Time For Some Self Care
What IS Self Care? Per the National Institute of Mental Health: Self-care means taking the time to do things that help you live well and improve both your physical health and mental health. This can help you manage stress, lower your risk of illness, and increase your energy. Even small acts of self-care in your daily life can have a big impact.
I have created several posts about self-care because I believe that it’s essential to our well-being. (In my case, it also keeps The Husband alive!)
There are several ways that you can take time for self-care. A long hot bath, candles, a glass of wine, and a murder podcast. (Okay, seriously THEY are addicting!)
I know that not everyone enjoys the hot bath part. However, who doesn’t love a beautiful candle, a glass of wine and a murder mystery?
For me, I have several things that I consider self-care.
A walk through our property. It’s quiet, peaceful, and absolutely beautiful. My greatest joy is finding sheds. Finding one makes me giddy. (BTW a shed is a discarded antler from my buck friends).
I also love finding unique items like this perfect bark C (for Connie duh! I think my Mom put it out for me to find, thanks Mom! I put it on the wall in the craftroom).
Spending time in my craft-room is truly my favorite self-care time. I feel calm, happy and rejuvenated within minutes of just walking in the room and it doesn’t matter if I am writing posts, reviewing products, answering comments (which I AM WAY, WAY behind on!) Or I’m working on a craft project; for instance, wet felting, sublimation projects: mugs and tumblers, designing t-shirts, or dressing up Winston to harass my darling son. (WHO STILL won’t acknowledge Winston!)
Other things that I do that fall under my self-care umbrella are sleep. I do love sleep. I listen to my Calm app and I am OUT! Click the link for a free trial (not sponsored. I just love the app) Try the brown noise. Or the Sleep Stories. The Neighborhood Gossip story is GREAT! I’ve yet to hear the end of that OR ANY of the sleep stories.
Next up, gratitude, I think it’s important to take time to really feel gratitude. At night before bed I count things that I am truly grateful for. My amazing family, my breathtaking view, my endless parade of wild animals, my warm inviting home. YOU are one of those things. I am so VERY thankful for all my Little Peanuts. My list goes on and on.
I have to add DOWAN to my gratitude list. This company truly spoils me. Remember my absolutely FANTASTIC dishes?? I ADORE this set. I SMILE each. and. every. time. I pull the dishes from the cupboard. ARE these not the HAPPIEST plates you’ve ever seen???
The folks over at DOWAN are spoiling me again. HAPPY DANCE!! How about reviewing a candle? I love candles. I mean I REALLY LOVE candles!! I have a candle burning on my desk EVERY. SINGLE. DAY! Candles burn in my bathroom for my girl time (self-care!!) you know, hair mask, face mask, foot mask, long soak in the tub with my wine….. well you know.
I immediately said YES PLEASE!!! It’s a CANDLE people!! Of course I said yes. I didn’t ask for a picture or a link. I wanted to be surprised. I had no idea just how amazing this candle would be, although I shouldn’t be surprised because HELLOOOO it’s from DOWAN!! They create amazing things.
This candle is special. From the packaging, (which is FABULOUS!!) to the lid, to the heat-resistant ceramic jar that is a beautiful off white with brown speckles. It’s perfect. The scent is Velvet Bloom; fruits, jasmine, and clean musk. The softest, most inviting scent. A true happy scent. Could they make me a spray of this scent because it would be my signature scent.
Because the folks at DOWAN are so amazing, they are offering 30% for this amazing candle. I’m thinking Mothers Day?! Or just because we deserve to have some beautiful candles in our space.

Shelly Peterson
I need to make more time for self care for sure.
Melanie B
Self-care is important; spending time reading in my bedroom is my favorite way to self-care. I really need to focus on gratitude more, that’s equally important.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I’m with you, the bathroom is my spot. Although, I do feel very calm in my craft room. Gratitude is a rough one for me too. I’ve bought several journals and I will use them a few days then I make and excuse and …….. I have several blank journals. I NEED to make it a habit.
Suzie B
Ive come to learn that self care is SO incredibly important. I am not helpful to others if I am burnt out myself..
Tamra Phelps
Man a long soak in a tub would be nice, but with my knees I just can’t get in and out from a sitting position, lol. Oh, well, hot showers will have to do.
gloria patterson
SHED I remember last year hubby spotted one and you almost knocked him down to get to it first LOL
Self care for me is easy………….. IT IS JUST ME
To me there is nothing better then naps during the day. I kick back in my recliner, some times with a blanket. I always set my timer on the phone from a 15 minute nap to a couple of hours. I can lean back and drift right off.
I enjoy reading, crafting etc to me it is so relaxing.
I love this post. I forgot about Winston haven’t seen him in way too long. Self care is so important. I enjoy hot baths, candles, nice drives, time on the computer, calming music and my daily devotionals. I am listening to Christian radio it keeps me centered and also reminds me of what’s truly important.
Tamra Phelps
Dressing Winston is definitely a necessary thing! He deserves your attention!
Self-care for me is 10 minutes as soon as I get up to meditate and center myself. I have to stop myself and slow down since as soon I as I get up, I’m ready to get going. lol