Let’s Shop Jeulia!

If you’ve been around Peanut Butter and Whine for a while you know I’m a HUGE fan of jewelry. ALL kinds of jewelry! I am particularly fond (okay, let’s be real here I adore bling bling jewelry! The sparkly the better!) Hello Jeulia

Since I love switching up my jewelry, I shop at Jeulia. This is a site that allows me to shop on a retiree budget, but still have amazing jewelry.

Each and every piece is beautifully crafted, full of sparkle and shine!!

Each piece of jewelry looks as stunning as pieces that you would normally pay thousands and thousands of dollars for.  From wedding jewelry to necklaces!! Don’t worry, there are fun right-hand rings and earrings as well. JEWELRY!! Many, many pieces of sparkle and shine!

If you have been around Peanut Butter and Whine for awhile you know i have been having terrible problems with my hands. Lately my hands, especially my fingers have been swollen.  It has gotten to the point I can’t wear my wedding rings! I truly feel naked without them. Seriously, after 36 years of wearing my wedding set, I now have huge indents where my rings use to be!  However,  they are not going back on my finger until my hands get fixed.  Sooooooo let’s go shopping.

Seriously, I will do anything to get new jewelry tight?!?! So true, so very, very true. Greedy girl. SPOILED girl!

JeuliaI love the two rings in this post, SO MUCH. Mostly because of the look of pave diamonds!! I’ve always been drawn to them, to me there is just something so elegant and refined about the pave jewelry. Then of course there are the BIG ‘ole stones!! Seriously, aren’t those eye poppers??!

Teaching moment here……… because it’s one of those things that not everyone knows. So from teacher Connie:

The word pavé comes from the French word for “paved,” so rings look as if their surfaces have been paved with diamonds, creating a glittering, unbroken expanse of light and sparkle. Small beads of precious metal are applied in the spaces between the diamonds, securing them in place.

Both of these rings are sterling silver. Both rings are extremely eye catching! Now I have to decide which one I love the most. Which is your favorite? Maybe I’ll just sit here and day dream and shop some more.

Most of the rings on the Jeulia site are sizes 3 to 15!

Be sure to look around at their entire line of stunning, affordable jewelry!! There is always something new!!  You’ll find everything from tennis bracelets to anklets! Earrings to rings! Beautiful jewelry! Trust me! Go look!

I’d love to know which of the engagement sets for women you would pick??




  • Kate Sarsfield

    The only jewellery I have with me is Mum’s eternity ring which I’ve worn since my teens. Everything else is in storage.

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s been a while since I wore jewelry. You just don’t wear it in hospitals, nursing homes, etc., I guess. Maybe, now that I’m home, I should put it back on.

  • Rosie

    I have to check this out. I haven’t been wearing my jewelry much lately, but oh oh, it is a weakness! I would suppose you can have your wedding rings expanded, but I have no idea. Hope you do better with your hands, as we get older, strange things start happening to us, that we have no idea where they came from!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    A couple of months ago I got a gift card and a) sensible me thought ok, I can put this towards something useful while dancing queen me thought ‘ooh, shiny things for me’! No prizes for guessing which me won!

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