I’m Never Bored. You?

Y’all know I have many obsessions so I am NEVER bored! Don’t believe me?

Let’s make a list, shall we? Yes, we shall!

First as always is My AMAZING craftroom. It’s where my self-care starts! My craftroom is FULL of my crafting projects. It’s not uncommon to have a different project on every surface. (MAN! I wish I was kidding!)

What In The Craftroom Today?

Today’s craftroom projects include candles, I made 2 while my Cricut vinyl was cutting out. I needed to make the address sticker for our new tenants’ mailbox. (YES!! The modular finally rented!)

Cute little truck I picked up last week for the garden. It needs some plants in it.

I picked out all of my colors to try wet felting a table runner. Ohhhhh HOW BRAVE am I!??!

Well, Of Course

At the other end of the room is blog work, which, with these cataracts is HARD to keep up with! You know the old saying “the hurrier I go, the behinder I get!”.  Seriously, you should see the size of my mouse pointer!!

SEE?? THAT’s just during the day! SQUIRREL!!  (IF you don’t get that reference go watch the Pixar movie UP!)

Late afternoon and evening is feeding and caring for The Husband who APPARENTLY must be fed………. cook dinner, clean up….. blah blah blah……

Summer Vs Winter

After dinner, The Husband and I settle in to watch some TV. We’re obsessed with old reruns on TV. Right now, it’s M*A*S*H. I forgot how truly funny that show is. Buuuuutttt, I’m fidgety (is that a word?) And I can’t just sit and watch TV. In the winter I love to knit big thick blankets. my favorite it making ‘family size’ (trust me they are HUGE!) blankets.

I'm never bored Knitted blanket

In the summer when it’s too hot to have that big heavy blanket on my lap I play games on my tablet. Now, since I have a craft addiction to support, I refuse to pay for games. NOT gonna do it. Lucky for us, free games are easy to find. A ton that I might add BOTH Alice (Now age 13 ACKKK) and I enjoy playing.

Alice Vs The Non

Alice’s favorites are Lego City Adventure,  (mind you her city is HUGE, mine? Not so much) Alice and I love all things Legos, and Legoland. Just hit that search bar and see just how obsessed we are. Loud House game

Another favorite? Loud House. (It’s STILL my favorite kids show, even though Alice has outgrown it. HOWEVER!! There’s a game called Loud House Germ Squirmish (this is one I keep coming back too. It’s funny and gross. WE ALL know I like the gross). It’s got snot people!

My Favorite

HOWEVER!! All of those games are fun. BUT, Mahjong Solitaire? HOLY GUACAMOLE Batman. I can zone into that game and totally lose track of time. I also can’t hear The Husband talk, I don’t pay attention to the tv. THIS is MY GAME!! I can play it for HOURS!! AGAIN, I SO wish I was kidding. I am NOT! I can’t STOP!! As a matter of fact I need to go now, I hear the Mahjong tiles calling my name. I dare you NOT to get addicted.

PLEASE! Go check the games out. Come back and tell me your favorite.


  • Elizabeth

    I was heavily into collecting Lego minifigures for a while; still do sometimes (I was on a quest for all the Muppet ones last year). Some of the new sets (the flowers and Retro Radio) are gorgeous, but the thought of stepping on any of those tiny pieces stops me…

  • Rose

    OK, I realize I had put my comment in the wrong place. No, I’m not bored, I suppose getting stuck in traffic. But I’m not at a loss for something to do. I love crafting and have to say whoa sometimes, too much stockpiling. It is easy to want to craft, then not get chores done, but it never ceases to be boring esp when someone loves a gift you give them that you made.

  • l p

    I’m never bored – when I was little and complained of being bored, my mother put me outside for 30 minutes to get some fresh air. used to sit on the steps for 20 min or so and then would find something to do. after 30 minutes mother said I could come in but I was far too busy to leave what I was doing to go inside. great lesson for me. thanks

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m back to comment again for the new giveaway. LOL. Hmm, I do get bored easily. I drag out the computer for games or read or just watch TV.

  • gloria patterson

    I am never bored!!!! IF I wanted to I could go in to my cabinets/closets etc and clean & straighten them…………….. BUT I am not in the mood to do it. I am a reader and always have a book I am reading and always keep one or two in the car. I read all kinds of books and don’t have a problem with rereading them. I have 2 hardback books that are at least 40 yrs old and ever couple years I reread them. I am also a crafter that plays with a lot of diffent things.

    NOT much of a cook, but sometimes I do it.

    OLD TV shows………….. I have them on during the day and don’t really watch them but listen. Have you ever heard a voice on old show and your minds goes I KNOW THAT VOICE. And in the evening I have the TV on but like you I am playing games on my phone/ipad………… and checking out face book. NEVER BORED!!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Hey, she may be a soul sister, right? Maybe your trail cams will start showing her out looking for antlers, too, lol.

  • Suzie B

    Im also never bored! It amazes me that I know people who are excited to get back to work as they feel they are bored after a long weekend/stay-cations. I feel like there is ALWAYS something I can be doing and wish I had more time!

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      RIGHT!?!?!? I wish I could fit just a few more hours in my craftroom. Then there are all the new recipes that I’ve printed out and never made. Bread to be made (it’s been years!) Gardening. Of course cleaning the house is WAY on the bottom of the list. Just never bored.

  • Tamra Phelps

    OK, I’m stalled on thinking about what it must be like to be your tenant, lol. Hmm, what does he/she think of Francis? Has he/she met Winston? Do they know you prowl the woods looking for deer antlers? Oh, are they aware of the trail cams???? Oh, Connie, you are a horror movie villain!!!! Yes! The lovely neighbor lady with the eccentric ‘hobbies’—she did it!!!

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      THIS Tamara, IS THE best most perfect description E-V-E-R!! I can’t EVEN imagine moving in next door to me. OMGEEEEEEEEE Can you imagine when Christina comes up here and checks out the craftroom? She may cry. HEY!! Where is the ADD creepy music button on this thing?!?!?
      Tamara I JUST LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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