree so after a full day we are taking it easy and having a relaxing day today.
Sunny day so hope to get a few chores done that I need the sunshine. Looking to kick around online for a bit to see if I can find a black Friday deal for things on my list that I need or holiday gifts. I’d shop locally if I could get around.
Michele Soyer
Had a wonderful day yesterday.. quiet and reflective.. today is putting up the tree and also the 2nd one in the gallery.. the gallery tree was my mothers and every time I look at it i remember her and how happy she always was.. not just at the holidays ( she was a a big kid) but all year long…
Terri S.
My day was wonderful as our family celebrated Thanksgiving. It is a very happy time to spend with loved ones.
shelly peterson
I had a wonderful day with my family. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
Crystal K
A great Thanksgiving in the midst of a huge snowstorm! Even built a snowman with our kiddos.
Sarah L
Happy Thanksgiving! Salmon and sweet potatoes today. Turkey tomorrow.
Kim Avery
Happy Thanksgiving! Just putting the finishing touches together for our small gathering .
In one word busy. I am hosting Thanksgiving so busy.
Kate Sarsfield
Ireland’s main bank has been out of action for almost 2 days due to ‘systems failure’. This is payday for many workers etc., tomorrow’s Black Friday, mortgages/rent to be paid. No ATMs, in-branch machines, no cash or cards working, online payments etc. No money in or out. Lot of very angry customers and yet the banks are the first to slap charges on if your payments are late.
Oh, Happy Thanksgiving, America!
Diane K. Brimmer
Today is so bittersweet I miss my mom so much. Today she would be busseling around the kitchen. I can almost still smell the aroma coming from the kitchen yet. She loved to cook and was an excellent one at that. That was not one of the gifts she passed down to me. LOL Happy Thanksgiving to you all and your families.
I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving! Mom and I are having a quiet day at home… Good food, the Parade and the Dog Show…. I hope everyone is safe and enjoy their time with their family… 🙂
Michele Soyer
Happy Thanksgiving to all here who live in the states.. Even though I have been gone for 20 years now I still celebrate all the holidays.. turkey in the oven.. stuffing ready to go in.. sides all done and the music is on and ready to watch the Macy’s parade.. can’t take NYC out of the girl!!! This was my husbands favourite holiday…more so than even Christmas….
Day is going good, amazingly nice weather, so that is great, too. A birthday in the family today in addition to Thanksgiving, so lots going on!
Crystal K
OH NO sick kiddos for Thanksgiving AND a blizzard in the forecast. Yikes.
shelly peterson
I had a nice relaxing day. I am looking forward to turkey day.
Diane K. Brimmer
Today was a good day. Woke up to cold and rainy, soon quit and I was able to go out and put up my decorations. Glad that’s done. Not sure when they will come down though. As I get older it seems like I just finally got them up!
Sarah L
Good swim in a warm pool. A bit of sunshine, but only 11 degrees with wind chill of -3.
Kate Sarsfield
I am so tired of rain. Anyhow, the show must go on … practising my songs for tomorrow & Saturday and writing Christmas cards.
My day has been good. Luckily i have the day off today.
Kim Avery
I’m fighting a bad migraine while trying to slowly do prep for tomorrow.
Tamra Phelps
My blood work is coming back negative for MRSA! So, I get out of the hospital soon. They’ll put in a PICC line (sort of an IV in a deeper vein, more permanent.) That way they don’t have to constantly put in new IVs. I have horrible veins, lol. Their small, they blow, etc. Once the line is in, I can leave, but it’s the holiday, so it may or may not get put in today or maybe Friday, lol.
Nikki Ooi
I managed to get some chores done so am happy. Weather is terribly hot though which makes me unhappy.
Mary Gardner
I have just started my day but the weather is supposed to be nice and my grandchildren are out of school so I will be spending the day with them. We always have fun so it should be a great day.
Amy D
My day just started with a cup of coffee, and I’m happy. It is nice to have my daughters home from school over Thanksgiving / fall break. I am going to make them a nice breakfast today. We are excited for Thanksgiving tomorrow. I am blessed to have a sweet little family.
Getting an early start, the slow cooker is chugging away already, have the “to do” list for the holiday weekend started!
Michele Soyer
Baking baking baking today and prep for tomorrow…Better get moving.. I do love days like this.. getting ready for the holiday….
shelly peterson
Today was a typical dialysis day.
Sarah L
Today’s word is Winter. We got a foot of snow overnight.
Mary Gardner
My day is going well but busy. I have made some pies and desserts for Thursday. The weather is great and it has been a nice day.
Mya Murphy
My day is more amazing now that I saw this!! Before, I was contemplating on what to do.. Now, I can dream about what I can possibly get for $50.. Sigh.. I need warm pants, a coat.. Onto Amazon now…
Kate Sarsfield
I was all prepared to go to the dentist this morning but it was cancelled at the last moment – now I have to go through it all again next week! Other than that, nothing much going on …
My day isn’t going great. My husband had a car accident 3 weeks ago and yesterday he had his 2nd surgery. There were complications and it took 3 times as long as they thought. Today he’s in a lot of pain. The stress makes my IBS flare up, so I’m miserable, too. Praying things improve soon!
Kate Sarsfield
Fingers crossed all gets better soon!
Diane K. Brimmer
Well I have a dr.’s appointment this morning. Then I need to get home and get the car fixed as we are expecting quite a storm to hit tonight and tomorrow. Like I said before we never get things fixed till the last minute. LOL
Wow, it is a nice day out today. Sunny, so I expect to get done a few chores I need that sunshine to see good, and also get more prep work done for the holiday cooking!!
Michele Soyer
Been working on curtains/drapes for Christmas….changed my room and the guest room.. will do the drawing room today do when the tree goes up on Friday the look will be complete…..on my plate for today is the gallery then i have a few phone calls to make…looks like a grey rainy day….
Jo Ricker
My day was just like any other day. Cooking and cleaning and errand running. Getting things ready for Thanksgiving day too.
Crystal K
Had our first big snow today. I was babysitting a friend’s son along with my kiddos, and they all had a blast romping around in the snow.
shelly peterson
I went and did my Thanksgiving shopping with my son today.
Diane Brimmer
Great day today! We got the camper covered and ready for winter. Lol, you would think since this is the end of November we would have had it done by now! No not the Brimmer’s we wait till the weather is finally here. LOL
Sarah L
Good swim. Then stop at library to pick up books to hold me over tomorrow when the snow will be piling up. Already starting to snow. Could get up to 18 inches. (with wind)
Janice Wright
I’m having a good day. It’s the first day of my vacation, well actually a stay-cation. I’m not having Thanksgiving here (It will be at my daughter’s) but will have Christmas here in about three weeks, so I’m putting the tree up.
And the sun is out, which always puts me in a good mood.
Mary Gardner
My day is going fine so far. The sun is supposed to be bright all day with mid 50’s temperatures today which is great! I’m going to do my grocery shopping for Thanksgiving today and so the cooking begins tomorrow.
Kate Sarsfield
Stripping beds, singing, reading, cooking, cleaning … the list goes on & on but I won’t bore you!
Kate Sarsfield
ATTENTION PEANUTS: Prayers, good wishes, vibes etc. needed for one of our own, Tamra, who is back in hospital.
It is going to be decent weather today, even though not sunny. Getting ready to make a huge batch of holiday cookies!
shelly peterson
I had to go into dialysis today for the holiday schedule, so everyone can have thanksgiving off.
Terri S.
We had snow and rain for half of the day. The snow didn’t stick. I look forward to snowy days where everything is blanketed in it. It looks so beautiful, like a Currier & Ives painting.
Tamra Phelps
Well, the doctors all agree that another back surgery for me would be too long and life-threatening. So, we are going to hit it with very strong antibiotics. My nurses haven’t even heard of them, lol. If it’s so strong that the nurses don’t ususally see it, then it must be good, lol. Well, at least I know my feeling that this new back pain was not just therapy related was right. I insisted on going to the ER. I listen to my body and my feeling now!
Kate Sarsfield
Drink plenty of liquids & eat live yoghurt to keep that gut of yours healthy.
Sarah L
Had breakfast with friends. Went back to bed.
Kate Sarsfield
I got half a dozen white cyclamen in town yesterday & did up a planter for Dad’s grave. They look lovely against his black headstone. Quite elegant, even if I say so myself!
Mary Gardner
My day is going well so far. Just making my grocery list for Thanksgiving and double checking with everyone to see how many I will have for dinner. A pretty lazy Sunday today.
Diane Brimmer
Well today is going quite well so far. Little chilly but we have lost our snow again for the 4th time. Sorry to the local Ski resorts but we can’t all be pleased and as long as it’s going my way, that is just fine with me. lol
I just woke up, but I’m hopeful that my day will go well.
Getting plans ready for today. Raining cats ‘n dogs, glad it isn’t snow! Have things to do today for the upcoming holiday and weekend.
Michele Soyer
Been cleaning and gardening like a dervish since Thursday evening…having a small party today so I better get moving…..
Peggy Rydzewski
It is the weekend.. all is good on the home front.Getting ready for the holiday.
shelly peterson
I had a relaxing day. I went to dinner with my sons.
Tamra Phelps
Well, I’m back in the hospital. MRSA is back. Gonna hit it with two big antibiotics.
Michele Soyer
Sorry to hear this….Sending you healthy vibes…
Kate Sarsfield
Ah, shit, Tammie. Buckets of love & anti-bug vibes heading your way >>>>>
Diane Brimmer
Another fantastic day! I spent the day with some of my grandchildren. My Hunter is so funny! His mom was watching a video on her phone where this bull was running from the lions and ran into the river to get away from them. All of a sudden there was an alligator trying to kill him. He tried to go out of the water but the lions were on shore waiting for him. Then the phone died and she couldn’t finish the video. She was frustrated and telling her husband, when their 4 year old chimed in and said Wa wa waaaaa! lol
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Slept in very long.
Mary Gardner
My day is going pretty well. It has been raining all day and fairly chilly so it has been a lazy Saturday.
Kate Sarsfield
The landlady of the village pub was ringing the doorbell first thing to announce that we’d won 1st prize in the local raffle that raises funds for lights & a tree and presents/food for needy families in the area every year: €100 voucher for a local shop that sells everything from boot laces to bags of coal. That’s my sister’s Christmas present taken care of!
Tamra Phelps
Yay! Good for y’all!! Merry Christmas to your sister, lol. And save back a little to get yourself something!!
Suzanne K
My day has started very well! I’m continuing on my weight loss journey/battle and actually, very slowly, losing! Yay!
Day is going good. Sunny out whoppeee! Have the slow cooker fired up, have a few things to make with it today.
shelly peterson
I went to dialysis today. Happy Friday!
Crystal K
Still working on my painting project. Also went to the grocery store and bought allll the fixings for Tgiving dinner. EXCITED!
My day was good. A busy day at work but a nice night afterwards. I hope your day was good as well!
Terri S.
It rained all day and the wind was bending the trees outside. My electric went down for about 2 minutes and I thought, oh no, not this. Sometimes we lose power for 7 or more hours. Hubby wasn’t home to hook up the generator. Times like this I wish we had an automatic generator that you can run the whole house on. I was so relieved when power resumed in 2 minutes.
Diane Brimmer
My day has gone really well! I got two more of my projects done with my daughter’s help. We made some necklaces and 6 Gnomes. I am going to sleep tonight.
Sarah L
Good swim, then a stop at Sprouts. How come I keep having to go to the store for food?
Margaret Smith
Day is going well. TGIF…looking forward to the weekend.
Mary Gardner
My day is going well so far. I’m going to try to replace the faucet in the bathroom sink today so depending on how that goes will determine how I feel about the day!
Kate Sarsfield
I had a brilliant night at the ABBA tribute gig. Great singalong to all their greatest hits. Thoroughly enjoyed my lie-in this morning!
Day is going just OK. Just spent almost 1 hour trying to get it straightened out about a sale item from the grocery store that didn’t ring up. Still not rectified. I had stopped shopping there due to this problem before, but the new store I went to shut down, so I thought I’d give this store another try. Two weeks in a row items on sale don’t ring up, and they are really mean to you about it, and are still denying me. I’m writing a letter to the president, and also NOT shopping there ever again.
shelly peterson
I ran some errands today and spent time with my grandkids.
Crystal K
Busy day at work, plus I set off the smoke alarm making dinner. Ready for bed!
Terri S.
My day went by so fast! I did some shopping today for Christmas gifts for my grandkids.
Diane Brimmer
Great day today! I made 3 Apple pies and got one of my rooms decluttered. Glad that’s done. Oh and tomorrow I am going to my younger daughter’s house and we are going to have a craft day. My grandson Hunter will be with us and helping grandma with her crafts. Lol He’s such a smarty!
Sarah L
Had a fun Winter Green DBG outreach program this morning. We brought some plants to pass around and then they made tea bags with herbs. Then I had a free lunch at Red Lobster and just had to listen to a pitch. I love the shrimp scampi there.
Teresa Moore
My day is going amazing! Got off early, found a few deals out shopping for Christmas and going to my daughters band concert this evening.
Kate Sarsfield
It’s a horrible day & I’ve already driven to Dublin and back. Just got time for a v. quick nap then throw on the glad rags to head to The National Opera House for an ABBA tribute band – should be a bit of fun!
Mary Gardner
My day is going well so far. I am going to try to get a little cleaning done this morning and will have my grandchildren after school this afternoon.
Day is going good. Morning coffee and a peep of sun, and the forecast says a little warmer, that is good, as the transportation service is going to pick me up for groceries. I called the new fire marshal the other day, about all our fire code violations they still haven’t enforced their write up, hoping they will not give them another year (into the 4th year). He said he would call me back but hasn’t. Hope wasn’t hired b/c he’s corrupt, too, coming from being in the fire marshal’s office from another town.
Michele Soyer
Off and running .. weather looks great for a long shopping day… cannot wait to get going….
shelly peterson
Just another typical dialysis day.
Crystal K
Did some cleaning and laundry, then had a fun playdate with some of the kiddos’ friends.
Sarah L
Met up with 5 of the regulars from the old pool at a new pool. Was good to see everyone. One thing I wasn’t sure about this pool is that when I’ve been there before there were lots of screaming kids. Today we had the pool to ourselves and it was nice.
Mary Gardner
My day is going pretty well. The sun is finally shining and I am hoping to get a little work done in the yard today.
Kate Sarsfield
Four inches of rain fell last night! Just catching up on paperwork today and putting up the bird feeder.
Wow, another dark, gloomy day, but that gives me a “yea!!” b/c it is too dark to do any cleaning, perfect excuse. The hard part is there are tons of other chores to do, and weather too icky to be going out.
Michele Soyer
Laundry then pressing today.. going out and about tomorrow.. bulk shopping then a few local shoppes… an all day affair tomorrow….no heels walking mules!! LOL
Diane Brimmer
I am having quite a time with my flowers! I know that sounds odd, but I am not a great flower gardener. So I buy artificial flowers, that way I can’t kill them! Well I left them in the barrels too long and now they are frozen in the pots! Did I mention that it is winter here and they make you laugh when you see them in the snow. I think I may have to prune them out. LOL
Laurie Nykaza
Cleaning the garden today with rain coming in but we did get a lot done so it was a good day.
Crystal K
Man, I was so tired today. I hope I’m not getting sick. I did pull myself together to make 3-bean chili and cornbread though.
shelly peterson
I had a relaxing day. I did go to Costco with my son.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Did call and change my massage appointment for next week when I realized I had an infusion scheduled for the same day.
Diane Brimmer
Kinda a quiet day around here but I did manage to get a few things done. We had a possum here last night. Scared the dickens out of me because it was right at the back door where I let our dog out into the fenced in yard. They have quite the snarling teeth. I was affraid Maggie might be hurt by it. Luckly she wasn’t and I hope it won’t be back.
Kate Sarsfield
I spent the day paying bills – ugh! and rehearsing some new numbers for the choral group. Other than that, very quiet day.
Mary Gardner
My day is going well so far however it is still early! We had rain and chilly temperatures yesterday and by this afternoon the sun is supposed to show itself so I am looking forward to that while I do a little planning for Thanksgiving. I hope your day goes well.
Just having my coffee and checking out what’s going on in the news and my fav blog before I crank the engine and get busy.
Michele Soyer
Lots of weather drama.. thunder.. black skies….waiting for the torrential downpour… will probably work inside today or better yet spend the day watching the rain and reading!!
Crystal K
Tired today. Made pumpkin muffins, went shopping, chilled with the kiddos.
Tamra Phelps
I’m having a lot of back pain that I think is just tension build-up. I’m hoping it’ll get better because it’s interfering with therapy.
Sarah L
Good time at the pool. Had fun with a new flotation device that you can stand on and improve your balance.
Diane Brimmer
My hubby and I went into town today to get more supplies to attempt making a Gnome. Also making a few other projects for Christmas. Hope that they all turn out. Hope you had a great day.
Kate Sarsfield
This morning I left a note by Mum’s bed to tell her I was working outside and managed to get a couple of hours of Vitamin D before she woke up. Feel all the better for it.
Amy D
It’s Monday, which is always super busy for me. Reading blogs is my time to drink my coffee before I start my to-do list for the day.
Lots to do today, getting a start on the day with a pot of good coffee. I’m at the last of my Dunkin bags of coffee. It will be back to the cheapo stuff.
Michele Soyer
Up and at um… have to sanitize the aviary..bathe the dogs then get to weeding….
Crystal K
Took the kiddos and the dog hiking today, AND to the park so now I’m pretty much exhausted!
Sue E
Fine until I watched the Chicago Bears ?
I turned the game off because I couldn’t take it anymore! Losers
shelly peterson
I didnt do too much today. I did make some banana bread. Yum!
Sarah L
Also missed today’s concert. Bummer.
Kate Sarsfield
Hope you feel better soon!
Diane Brimmer
Today was a pretty good day. Made 3 1/2 gallons of cider and made 8 pints of Apple pie filling. They will be great for those little individual pies that I make.
Kate Sarsfield
I went over to my sister’s house today to clean cobwebs and spider eggs from around the front door. She has this ‘thing’ about spiders that sends her into a real panic.
Taking it easy so far, have my pumpkin spice coffee and getting going. Looks like a decent day out today, if it is warmer, hope to get outside and enjoy it a bit before winter’s brutal cold sets in.
Michele Soyer
Glad that it is Sunday.. slept in today until half 6 and just sitting here having coffee and listening to the birds sing… appreciating my life immensely…..
shelly peterson
I had my kids and grandkids over for dinner and game night. I had a fun time.
Crystal K
Tiring day – solo parenting for a few days while my husband is out of town.
Sue E
Bill paying day ? I spent the day paying bills and watching my bank account dwindle! I wasn’t happy!
Sarah L
Sigh. Was supposed to sing tonight with Sage Singers at the Harmony concert. Not feeling well so emailed and said I wasn’t coming.
Diane Brimmer
I have had a good day. Finally heard from my son last night. Actually he called his dad, not mom. We decided to give our kids their inheritance while we were alive to do it. Didn’t go so well! LOL Maybe should have waited and put all the junk in our will for him to fight over. LOL This is really nice to be able to speak our mind and get it off our chest.
Kate Sarsfield
Cold but dry today so I was looking forward to getting into the garden but Mum didn’t feel like getting up so now there’s only an hour of daylight left and it’s getting damp. A wee bit frustrating … at least I can blow off a bit of steam here!
Oh oh, when I woke up today I thought it was Friday, then panicked when I realized it was Saturday, this week flew by!! Now I will be doing things and talking at 78 rpm today to catch up!
Kate Sarsfield
78 rpm? OMG, I remember them and made of shellac so they smashed if you dropped them! Ah … those were the days 😉
Michele Soyer
My yard man is here since 6am.. almost done and by 9am I can get outside and play in the garden!
Crystal K
Nice day – tried a new dessert recipe and had dinner at our friends’ house.
shelly peterson
Went to dialysis and came home and took a nap. So glad its Friday.
Tamra Phelps
More blood work today. I suspect I’m about to be sent out for a transfusion again.
Sue E
My day was pretty crappy!! I had to go and get my blood and urine tests. Then because of my low platelets, the poor phlebotomist had a hard time waiting for my arm to stop bleeding. ?
Sonya Morris
Today is my husband’s 50th birthday and I can’t believe we are that old! Seriously though, it’s been great and I am glad I’m a few years behind him LOL! I hope you’ve had an amazing day as well.
Sarah L
Went swimming at the new pool. Ran into a couple of friends I hadn’t seen in quite a while so I guess that’s a plus for the new pool. Then had a great massage.
Diane Brimmer
My girls got to see each other last night. It is the first time they have seen each other in a year. I guess after looking at my post from yesterday, I am repeating myself. Well at least you know that I didn’t lie. Lol It has been especially hard as my oldest daughter had a brain tumor and my husband and I were theonly ones who got to be there with her. So this is and extra special time for the both of them.
Kate Sarsfield
I had to get up because I was cold (and I was wearing 3 layers). Have to pop into town for a couple of things later and really not looking forward to it.
Michele Soyer
Ok today is all the molding ..oh gosh…wish my hubby had made single instead of grooved..but lemon oil and a brush does it ….honestly I want to get outside and play in the garden….
It is a sunny day today, and is supposed to warm up a little, so I plan on venturing out to do a few errands that I have to walk. Was up late on the phone last night with someone who lives in our complex, talking about everything going on here!!
shelly peterson
I spent part of the day relaxing and then ran some errands. I ended up locking my keys in car. I wasn’t paying $60 to $75 for a locksmith so I waited and hour in the cold for my friend and then another hour to get it unlocked.
Crystal K
Taped the room for the second coat of paint and had to go to work tonight. Now I’m tired!
Sarah L
Mostly quiet day. Just a quick trip to the library and got a pizza on the way home.
Sue E
We went to two of our grandkids’ Grandparents’ Day at their school yesterday. Well, today we are pooped!! It was freezing ? out yesterday and we had to walk with a huge crowd! I am claustrophobic and can’t walk well!
That visit wore us out! We’re recuperating ?
Diane Brimmer
I am doing just fine tonight. My younger daughter is on her way out to Florida to see her sister (my oldest). They haven’t seen each other for a year. This will be awesome for the two of them. The cousins are going to have a blast. There are 8 of them all together. Can’t wait to hear that they have finally arrived. Hope yours is good as well.
Tamra Phelps
I’ve been a little under the weather lately. Just feeling a little blech, no energy at all. Blood work shows my ‘hemoglobin levels’ are low. It should be at least 12 (as in pints) and mine is 8.3— so I guess I’ll be going back for another transfusion soon.
Kate Sarsfield
I stayed in my pajamas all day. Just too cold to get naked!
Getting ready for ride service to pick me up for groceries. Wow, 19 degree out, need to get out the winter coat!
Michele Soyer
Well the time has come….vacuuming all the ceilings and woodwork.. ughhhhh…drawing room done.. study done…..today the kitchen and dining room…this is a whole day project and not one I look forward to….
Kate Sarsfield
I’ll swop your chores for my mountain of ironing if that helps!
Michele Soyer
I would take pressing any day!! LOL on to the wainscotting today….
Crystal K
Shopping, storytime, cleaning, cooked a new recipe for dinner (yum!)
shelly peterson
Just another typical day of dialysis.
Diane Brimmer
Not sure what happened that I missed yesterday but I am back today. I had a good dr. appointment. Lost 4 pounds ( I don’t know how) and my A1C was 5.9. I am really excited about that. Too much farm cooking. Not easy to say no! LOL
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Feeling puny and didn’t go swimming at the new pool. Still very sad about my regular pool for 13 years closing.
Kate Sarsfield
Ugh! Cold, damp, dark & bucketing down rain 🙁 On a brighter note I’ve just booked a ticket for the last night of ‘Oklahoma’ at the end of the month, so something to look forward to!
Looking up recipes for veggie burgers with chickpeas, just made a big batch of the chickpeas in the slow cooker. Got some good ideas already.
Crystal K
A little more painting, cooked a huge dinner and enjoyed the last bits of autumn sunshine!
shelly peterson
I took my grandson to school and then ran some errands.
Sarah L
Just a quiet day at home. The sun is shining, melting most of the snow we had on Sunday.
Kate Sarsfield
Another lovely day here but rain is on the way (hey, it’s Ireland!) so I’ve taken down all the curtains to wash … why do I do this to myself?
Looks like they turned the heat back up. It is over 80 degrees again, the usual, anywhere up to about 85. This past weekend they turned it down to 75, and it went down to about 73, some people must have complained that was too cold. The heating cost is very high, and they keep raising the fee, we have no control over the heat.
Michele Soyer
Have to get moving today.. yesterday went out to start my garden work but wound up chatting with all my neighbours and got very little accomplished! Not today nose to the grindstone….
Crystal K
Painting painting painting! Three walls have the first coat on, so I’m making progress!
shelly peterson
Today was a typical day of dialysis.
Teresa Moore
Today was a great day! We attended the Veteran’s Day parade locally. My daughter marched and played in her high school band. Then I took a 3 hour nap! Yeah!!
Tamra Phelps
It’s Monday. Back to the physical therapy grind…which is good by me, lol.
Diane Brimmer
I survived the Dentist. Lol Really wasn’t bad but I was visibly shaking. I apologized and the Dentist tolld me that it was most likely from the medication they used. Glad to finally be home. Think I should send myself to bed early. Lol
Sarah L
Happy Veteran’s Day to all veterans (including myself – 8 years in Air Force)
Kate Sarsfield
Last night’s candlelit concert was beautiful; for such a little town, we have an awful lot of talent! It’s a beautiful day today so I was up early, stripped the beds, washed windows, planted some winter colour and have generally gone mad dusting & polishing!
Getting a big cold wave here, and they turned the heat down late last week. Everyone wants someone else to complain. I found out the hard way if you speak up about anything, you are marked for “destruction” LOL, so I wait for someone else to dare ask! I heard the heat cost went way up, and even though they went way up on our fees, I guess they will wait and see if anyone dares complain. Not me, just wear multiple, multiple layers.
shelly peterson
I had a relaxing day. I didnt do much the whole weekend.
Crystal K
Spent most of the day working on my latest project – painting the guest room. It’s coming along nicely!
Sarah L
Good rehearsal at Sage Singers. We’re singing 2 songs next week at another choruses concert.
Diane Brimmer
the days going good! Tomorrow has got me nervous, I have 3 cavities that have to be fixed while they are small. I am affraid of dentists! Surprisingly Ihave a small mouth! I have what they call a closed jaw and it makes it a little difficult to do my dental work. I have a very hard time with exrays, I have to use a childs. Pray for me! Thanks.
Kate Sarsfield
I’m having a lazy day ahead of tonight’s concert in aid of a local day/residential centre for people with intellectual disabilities.
Michele Soyer
Taking the day off….cooked last night so today just warming things up a bit…want to sit watch mass then read for the rest of the day….
shelly peterson
I had a relaxing day. I didnt really do much today.
Diane Brimmer
I had a rough night last night as I had to get up at 6am to go to watch the grandkids. I was affraid I won’t wake up in time. So I woke up at 2:30, then 3:45, then 4:50, then at 5:43 I figured I might as well get up and get ready. Boy am I going to sleep tonight. But then I have to do it all over again tomorrow. LOL
Sarah L
Did 6 hours of Steve sitting. Fun to talk with him and hear his stories from the last 100 years. This way his daughter and her husband get out of the house and have fun.
Tamra Phelps
I’ve accomplished nothing today, lol. I couldn’t care less. I’m lazy and I own it!!✌
Diane K. Brimmer
That is not lazy when you haven’t felt well. Some days we just need a break.
Getting a few things done here. Trying to sell a couple things locally, too, for a little pin money.
Kate Sarsfield
It’s dry but chilly (my nose is cold) so I’m pottering about outside and going through my harmonies for our concert tomorrow.
Michele Soyer
Baking today.. have a birthday cake to deliver tomorrow…after that who knows? Laundry without a doubt though….
Laurie Nykaza
we went shopping today it was fun finding things for the holidays
shelly peterson
I went to dialysis and took a nap. Happy Friday.
Crystal K
Loads of errands today – groceries, hardware store, playdate, etc. Glad to finally kick back with a beer!
Tamra Phelps
Today was just physical therapy and being so tired I fell asleep, lol. End of day!
Diane Brimmer
Today didn’t start out very well. I put the batteries into my wireless mouse and it wouldn’t work. Then I went to vacuum and burned the motor up in it. Slipped a red shirt in the washer of whites by mistake and now my husband has the cutest pink pairs of underwear. He does not appreciate them at all. Well I had to sit down and laugh. Just hope tomorrow is a better day with the grandchildren.
Sarah L
Busy day. Went to the Senior Resource Fair and got some good information. Stopped off at the VA and got some paperwork to fill out. Spent 90 minutes on the computer in the library. Then went to the Easter Seals pool for the VERY LAST TIME. (boo, hiss). Then ate at Village Inn.
My husband is having surgery today. A week ago he was in a head-on car accident (other person crossed over into his lane).
Kate Sarsfield
SUNSHINE!!!!! I’ll get Mum up and then head outdoors. Lots of tidying up to do after all the rain we’ve had lately.
Sunny today, yea, so that means I can get more of the finicky cleaning done, that doesn’t normally get much attention. I don’t do it all day, but a little bit at a time starts to make a difference.
Michele Soyer
Cleaning out the drinking water tanks yesterday .. November is the rainiest month here so no worries…..cistern already cleaned out and 1/2 filled so onward we go.. will be glad when all are sanitized and I can move on with getting ready for the holidays…
shelly peterson
I didnt do too much today. I did go to lunch with my daughter.
Crystal K
Busy day! Bought ORANGE paint for the guest room. I think the paint guy thinks I’m crazy.
Tamra Phelps
Well, I’m finally walking again, just a few steps but it’s a start. So, it counts as a good day.
Kate Sarsfield
jenn fike
Today was pretty good. I did some laundry and made some fat bombs. Yummy!
Sarah L
Had my yearly trip to the dermatologist where she zaps me with her freezer thingy. Then I have itchy and owies for the day.
Kim Avery
It finally started snowing here in New York. Of course today was the day I had to go grocery shopping.
Diane Brimmer
Good day Connie! I am trying to find my kitchen table today! LOL I have been doing different projects and each one has ended up on my table. I don’t have my own crafting room so everything always ends up there.It has really been snowing here in Michigan today. It inspires me to work on my Christmas things. That’s just about the time someone will appear at my door step. So I guess I need to get busy on the cleaning. Have a great day! What’s left of it.
Kate Sarsfield
Ugh! Dull, grey, dreary, drizzle, dark … I could go on but I’d make myself (and you lot) miserable!
Wow, it sure got cold out fast! An overcast day today, so I probably won’t be able to do the chores I need the bright light. I’ve been trying to help my neighbor figure out how to get to therapy, for all our taxes (some of highest in the state), the ride service we pay for won’t take you to medical or therapy out of town.
shelly peterson
I went to dialysis and took a nap.
Crystal K
Oof my kids took it out of me today! Big plans for starting to paint the guest room tomorrow.
Sarah L
Party at the pool this afternoon to say goodbye to all the friends I’ve made swimming there. Very bitter-sweet.
Diane Brimmer
Today has been a good day! Not great, but heck life is what you make it. So I have decided to make the best of it. So I won’t make Mother of the year with my son! Life goes on, Right! I think I will go create a craft or make Peanut Brittle for some gifts. Thanks Connie for letting me unload!
Kate Sarsfield
I’d a bad night ‘cos of the pain in my hip but, hey ho, things to do! Intense choir practise last night; we’ve a concert on Sunday.
Day is going good, just revving up the “engine” here with some good coffee, pumpkin spice. Planning on walking to town today for errands. My foot is better, enjoying it while it lasts.
Michele Soyer
Well the weather is turning today… stormy and rainy… that is alright.. on the patio downstairs starting seeds nice and dry but enjoying the weather drama…
shelly peterson
Today was a busy day. I had errands to run and an appointment.
Tamra Phelps
Well, we had state elections today. Yes, I voted. By absentee ballot, because obviously I can’t go to the polls. I did start walking in therapy today! Three whole steps, lol.
Michele Soyer
Great to hear that you are walking!! Congrats to you….
Kate Sarsfield
Atta girl!
Congratulations on the steps! And I voted by absentee ballot, too.
Sarah L
Dropped off my ballot yesterday so I’m all set for the election. Quiet day at home.
Teresa D Kunberger
Ohhh my day is long and nerve wracking! My now 3 yr old has hit a hyper stage and can’t control it. Lol
Staying in because it is cold and rainy, and snow is coming in a couple days! Doing some cooking. Too dark to get much cleaning done, so plan to get some other chores done.
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve just bought my sister’s Christmas prezzy on eBay: David Cassidy’s Greatest hits CD & the first season of The Partridge Family DVD! She had a major crush on him (mine was Donny Osmond).
Michele Soyer
Getting ready to go knock about in the village….need to buy some ribbons to decorate holiday mason jar cookie gifts.. stop in at the chemist and see what the vibe is.. are people gearing up for the holidays as yet?? or not….
Laurie Nykaza
We had a fun day working in the garden and going out for lunch with the family.
shelly peterson
Just atypical day of dialysis. I came home and took a nap.
Sarah L
Last week of swimming at ESPool. Got my Bronco’s deal at Arbys since they managed to get at least 2 touchdowns and actually won the game.
Diane K Brimmer
Good evening! Been having quite an issue with my computer. Not sure quite what is going on with it. So hopefully I can get this done tonight before it shuts down again. Not one of my better days. Oh well, hope yours is better.
Tamra Phelps
Lost 12 lbs. last week. I can honestly say there is no fluid retention left on me, lol. I mean, I’m twenty pounds below what I was before I started retaining fluid.
Kate Sarsfield
Kate Sarsfield
Start of another week … nothing much happening … be sure to stay tuned …
Michele Soyer
I think seeing a bear close would scare the heck out of me! They are beautiful to watch … Gearing myself up to go out and do some work today but the rain is falling and my book is calling me!
I haven’t seen a bear around here myself, but there are often pictures of bears getting into people’s homes (while they are there!), garages, into the cars, yards, and traipsing through, sometimes with little ones scampering, too. It would give me a scare, though!
Laurie Nykaza
Our day was great shopping for garden items new hose etc and to The Home Store to buy some gf chips.
shelly peterson
I didnt do too much today. I went grocery shopping and relaxed.
Tamra Phelps
Today has been kind of a slow Sunday. I mean, nothing big happening here today, lol.
Diane K. Brimmer
I love boring days. Usually it is crazy around here and I pray for a day with nothing going on.
Sarah L
Lovely Celebration of the Life of Dorthy Peter. Long time member of the Denver Women’s Chorus she died last month at the age of 90. The Chorus sang 3 songs.
Kate Sarsfield
Last night I sat on the bed to change the pillow cases – woke up at 8.30 this morning! Slept right through 🙂
Turned out clocks back, and I love the extra hour! Have a list of things to do, already getting on it!! Yippee!
Crystal K
A very tired day – had to get up at 4 AM to run my parents to the airport. Worth it though – what a great visit!
shelly peterson
I didnt do too much today. I relaxed most of the day.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Love your Instagram trail cam photos. Turkey and deer in the same shot. (still no Instagram for me so I can’t comment there)
There are so many bears in much of our area, not right near me, though. I would be spooked, but admire from afar – very far!
Tamra Phelps
Current Post Comment: Honestly, you are going to have the most gorgeous house, inside and out. Bear will love her deck, lol.
Tamra Phelps
I’ve pretty much spent the day in bed, lol. I just felt very blech today. Hopefully I’ll feel better tomorrow.
Diane Brimmer
Not so sure I would go out of the house even in the daytime. Lol He is quite a big boy. definitely intimating! We have some here but I haven’t seen one quite that big.
Diane Brimmer
My day is going just great! I get to hang out with my little grandson Hunter. He cracks e up with everything he does and says. He is always teaching me about dinosaurs. He watches a program called Wild Kratts and he soaks up ever episode like a sponge. Can’t wait to see what I learn today. LOL
Kate Sarsfield
Well, that’s it … Rugby World Cup is over with S. Africa taking the crown (and with their first black Captain). What am I going to do now?
shelly peterson
It feels like a long day. I am glad its the weekend.
I am glad you are getting so many projects done. Your bear pictures are amazing! Please be careful – animals in nature are called wildlife for a good reason!
My day went well. We spent time with the family. Tonight we are anticipating the first freeze of the season. It is hard to believe it is November already!
Tamra Phelps
And my Current Post Comment. I’m glad you’re getting so much done. You have more gumption than me, lol. I can’t wait to see the finished products.
Tamra Phelps
How can it be November??? I actually felt bad today, went back to bed about three and slept for hours. I guess I needed some rest.
Kim Pincombe-Cole
Happy November 1st! It was 25 and snowing with 25mph winds last night, so we getting some straggler trick-or-treaters tonight when the weather is a little better. Winter is coming..
Sarah L
Quick swim in the warm water pool before a lovely massage. Trip to Costco for a few things and a roasted chicken. Then a stop at Walgreens on the way home for the 50% off of Halloween candy.
My day isn’t going well. My husband had a car accident on his way to work. He has a broken arm and broken foot.
shelly peterson
Just woke. today is dialysis. Happy November.
Kate Sarsfield
Today’s current post comment: Wow! And Wow! again – your bear pics are amazing! Bet you’re delighted to get the construction work done.
Kate Sarsfield
Crikey, another month just slipped past me without me noticing!
Ken Ohl
Just been up for about an hour getting ready to go to work
Laurie Nykaza
Our day was great out shopping for the holidays and we found some gifts for the family . So many cute items to decorate our home for Thanksgiving and Christmas too.