Natural Puerh Tea

Which of the little Peanuts are natural puerh tea drinkers??

Originally, I was a coffee only kind of gal in the mornings. I truly didn’t believe that tea would give me that first jolt of energy to get me going. Boy was I wrong.  Tea not only wakes me up but the variety available is endless.

Natural Puerh graciously sent me a couple of loose-leaf teas to review.

Natural Puerh has teas of every strength, flavor and special blends a tea lover would want.

The Peacock Green tea I is full of flavor and delicious! The taste is so smooth.

Natural Puerth Tea

I placed 2 teaspoons of leaves into the tea infuser, poured boiling water over the infuser. Steeped for 4 minutes. This tea was delicious without adding any sweetener.

The second tea is Phoenix Black Tea. This was my favorite.  This tea tastes rich and smooth.  Again 2 teaspoons of leaves into the tea infuser, poured boiling water over the infuser. Steeped for 4 minutes. I didn’t need any sweetener for this tea either.

Puerh Tea

Natural Puerh has so many teas to choose from along with a wide assortment of stunning tea pots.

Puerh Tea Silver tea pot There are beautiful Ceramic Gaiwan teacups.

Whatever you are looking for Natural Puerh is sure to have it.

Green Tea, Matcha Tea, Wuyi Yan Tea and many more. Such a wonderful selection of organic loose-leaf teas it will be hard to choose a favorite.
Absolutely delicious teas.



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