Hello April!! #Giveaway Win $50 Your Way! April 2022
Hello, little Peanuts are you ready for Aprils Giveaway? This month’s update is rather boring. I actually had to scroll through pictures on my phone to think of what I did in March. I was thinking that we didn’t do a hell of a lot. AND THEN I REMEMBERED!
Got the car stuck on the drive. The driveway was solid ice. I slid backward and truly thought we were going over the side down the mountain. After three of those tries, The Husband brought out the tractor. While he was adding the shovel to the tractor our tenant Patty pulled up behind my car. While we were chatting, her car started sliding backward all I could do was cover my eyes. THANKFULLY it hit a rut and stopped. Talk about STRESS! SERIOUSLY!!
Two days later The Husbands truck ……… same thing. THANK HEAVENS for Ferdinand The Bull. (The Tractor)
The weather has warmed up a little (high 40’s) so the snow started melting and flooded the garage which leaked to the craft-room and it flooded. WHAT A MESS. However, that prompted a serious cleaning of the laundry room. Cabinets are finally hung and everything is organized. I added a “Alexa Do My Laundry” command which she replies: I love you. You make me laugh. BUT Hellz NO
YES, I do think I’m funny. I crack myself up all the time!!
I finally fixed the Moose antler. It’s finally attached after spending more on glues than the dang thing is worth. (Thank you all for the JB Weld idea it worked great).
Uncle Zac took Alice to the Boots and Beauties 5th-grade dance. I can’t stop laughing at the look on Alice’s face.
After checking my pictures I realized I actually DID have a productive month. I hope you had a great March and have an amazing April!
Now the real reason you are here:
I truly am thankful you stop by! Most of you every day. I am blown away by your support!!
My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! I really do appreciate the fact that you are here. THANK YOU!!!
This month’s giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements are always appreciated!!
GOOD LUCK Little Peanuts!!
This particular giveaway is Closed. However, my monthly $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Check the sidebar for the link.

Kate Sarsfield
Happy May Day one and all! ‘May’ all our problems be little ones!
Polly Hall
The day has just started so not sure how it is going to go, but I did get to watch our neighboring owl do a bit of hunting for worms before a deer got curious as to what he was doing and he flew away.
Shelly Peterson
I great time at my nieces and now I’m ready to relax
Wow, April is all but over. Summer will be here soon and it seems Spring is just now getting going. Spring & Autumn just don’t seem to be like they used to–it’s always either baking hot or freezing cold. Don’t tell me climate change isn’t real.
Karen R
Today was a good day. The temps were in the 70 degree range. A friend came for a visit. We had pizza for dinner and watched a good movie on Hulu.
Polly Hall
Got my vegetable garden cleaned out today
My day is going well despite the wind and rain out there.
l p
the last couple of days have been crazy. it’s nice to have a calm, more predictable day today. thanks
Shelly Peterson
I had the grandbaby over night, I didnt get much sleep. I am heading to my nieces later for a bbq and game night.
My day is off to a nice quiet start. We are getting some much needed rain here so I am just doing stuff around the house today after I get back from the grocery store. Hope you have a nice Saturday.
Kate Sarsfield
It’s a holiday weekend in Ireland so of course it’s raining! So very tired so trying to grab a nap later.
gloria patterson
Having a good day wrapped birthday and Mothers Day gifts. Then I took time to clean out a few more drawers…………. slowly but surely I am getting them all done. Little time on the computer and then ………………………………………………….??
I have been struggling with depression lately but I am determined to make this day a good one.
My day is going fine so far. I had a great cinnamon roll for breakfast. It is supposed to stay fairly cool today.
My day is just beginning and looks like a beautiful day to start straightening up flower beds unfortunately my back is telling me otherwise.
Amazingly last evening my handyman came with the part and in about 1 hour fixed my front door! So grateful – he didn’t want us to worry and wait.. Good man.. I plan on staying quiet today solar eclipse.. baking some bread and coconut sweetbread….
I still have that unsettled feeling. It makes me want to make huge changes in my entire life, lol.
My day has gone fine so far. It is hard to believe it is the last day in April! I had an omelet for dinner.
Renee Summerhays
My day is going fine. Took a shower to unwind and it’s nice to smell pretty!
Polly Hall
Beautiful day and a really good walk with my friend.
gloria patterson
Not a bad day it was cold sleepy day……………………… napped a little, read a little
Kate Sarsfield
I’m feeling really unsettled. It’s just that I’m so impatient for things to move on plus the equinox, lack of a decent night’s sleep etc.
Right there with ya! I don’t know what’s got into me…I just have that restless feeling like I need to do something and have no idea what!
Pluto Rx yesterday and today the solar eclipse on the Taurus Scorpio axis…
My day is going pretty good so far. Way too many phone calls today ready to turn the phone off! lol Hope you are having a nice Friday.
just hanging out at home playing cards with my daughter, so much fun!
Shelly Peterson
I didn’t wan’t to get up today. I am glad it’s Friday.
Well the door is going to be more complicated than I had thought – specific hinge stuff has to be sorted out so handyman will do so and come on Sunday to do the work – today after class going to start the chlorine scrub of the back steps, landing area – every 2 months just doesn’t cut it….Happy Friday all and watch Pluto go Rx today and tomorrow is the solar eclipse on the Taurus/Scorpio axis!!
I seem to be having few days where I just feel so unsettled. I have no idea why, maybe all the little stresses are catching up to me.
Pluto goes Rx today and tomorrow is the solar eclipse – energy is high….
Is that why I have the strange feeling like I need to do something, but I don’t know what??? Restless, unsettled.
gloria patterson
Finally at 3:30 today they replaced the battery in my smoke detector!!!! At 2am this morning I would loved to have beat it to death it just kept getting louder. It is so quite and peaceful now
Polly Hall
busy day I got a lot done.
My day is going really good so far. I got up super early and did my running around town early and it was nice and quiet and now I am home to relax for a bit then off to make dinner.
Finally a day of R&R. Now if I could only think of something fabulous to make my husband for supper my day is complete! With my running back & forth with my mom plus crazy food prices limiting different options he’s been grumbling.
Shelly Peterson
Spending the day with the grandbaby.
Kate Sarsfield
Feeling kind of numb today after sister’s cancer result. Might try to get a bit of sleep later.
I hate those moments when life does a complete U-turn. I hope you get good news from your sister soon and that your life in general soon starts to feel more settled and less stressful.
Well this morning the front door finally came off the top hinge – I have been watching this and waiting for this day.. should I have called the handyman sooner? yes of course – did I put it out of my mind – yes…so here we are.. thank goodness it did not smash down and all the etched glass break….handyman coming this morning….arghhhhh
Kate Sarsfield
You mean it wasn’t on one of your lists? At least it wasn’t smashed.
gloria patterson
I was having a OK day till about 5pm …………….. And I heard a chirp!!! Smoke detector battery!! I had to stand under each one till I could tell it was the bedroom detector. So I will have to live with it till sometime tomorrow when maintenance comes to change the battery. GOING TO BE A LONG NIGHT BECAUSE IT WILL GET LOUDER AS THE NIGHT GOES ON
Polly Hall
A nice day today, cold out but I did get out and take some photos.
Lovely surprise today. The Zoom thing I did yesterday sent me $100 not the $50 I was expecting, so I’m very happy. This evening I have a training call about doing volunteer computer work for the elections. I want to help but hate doing phone banks and can no longer do the walking/door knocking.
Kate Sarsfield
Ooh! Happy days, Sarah!
l p
today is going well. lots of information needs sorting out so this the day for that. thanks
My day is going ok so far just doing some stuff online and around the house. Going shopping tomorrow and need to make a list so I don’t forget anything.
Kate Sarsfield
All is well re. the house but my sister rang. She has cancer & needs operating on asap.
Oh no. I hope it’s something they can remove and treat. I’m sorry you and she have to go through this.
So sorry to hear this Kate.. thank goodness she has her daughter to take care of her….
Kate Sarsfield
She’s relatively young, relatively healthy and they caught it early so fingers crossed. Op on the 7th.
All my prayers are with you for her recovery…
Shelly Peterson
I had trouble sleeping last night. I’m super tired.
My day is going fine so far. It is sunny today. It should stay in the 70’s today.
ive been sick a few weeks and i am feeling much better! a little bit of panic and pressure to catch up now
Severe weather alerts have started – rainy season and dry season are not as they used to be – now its all up for grabs! We can have rain any month….
Ugh, a little queasy today. Nothing too bad, just an upset tummy, lol. Chugged some Pepto and hopefully it’ll settle down.
Sarah L
Sort of a quiet day at home. Had a Zoom interview for $50 for an hour of my time and opinions.
73 degrees with some sun and almost no wind.
gloria patterson
Nice day yesterday was high of 86 and windows open……………… today almost 50 and rainy……… rest of the week temps are down down
My day is going just so so today. I don’t like change and a lot of things are changing in my life very stressful.
l p
today is going well. a friend is giving a recital this afternoon that has been long in coming. thanks
Shelly Peterson
I got up early to watch my grandbaby, but they didn’t bring him. I have a lot of errands to run today.
Michele Soyer
Saturday is the eclipse – looking forward to it…Today is it pouring – so sad – have to study then read!!!
Kate Sarsfield
No real news today. Went for a walk in the grounds of Strokestown House (Google it!). It’s just next door to me and I do need fresh air and a bit of tree-hugging to keep me sane!
Tamra Phelps
Well, the bird’s nest over the front porch light was blown down last night (it got really windy here.) Hopefully, she has started a new one somewhere.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Getting my newish laptop working in order to do a Zoom interview tomorrow. Had a couple of glitches but got it working now. 54 degrees with some sun. 70 tomorrow.
gloria patterson
We had a high of 88 today……………… Had the car windows open and the air felt so good. the rest of the week goes down high with highs of 50’s and rain
Polly Hall
Today is going so much better than yesterday.
Kate Sarsfield
My house hunt dream has been invaded by the brothers of the vendor who want to hold out for more money. So disappointed & quite a bit angry. The agent is very apologetic & embarrassed about it & hopes to convince the boys to accept my offer as the vendor is still officially sane! Will know more tomorrow.
Tamra Phelps
Seriously??? If it’s her house, can’t she make her own decision?? Lord save me from brothers who think they know it all, lol. (Don’t tell Rob I said that!) I’m sending out good vibes into the Universe for you!!
Kate Sarsfield
Bless you! Families, eh? Ah well, take a deep breath and try to stay calm, Kate!
My day is going pretty quiet so far just watching some television right now and then off to clean the refrigerator.
l p
the day is going well. planning the garden so it’s fun. thanks
Shelly Peterson
No grankids today. I’m hding to dialysis soon.
My day has gone fine so far. It is in the 70’s now. It will go up to 85 degrees.
Michele Soyer
Beautiful sunny day with blue skies – after early morning class outside to spend the day in the garden….
Sarah L
Good swim with my friend. A bit chilly (52) but not so windy. Back into the 70s and 80s later this week.
Kim Avery
My poor mom. While dealing with everything after her hip surgery her cat passed away today. I went and got him and was going to bury him by the pond but ground was too hard so I set him in the woods and covered him with leaves and twigs. My son took the leftover cat food & litter. She says she didn’t want another one even though my son has one almost identical ready to go.
Kate Sarsfield
Aw, Kim! Your poor Mum. I know how hard it is to lose a beloved cat. After Dad died, his cat pined away & I had to have him put to sleep. Like you, the ground was still to hard to dig a hole & I was in a wheelchair at the time so I made an executive decision & wrapped him in a blanket & popped him in the deep freeze! He was buried with pomp & ceremony 2 months later.
gloria patterson
nice quiet day spend time with family and soaked up some sun
Polly Hall
Not a good day, trying to work on the dock in the rain, husband took a dunk a few times in the freezing water. Realizes now that he should of waited a few more weeks for warmer water.
Shelly Peterson
I didn’t sleep very well last night. I did a little cleaning today.
Tamra Phelps
Today was dump your big stuff day, lol. I think they actually call it Clean Up Day or something…anyway, you can through out big stuff a few days every year around Spring cleaning time by either sitting it out by the curb for the garbage truck guys to pick up, or by taking a load to a designated spot in the county and not have to pay a fee. My brother and youngest nephew came by and took an old loveseat I wanted to get rid of. Now I just have to get him to bring my old recliner out of storage in his garage…
I am having a pretty typical Sunday…. running errands and cooking meals for the week.
Karen R
The weather is perfect. Hubby and I went to visit his father in the nursing home.
My day is going pretty good just have a nice quiet Sunday here. Catching up on some paperwork and chores around the house.
l p
the day is going very well. the sun is out, a light breeze, and no clouds. thanks
Kate Sarsfield
A group of 10 refugees from Ukraine have just arrived at the Bed & Breakfast. They’ll stay here a couple of days to rest – thank goodness for Google Translate!
Tamra Phelps
On my way to the doctor the other day, in a town about half an hour from here–I saw a house that has a big flag pole with an American flag, and they had added an Ukrainian flag to the pole.
Kate Sarsfield
Good! My only concern is that taking in refugees overtakes the already huge numbers of homeless people. This doesn’t mean that I’m rascist or anti-immigrants, just worried. Eg: Ireland has welcomed about 10,000 refugees so far, and rightly so, but we already have about 8k homeless people.
Tamra Phelps
I don’t think it makes you racist to point out a potential problem. Clearly, resources have to be found for the homeless so they don’t suffer more because the resources that would have been for them have gone to the new arrivals. I suspect that most of those coming from Ukraine would very much like to go home again when they can…hopefully they will get their lives back soon, either when Putin gets it through his head he’s not going to just be allowed to walk in to Ukraine and take over, or when he just drops dead…either is good by me.
Kate Sarsfield
Thanks Tamra, knew you’d understand my point of view. Ireland is a very small country with a very big heart but that means limited resources unfortunately. That’s what makes it so difficult to rationalise.
My day has gone fine so far. Family came to visit and we did a small crafts project together. It is a sunny day and should get up to 85 degrees!
Michele Soyer
So glad that this week is done! Was going to try and make mass today but the virus counts per day have gone up a good bit and the Education Ministry has closed 2 secondary schools and 3 primary schools – staying home…All here have a pleasant Sunday!
Tamra Phelps
My front porch is a mess, lol. The bird building a nest over the porchlight is dropping her twigs and grass all over the place.
tammy ta
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. It is 30 degrees cooler than yesterday’s high of 89. Still windy.
My day has gone fine so far. It was up in the 80’s today. I had some good vegetable soup with dinner.
My day is going pretty good did a lot of running around and got a lot of shopping done for the weekend. The weather is really nice here today about 70 degrees and sunny.
gloria patterson
Good day was out on the glide awhile enjoying the sunshine. I started a new book today it is so good hate to put it down………….
Kate Sarsfield
I saw the first swallows this evening! Perfect end to a busy day of laundry, shopping & cleaning.
Michele Soyer
May this week bring you your new home!
Kate Sarsfield
Oh Michele, I can’t settle my thoughts at all!
Shelly Peterson
I tried sleeping in but no such luck. Today I am being lazy. I might go see a movie with my son.
l p
the day is going well – much better than expected so that’s a win for sure. thanks
Michele Soyer
I have been avoiding the fact that the spin cycle on my washer is not up to snuff – having to wring some things out – I believe that the floor is uneven there due to tiles raising up – Today is the day! going to disconnect and move the washer and do some investigating! Wish me luck all !
Tamra Phelps
The bird who built a nest over my porchlight last year seems to be back. she’s building a nice little home out there, lol.
Sarah L
I was planning on going the the Denver Museum of Science and Nature today. But the air is full of smoke and the wind is blowing with gusts up to 50 mph. Hit a record high of 89 today with 5 percent humidity.
Polly Hall
Cold and rainy here but I think tomorrow is suppose be sunny and warm.
gloria patterson
nice day did a little shopping our temp got up to 70 today and calling for 80+ tomorrow. I noticed that all garden centers had their plants out under tents………………… Makes me wish I had a porch for hanging plants
My day is going pretty good sure am getting a lot work done around the house today almost all caught up on laundry. I am sitting down and taking a little break right now. Hope you having a great day.
Kim Avery
After the week I had with taking care of my mom I enjoyed staying home & napping most of the day. The ladies in her apt building put together a meal train for next week so I can take a break. Luckily one of her friends was a nurse so she’s been changing the dressing and today helped her shower.
l p
the day is going well. on to defrosting the refrigerator. thanks
Shelly Peterson
No grandkids today. Heading to dialysis. Happy Friday!
My day has gone fine so far. I had a nice breakfast. It is supposed to be in the low 80’s by afternoon.
Michele Soyer
Classes all morning. yes!! Then cooking…
Kate Sarsfield
Talk about cat on a hot tin roof or ants in my pants! I’m going to do something hundrum like cleaning out the car and I’ll go for a walk to stop my brain from whirring. The trees are greening, the birds are nesting and there’s hope in the air.
Tamra Phelps
I think the weather is getting a little warmer –for a few days. It’s going to freeze again in a few days, lol. Oh, Spring…where the h#$$ are you?
Sarah L
Good swim with friends. Then a quick trip to the library to pick up 2 books I put on hold. Sunny and 81 degrees today. Fire weather tomorrow.
My day has gone fine so far. I am reading an interesting book. I had dinner with a few friends.
Polly Hall
I had a really nice day with my girlfriend, went to a resale shop and then a long walk on this warm sunny day.
Renee S
Great! I am currently at my brothers college graduation!
Kim Avery
Its been a wild and crazy few days! Between running my son to work & back, my mom having hip surgery & taking care of her after. Tonight a friend is staying with her so I can get some sleep.
l p
whew – it’s a cold, blustery day out there so what’s getting accomplished is indoors. thanks
Shelly Peterson
I have grandbaby today. I’m getting ready to pick up the other grandson and pick up my food order.
gloria patterson
being totally lazy
Have been watching some old tv western in black and white. So many character actors in them that became famous
My day is going pretty sleepy today I woke up at 3:30 a.m. and couldn’t get back to sleep all night I hate that.
Kate Sarsfield
I have just paid the booking deposit on my first home. Sorry, that should have read: I HAVE JUST PAID THE BOOKING DEPOSIT ON MY FIRST HOME!!!!!!!!!
The old lady thought the story of my viewing so funny that she accepted my offer! It’ll be next week by the time I hear any more … my stomach is churning and my hands trembling … I know I should feel excited but the pessimist/realist in me is telling me to calm down, breathe and take it one step at a time. Phew!
Tamra Phelps
Yes!!! I was hoping it would be the one. Does the lady (and her sister) live in the same town as her old house?? Maybe you just made new friends in your new town.
Kate Sarsfield
No, she’s originally from the UK & moved back to be together at the beginning of the pandemic. Not worried about making friends yet besides there’s a drama group, choirs etc. in the town (Swinford, Co. Mayo). Let me get the keys to the door first! Baby steps, Tamra 🙂
Mishelle G
My days going really well (knock on wood) it’s sunny and the kids I’m taking care today are great and it seems like we’ll even get outside to play.
Mishelle G
Michele Soyer
Have to get moving – not really motivated today – the aviary needs sanitizing – then to what I like classes!!!
Tamra Phelps
It’s been a day, lol. Sometimes I let myself get all frustrated by the silliest things–like trying to figure out to do the most basic things with a new tablet… I mean, whatever happened to instructions?? Nothing comes with them any more. You are just expected to google it or find a You Tube video or just go by osmosis, lol. Or call a 12 year old you know.
Michele Soyer
Yes that 12 year old!!! LOL
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Beautiful day outside: 72 degrees with lots of sun. A couple more fires today. Hight winds for tomorrow.
Polly Hall
It was a good day got some yard work done.
Renee Summerhays
Good! Enjoying nice spring weather in Utah!
My day is going pretty good just got home from getting my second Covid booster shot sure did sting but it’s worth it. Now I am getting things done before the big weather hits us today.
gloria patterson
Long story Short version 🙂 Out to the car Sunday to go to dinner at my brother’s. Car remote would not open car ETC ETC…..
So I have batteries I go change the battery, didn’t work maybe old so I order new batteries. So I ordered batteries from amazon they came in tuesday. Changed the battery and out to the car remote still does not work. Wednesday out to try one more time I call my dealer ship and talk to them. Maybe it is the car battery and not the remote…………… NO NO I just got a new battery this winter. Call AAA to come tow me to dealership. AAA arives and checks and says it might be the battery and I say oh no AAA just installed battery this winter.
He hooks hi truck battery up to my car battery ……………… AND IT IS THE BATTERY………… He told me to run it awhile………….. So I drove around for over a hour and hopefully it start tomorrow 🙂
Tamra Phelps
Please don’t hate me for saying: it’s a relief to know I’m not the only one that kind of stuff happens to!! Lol.
Kate Sarsfield
I don’t want to tempt fate but here’s what happened to me today. I was going to cancel today’s viewing as it’s Dad’s 7th anniversary and the 13th house. Anyway, along I went &^ the agent apologised for the smell of cat in the house. Not a problem for me I said. He explained the owner is a real cat lady, a bit eccentric, a hoarder & a keen gardener. Sounds like me, I said. One of her jackets hung on the back of the chair – I have that jacket. I have the same fridge magnets, same taste in books, the same lamp … by this stage it was getting a bit Twilight Zone-ish. The lady was selling up to move in with her sister called Helen. My sister’s name is Helen.
Cross everything folks!
Tamra Phelps
KISMET!!! SERENDIPITY!! The Universe is not whispering in your ear…it’s screaming! Maybe your Dad led you there… The night before I finally discovered a way to get out of the bad first nursing home 3 1/2 hours from home, I had a dream where I was sitting in a room with my Mom and she just reached out and put her hand on my knee and said ‘Don’t worry. It’s going to be okay.’ That was all. The next day, out of nowhere, my aunt (Mom’s sister) called and off-hand mentioned an idea of how I could get out of that place. It worked. That evening, I had it worked out. The day before it had been hopeless.
Michele Soyer
This is going to be your home!! your “meant to be home…”. I am excited!!! All I can say is WOW…
Kate Sarsfield
Agh! I can’t think straight!
l p
today is going well. it’s bright and sunny out there but the temperatures are quite unspring-like. thanks
Shelly Peterson
Woke up too early today. I’m heading to dialysis soon.
Molli Taylor
It is rainy and dismal outside which is not helping my mood AT ALL. How are you?
Michele Soyer
I was able to get my self in gear yesterday and de-vine all the bushes on one side of the property fence.. now today I have the fence along the garden…tomorrow will be another section – doing one piece a day until all the vines are gone! I do not plan on doing this for the rest of my life.. LOL
Tamra Phelps
Hmm, went to the doctor today–my usual appointment every few months. We did sort of agree on a likely diagnosis for some of my remaining issues: it seems clear that the sepsis must have attacked my nervous system because every remaining problem involves numbness and tingling, etc. So, the methods to rebound from those things are long and sometimes simply non-existent (says medical science–I don’t necessarily accept that, lol.) But I still have to see the orthopedist about my left ankle, and hopefully make it tolerable to stand on–so I can deal with the right knee, and make it capable of walking. Then physical therapy for that. Then…well, one step at a time. —OH, by the way, anyone wondering about the comment that you couldn’t read, I used Google translator: It’s Korean and says ‘Hello~~My name is Strawberry Princess.” That’s all. Lol
My day is going fine so far. I had a good dinner. I am reading an inspiring non-fiction book.
Sarah L
Good swim with friends. My arm is sore today from yesterday’s booster and I have a bit of a headache, but that’s all.
Polly Hall
Took the day off from cleaning and left overs are for dinner, a good day.
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve just realised the date. Tomorrow is Dad’s 7th Anniversay. Bloody Hell. Still, I’m glad he died without having to go through Mum’s cancer.
Tamra Phelps
Those anniversaries sort of come up behind you and pounce sometimes. It’s deflating. Takes the breath right out of you sometimes.
Michele Soyer
He was able to pass w/o that – it was a blessing as sad as his passing was….
gloria patterson
Well we finally got our Easter SNOW …….. poured down hard for about a hour windshields covered……………. STOPPED and ALL MELTED
So hopefully that mean spring is here Sat Sun and Mon are all to be in the 80’s
l p
this is going very well. if only there were more fun hours in the day. thanks
Shelly Peterson
My daughters work scheduled changed so now I am up even earlier. Plus, this week I have to drop and pick up my other grandson to school. This old lady is tired.
Today is going really well. I got a surprise in the mail so that made my day.
My day is going pretty good so far just doing some stuff around the house. It is raining today so no yard work today.
Michele Soyer
I had too many days of a staycation – do not want to go back to garden/land work today! Reprieve though
classes start in about an hour..Yeh!!
저는 딸기공주라고 합니다🍓
tammy ta
My day was very, very boring. It really sucked.
Sarah L
Drove 30 minutes to far clinic to get my next booster shot. So far, so good.
Tamra Phelps
Ankle is feeling a little better today. Not a lot doing here– same old same old.
Kate Sarsfield
Yesterday’s Parade was so typical of rural Ireland: Lots of vintage tractors & farm machinery, a couple of pipe bands, local sports clubs etc. but with one exception: a large group of Ukranian refugees who were given the biggest cheer of all. Then the heavens opened and everyone ran for cover!
Today is a holiday so drove around checking out some new places for sale & sent out lots of emails.
gloria patterson
good day doing a little of this and that………………….. It has rain hard off and on all day
Just got in the door from doing some shopping. I am worn out from dodging idiots in parking lots seems like they are out in force here today!
Polly Hall
Getting things ready for my girlfriends coming for dinner and cards.
l p
the day is going well – sun’s shining, the winds are light; expecting some phone calls. thanks
Shelly Peterson
I am getting ready to head to dialysis. I had a busy weekend and I’m super tired.
Renee Summerhays
Good! About to get ready and work hard!
Molli Taylor
It’s going to be a superhuman day where I have to do way more than any person should, but Im gearing up!
Michele Soyer
Pleasant Easter Monday to all – here it is a big beach holiday! As for me it is also the start of racing season so i am off to the track! Have my betting money put aside….
Tamra Phelps
Not a lot going on this Easter. My ankle still hurts like crazy. I dread having to put weight on it. Oh, well, it will pass…
Michele Soyer
I hope and pray that one day you will have good health and no pain….
Tamra Phelps
Thanks Michele! Me too, lol.
Karen R
Happy Easter! Had my fill of my favorite Easter foods and chocolate bunnies for the year.
Sarah L
Happy Easter, Happy Spring! Had a lovely dinner at my friend’s house. Ham, asparagus, sweet potatoes and fresh pineapple. (still too much wind and fires here in Colorado)
l p
the day is going well so far. lots of phone calls made and many more to make. thanks
Polly Hall
I have company coming tomorrow for dinner so I spent the day cleaning, I’m beat.
Happy Easter to you hope you have a lovely day. I was outside a little while ago and saw a rabbit I was just thrilled to see a real bunny on Easter thank you Lord.
gloria patterson
Nice day heading to my brother’s for dinner and time with family. Sister in law is a great cook
Shelly Peterson
Happy Easter! I am read y for some good food today.
tammy ta
Very sucky Easter Day. I am in isolation away from my husband, two boys and the rest of my family on Easter.
Molli Taylor
It is a beautiful sunny Easter morning and we are giving thanks for our blessings!
Kate Sarsfield
Had a nice phone chat with my sister this morning. The Easter Parade is getting up and running so time for a shower & get to a shop before it gets too crowded. It’s a day for wellies, wax jacket and hat.
Michele Soyer
To all here have a Happy and Joyous Easter!
Kate Sarsfield
Back at ya! Enjoy your feast!
Karen R
My day was just okay. I am just too much fun. Easter plans got cancelled. Drat!
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Wind is a bit quieter today which is good for the 3 wildfires here in Colorado. More wind tomorrow.
gloria patterson
Cold and rainy Saturday! Perfect for a long np
Tamra Phelps
Well, last night my left ankle decided to start hurting. (arthritis)– and it seems to have settled in for a stay because it’s still hurting today. Ugh. I hate arthritis. I have an appointment to see a specialist in early May, though, so hopefully he can do something.
Polly Hall
Just a normal Saturday nothing going on here.
susan atkins
My day is going good- the family will all be together tomorrow for Easter-How great is that !
My day is going pretty good so far. I woke up to some unexpected snow and it was so pretty but it is now almost all melted away.
tammy ta
My day sucks. I wish I could spend this weekend with my family.
Michele Soyer
Todays list – soaking the ham, baking a blueberry pie and a spinach quiche.. that is it! Music – coffee and the chaise!
My day is going fine so far. It is the middle of the night. I am finishing watching a series.
l p
the day has gone in a totally different direction that I thought it would. there’s always tomorrow. thanks
Shelly Peterson
My day was ok. I have a busy weekend ahead of me, so I have to get to bed early.
Tamra Phelps
One of the brakes on my wheelchair broke this morning–on the left wheel. So, my brother had to come by after work and figure that out–which involved him going back home and finding a screw. The screw on that brake had actually broken right in two. Solid metal or steel or whatever, but it had snapped clean in two.
Sarah L
Trip downtown for a CT scan and a blood draw. The forsythia are in bloom.
gloria patterson
My great niece (5) spend yesterday with me…………………. wore me out. Got up early dress etc etc I said down in the recliner to do something , leaned back and I was OUT! I slept for 5 hour I recharged 🙂
Molli Taylor
I feel like my brain is so slow today, but I’m doing ok!
Polly Hall
Today I have been upset our taxes are not done and they have had them for 6 weeks.
Having a pretty nice day so far had a lot of running around to do today and just got home. It was nice to see all the blooming trees and pretty flowers love this time of year the very best.
Shelly Peterson
Heading to dialysis soon. We got some snow last night that has stuck around. Crazy spring.
Kate Sarsfield
Went to the laundrette yesterday, sat on the bed & woke up 12 hours later! It’s Good Friday and most offices are closed in Ireland today & Monday so it’s a long weekend with no viewings lined up. There’s an Easter Parade here on Sunday for the first time since the Pandemic started so that’ll be something to look forward to!
Tamra Phelps
Are you liking the area, so far? Friendly people? Plenty of anything you really need to live your daily life happily?
Kate Sarsfield
People are so very friendly but not in a nosy way, if you know what I mean! As for the area, I’m learning my way around the various villages & towns. The countryside is glorious if a little wet!
If I wasn’t so worried about the future and missing the cat, I’d be quite happy.
Michele Soyer
Are you going to the parade??
Kate Sarsfield
I’ll be able to see & hear it from my bedroom window!
Michele Soyer
Early morning deliveries of goodies than a day to contemplate and plan the rest of my life!
My day has gone fine so far. Actually the day is only a few minutes old. I am watching a documentary.
l p
the day is going well with lots to do and lots done. even got out for a walk. thanks
Tamra Phelps
This has been a long day. Not that it was bad, just long, lol. I got up too early.
Sarah L
Good swim without friends. Usually have 2 or 3 friends there on Thursday.
Karen R
The day is okay. Hubby grilled veggie burgers for dinner.
Renee Summerhays
My day is going great! I went with my mom to a spiritual event and felt the Lord present.
Shelly Peterson
I’m just spending the day watching the grandbaby.
Polly Hall
Got a good work out in today.
My day is off to a good start so far. Just doing stuff around the house today and online need a quiet day to myself.
Michele Soyer
Baking to do this morning – babka and buns….Easter cookies….tomorrow I shall deliver some to my neighbours…..
Kate Sarsfield
Never tasted babka but they highlighted it on the Great British Bake Off and it certainly looks good!
My day is going fine so far. Actually, it is still very early morning. I am feeling under the weather today.
Sarah L
Excellent Horticultural Therapy program at the Botanic gardens today. Small group, but they all enjoyed the tour. We did the Conservatory instead of an outside walk since it was cold and very windy (again, still, yet..)
The Tower of Jewels plants were in bloom and look neat.
Sharon Rooney
Great day today. The weather is beautiful up to 80 degrees.
Quite day at work too.
gloria patterson
good day still slowly cleaning out drawers etc…….. found several things I didn’t know or remember I had
Polly Hall
warm weather is gone, it’s cold and rainy today, glad I got out yesterday for a long walk.
Kate Sarsfield
Drove 2 hours to the latest viewing – another dud 🙁 Getting fed up but will stick with it for another 6 weeks then re-evaluate my options.
Tamra Phelps
I feel like I need big changes in my life. I just get that feeling every once in a while. I’m thinking of seeing a therapist/psychologist/whatever to help me sort through the past 4 or 5 years and put it behind me and decide what I need to do to move forward in the way I want. I don’t know if I need a big change or several little ones, lol., I know I don’t feel like myself right now. I know I’m not the same person I was before I got sick, but that’s probably normal– so do I want to get back to the person I was before or become some changed me? I know the me right now is not okay with me, lol.
Kate Sarsfield
You’ve been through so much since your Mum died. It probably would help to talk it through with a professional. Heck, it all takes so long to sort things out in your head, doesn’t it? And at the same time there’s this inner voice that’s saying your time is finite so make the most of it … I don’t know. You have to do whatever feels right for you and if you’re not happy then grab the chance to do something about it. There you go, that’s my bit of advice for what it’s worth.
Tamra Phelps
I feel like I have to do it now or it won’t ever get done, lol. I can’t wait for doctors or anyone else to find solutions. I have to start living how I want to live now. I can’t just keep saying ‘when my knee is fixed’ or ‘when my health is back at 100%’–it’s silly to put off life until everything is fine in every part of life. I’m going to start a list of things I want to change or do–and start with the things I can do right now. And find a way to do the things that will be more difficult.
Michele Soyer
Believe me I know exactly what you are talking about….a therapist is fine, good friends and family are also an option to talk things through…and if you are not fearful of change it sometimes is the best thing….maybe nothing huge but small steps….
Tamra Phelps
Usually I don’t like change, lol. But lately I crave it…mostly because I’m fed up with the way things are right now!
Kate Sarsfield
Look at the three of us! All hell bent on changing things for the better. Good luck to us!
My day is going pretty good just got in the door from doing some grocery shopping. I had to race around before we get more snow. I am loving this weather we sure needed some rain and snow in our area we are in a major drought here so this is such a blessing.
Molli Taylor
I think the sickness going around has caught up to me, and it feels icky
Shelly Peterson
I’m getting ready to head to dialysis. It’s been cold here lately, but the sun is out today.
Michele Soyer
Today is the day I get all my recipes together for Easter baking – might have to make. a quick trip out if I am missing any ingredients but I don’t think so….Hungarian goodies that my dad loved….
l p
the day has been going well despite the weather – wild winds, more precipitation than usual. so a lot of indoor work was accomplished. thanks
Polly Hall
A beautiful sunny day here, went for a long walk with my girlfriend.
Shelly Peterson
I didn’t have the grandbaby today, so I ran some errands.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home (except WIND is very loud). Have a Zoom meeting this evening about volunteering for Jeffco Dems.
Tamra Phelps
Still having Facebook issues. The news feed just will not update. And I can’t get an answer from Facebook. They have lousy customer service, lol.
gloria patterson
Nice day I try ever couple days to go through my closet and pull out a few things that I have not worn in a while. Then I picked a drawer and cleaned it out
My day is going nice and mellow so far. We are getting snow off and on since yesterday so the roads are pretty scary right now.
Kate Sarsfield
Today’s house was more like a swimming pool inside. Totally flooded from the recent rain. Ah well, another one tomorrow.
Molli Taylor
So we had SNOW here yesterday! In April! So I amcleaning up that mess today!
Michele Soyer
Made some changes awhile ago.. no more heavy land work…simplified my garden..went back to uni for
French and Art History. now looking at vacations in Portugal, France, Greece and Italy….researching at some later date a move…did it 22 years ago ( 22 years younger and not a widow) but this was my husbands dream now for my dreams….
Tamra Phelps
It sounds like an adventure!
Tamra Phelps
This has been a day where I just fell down rabbit holes online and got nothing done, lol. Story of my life.
Michele Soyer
Thats ok life is too short to not do whatever pleases you – within boundaries of course! LOL
l p
a day to be moving quickly – the wind was wicked and the temperatures more than 15 degrees lower. guess it’s good for the cardiovascular system. thanks
Sarah L
Got my annual eye exam. My eyes are still recovering from the dilation drops. Good to know that there are no changes from last year.
Sharon Rooney
Great day the weather is beautiful and the sun is out.
gloria patterson
Got a call from a old friend in town for Easter so we met and had a long lunch and caught up MANY years of whats been going on
Michele Soyer
That is wonderful…
I had a good day at work but it always feels good to be done for the day!
Polly Hall
Not a bad day for a Monday.
My day is off to a great start got some good news this morning I was so due! The weather is crazy today it’s snowing on and off and it is super cold.
Shelly Peterson
Well it’s Monday already. Heading to dialysis soon.
Kate Sarsfield
I sent off some enquiries today. One viewing tomorrow (had a peep at the outside yesterday) and waiting for others to get back to me. That’s the problem with small independent auctioneers: they also sell livestock & farmland, probably run a pub or a funeral service as well!
Michele Soyer
Easter time always brings back memories of my son. He would have been 48 years old today – gone 10 years now.. still seems like yesterday that I got the call from his wife…stunned there by the phone….Celebrating his life today and in some ways taking a page from his book…..
Kate Sarsfield
Oh Michelle xxx
Tamra Phelps
Not a lot going on today. The lawn mowing guys came today and mowed the apartment complex lawn today–they do a horrible job, lol. I think the grass was left at about 100 different heights
Sarah L
Good swim with my friend. The wind is blowing like crazy and it’s 20 degrees cooler than yesterday.
gloria patterson
Good day got lots done and then decided I needed a late afternoon nap
Christina Sparks
My day is one of napping off and on after having family over.
Shelly Peterson
I slept in today and ran some errands. I’m taking the grandkids for ice cream.
l p
it’s going well. had a nice walk around the neighborhood and managed to stay in the sun and out of the wind. thanks
Kate Sarsfield
Went for a long walk (well, long-ish) and thoroughly enjoyed the fresh air & the sun on my face.
Polly Hall
One of those lazy sun Sunday’s thinking about taking a nap.
I am so relaxing today yesterday’s drama wore me out and I need to have a nice quiet rest of the weekend. Hope you are having a nice Sunday.
Molli Taylor
I am feeling pretty good today, busy but productive!
Mishelle G
Well, it’s rainy and gloomy, I have a ton of laundry to be done but I have a great big mug of steamy tea and I slept well last night so I’m giving the day a thumbs up!
Mishelle G
Michele Soyer
PalmSunday…getting set for the days meal then off to 11am High Mass…Have a glorious day all!
l p
today is going well. lots of positivity around here. thanks
Shelly Peterson
I spent the day with my daughter and now I am home relaxing.
Sarah L
Got up early to attend my State Democratic Convention (by Zoom). Today my sore shoulder is only mumbling, not yelling.
Mishelle G
I’m feeling good and tired. Brought son home from uni today but had to clean the room (well, teach him how to and show home why it needed to be re-swept) before we left. Lots of work. I think I should have shown him before BUT knowing there’s no deposit back if it isn’t clean helped it along.
Mishelle G
Karen R
I did our grocery shopping, today. We are going on a diet because of food prices. Not really, but I bought dry beans and rice.
gloria patterson
Cold but not really cold day could not stay warm. Finally decided I just needed to take a long nap with a heavy blanket. Our weather is up and down in temp. We are say we are just waiting on our Easter Snow for spring to finally arrive.
Kim Avery
Very eventful day! My husband who is adopted talked to his younger sister today! A very unique situation where she is actually full blood along with another brother! Its a very long story but some pieces,of the puzzle are coming together.
It’s a really windy day today – lots of dirt/sand floating around. So, outside was out of the question. Good day for inside work.
It’s a really windy day today – lots of dirt/sand floating around. So, outside was out of the question.
Well, to be honest today has been a sh*t show! Had to make an unexpected trip to town to pay a bill because the company said they never received the check. Then when I get all the way down there to pay it in person they tell me “Oh we checked the mail just now and your check was in there”. Pissed me off!!!!! Especially at $5.00 per gallon!!!!
Kate Sarsfield
A day of April showers so didn’t get much of a walk today. Slept for 4 hours this afternoon!
Today is going quite well. We all went out for a walk and were able to find a few friends along the way. Thank you.
Tamra Phelps
Wow, it’s freezing out there today. I thought Spring had finally sprung, but I guess not. It’s cold and the sky is gray. Oh well, there are still dandelions and onion grass and those little purple ‘weeds’ decorating the yard, lol.
Michael Coovert
It has been a great day thus far, but there is still many hours to go.
Polly Hall
Enjoying a relaxing day at the Lake house.
Molli Taylor
I got up really early beecause i have so much to do today!
Michele Soyer
Today begins my staycation! The only things I will be doing is cooking and baking no stress at all…I begin bu having another cup of coffee and turning the music on!
Tamra Phelps
For over a week Facebook has been showing the same dozen or so posts…along with a message saying ‘You’re All Caught Up For Now.’ I keep reporting it and getting no answer. And today I broke a nail. Geeze, lol.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home with a very sore arm. Tetanus side is fine, but the Shingles shoulder is YELLING at me.
Kate Sarsfield
It’s better than the real thing though isn’t it, Sarah? Mum had shingles a couple of times – horrible, painful thing to get.
Polly Hall
it’s Friday so a good day
gloria patterson
Not a bad day temp was in the high 40’s did little shopping etc. Got back to my building unloaded ever thing in to a cart. The minute I got in the building the rain and thunder and lighting started.
My day is speeding by just got in the door and sitting down for a break. I so need a better pair of walking shoes with some major support.
Kim Avery
A very super lazy day today. I truly needed a day of doing nothing but the bare minimum!
Kate Sarsfield
The little house I was going to view today has been sold privately by the executor. Damn, damn, damn. I feel a slump coming on but I have to keep going and keep positive. Didn’t get much sleep last night so I’ll have an early night and start the hunt again tomorrow.
Tamra Phelps
It probably had some huge, unseen problem in the walls, lol. The Universe is on your side!! It’s just slowly guiding you into place…until you slide right in exactly where you belong.
Kate Sarsfield
Found out a farmer with adjoining land bought it to get access to the road. He’ll either demolish it or use it as storage 🙁
Michele Soyer
Chin up.. the perfect house is out there for you.. trust the universe…
Michael Coovert
My day has been going great so far.
Molli Taylor
Not gonna lie. Today is a struggle. IT’s like 73 and sunny and I have work to do and I cannot make myself care.
Shelly Peterson
I had a break today from having the grandkids. I am ready for the weekend.
Michele Soyer
Just a few sees to start and some transplants and that is my morning…taking the afternoon off putting my tootsies up Jesus Christ SuperStar on and remembering back in 71 when husband and I saw the show on its first week out…the tickets were ridiculous but it was worth it…
Tamra Phelps
Well, turns out the doctor who was supposed to see me for my ankle has been out with some personal time. Okay. Anyway, she thinks I should see a doctor at University of KY. Wish she had told me that 2 months ago.
Sarah L
Good swim with friends. Then my annual physical. A-OK and got a shot in each arm: tetanus and shingles
gloria patterson
Have a had nice day it got warm so I drove down to a local park area by the river. Just sit relaxed and it was so refreshing.
Shelly Peterson
I picked up a grocery order and just home with the grandsons
Kim Avery
I did grocery shopping today and I’m in shock how high the prices have gotten not to mention lack of product. Think we will become vegetarians.
Polly Hall
Cooking a pork roast, mashed potatoes, vegetable and rolls for dinner tonight so I have left overs tomorrow.
My day is going pretty good so far. Sure had a hard time getting up this morning hit snooze like four times and that is not like me but I am up and about now getting things done around the house. It is going to be 85 degrees here today and that is so nice a little warm but still nice.
Debra Oehlberg
Dreadful. My aging dad’s health is tumbling downhill. He can barely do anything for himself.
l p
today is going to plan so it’s going well. a few extra surprises always enliven the day. thanks
Kate Sarsfield
Phone calls and emails this morning. Sorted out a new pharmacist for my usual meds. I’ll go for a walk later & a bit of grocery shopping and that’s my day.
Michele Soyer
Glad that all the Easter shopping is done – todays task finishing the drapes for the drawing room and arranging a flower bed for Easter – have some pretty day lilies and antoriums..
Kate Sarsfield
Antoriums? They’re the ‘penis plants’ aren’t they!!!
Tamra Phelps
Excuse me…on my way to Google to look up penis plants…🙄
Michele Soyer
Shelly Peterson
I had my two grandkids today and went to dialysis. I am super tired.
Tamra Phelps
Well, it’s been 2 months since the ankle specialist got my referral and she still hasn’t called to schedule an appointment or at least tell me she can’t see me. Tomorrow I need to call her office. This is ridiculous. The level of unprofessional behavior or incompetence with the medical profession these days is mind boggling.
Kate Sarsfield
She might have got Covid? I got really frustrated with an agent who wasn’t returning my calls/emails. He’d been really ill. I felt awful.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home, except for the very noisy wind. Swordfish steak for dinner.
gloria patterson
Having a nice day rainy day just relaxing and recharging.
Polly Hall
The day started out rainy and cold but now it’s warmer and sunny.
Kate Sarsfield
I went for a longer than usual walk today & got absolutely soaked in a sudden downpour. Back to my room, hot shower, got into bed to warm up & slept 3 hours. Going to contact local council to find out how to get a water supply to a house & the cost vs the cost of sinking a well (if the ground is suitable). I need to make contact with builders & electricians, plumbers etc. in this area and the best place is the local builder’s yard/hardware store which is within walking distance. My list is getting longer!
Tamra Phelps
Does this mean you made an offer on the house you saw that needs a lot of work? It’s sounds like a winner–well, like it could shape up to be a winner.
Kate Sarsfield
I haven’t as yet – hoping to hear back from the local County Council offices about the water. The way prices are going the only ones I’ll be able to afford will be doer-uppers.
Michele Soyer
Hope this works out for you… a fixer upper can be the way to go…
Just had my hair colored and now I am feeling a lot better it had been way too long since I had it done. Now I am just getting stuff done around the house it is going to be 75 degrees here today and that is perfect.
l p
this day is going well – it’s a lovely day out there. just right for a walk around the neighborhood to see what’s new. thanks
Molli Taylor
mys tepson is home from school and we are watching cool science videos!
Mishelle G
It’s a (knock wood) good day – the sun is actually out and it’s warm!! I love it! Makes it a much nicer day to be around in!
Mishelle G
Kim Avery
Its a glorious spring day today! I’m putting tomorrow’s shopping list together and going to attempt meatloaf tonight. I really wish I could make it like my grammas but never comes out the same.
Michael Coovert
Today has started rough. Woke up with a ton of back pain.
Tamra Phelps
For some reason, I couldn’t get PB&Whine to load last night…but it’s fine today. A kid’s balloon got hung up on some electrical wires outside my apartment Sunday, and about 2 this morning they exploded with a BANG! Everybody’s electricity went out, lol. Had to call 911 because I couldn’t see to find the electric company’s number…anyway, about an hour later they had it up and running. Poor guys, had to come out at 2 a.m. in the rain because a kid lost his balloons, lol.
Sarah L
Very windy out there. Went downtown for my infusion, then stopped at the grocery store and went inside.
I do save money ordering online for pickup since I am bad about going ‘ooh, that looks good’ and getting things not on my list.
Polly Hall
A busy day and I got a lot done.
Shelly Peterson
Usual day of watching the grandbaby
gloria patterson
not a bad day took a couple of hours and worked on cleaning up and getting rid of some old craft stuff.
Kate Sarsfield
Went to have a look at a house from the outside. The back door was unlocked so had a quick peep round inside. Looks like it hasn’t been lived in for years but it’s dry and solid. There’s no running water, heating, kitchen or bathroom BUT it’s do-able and it’s relatively cheap considering all that needs to be done. Even standing inside on a wet & dreary day, it didn’t feel cold. Anyway, seeing it with an agent on Friday.
Tamra Phelps
Are you breaking and entering??? Well, not breaking…just entering, lol.
Kate Sarsfield
Honestly Tamra, I’d forgotten houses like this still exist! Some little old farmer living on his own, Holy pictures on every wall and an ancient Aga that heated the whole house. And that’s about it! But it really didn’t feel cold even with a smashed window.
Just in the door from doing some major grocery shopping and I am sitting down to take a serious break right now. Boy those prices on the grocery store are down right scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Molli Taylor
IT’s been an emotional day, a lot of stuff coming up in therapy, but I will get through it!
Kim Avery
Spending some R&R on the couch. Nice breeze coming through the window.
Michael Coovert
Today is great. No appointments. Just a day of relaxation.
Michele Soyer
Finishing up all the curtains etc this morning then on to making lists for tomorrows bulk shop.. If the day is still young I will do some transplants….
l p
today is going well – even found some time to finish off the taxes. thanks
Sarah L
Did not get my booster shot today as planned. Got a call at 7:30am saying the nurse would not be coming in today. Rescheduled for next Wednesday.
Kate Sarsfield
Saw another house today. Honestly it was little more than a cowshed and they wanted nearly 80k for it. The world’s gone mad.
Michele Soyer
Oh dear – property has become so expensive – keep the faith Kate…
My day going just so so today. I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night lots of stuff on my mind so all I did was toss and turn all night I hate nights like that.
Polly Hall
It snowed again here in Michigan and is very cold.
tammy ta
My day has went well so far. Made cookies, did laundry and my two girls are here today.
Shelly Peterson
I have both grandsons for the week since one is on Spring Break. I’m heading to dialysis soon.
Kim Avery
My day has started slow. I wish real spring weather would get here and stay. My poor achy joints can’t take wet & cold much longer!
Molli Taylor
i literally just woke up and it’s Monday, so I’m cautiously optimistic at this point.
Ken Ohl
About ready to get up for work
Tamra Phelps
Saw one of my cousins this weekend–first time since before the pandemic. During that time, she had COVID twice. So, it was really good to see her at all.
Michele Soyer
Happy to see you are having company!!
Polly Hall
It was a nice day, nothing going on here.
Sarah L
Good swim with my friend. Then a trip to Costco. (note to self: do NOT go to Costco on Sunday).
Having roast chicken for dinner.
Sharon Rooney
Not so good today it’s cold and raining here today. Didn’t get as much done as I had hoped.
My day is going fairly well so far. A few unexpected situations arose but are now under control.
gloria patterson
Not feeling good but not feeling bad. So wrapped up in a blanket nap a little read a little ………….. feeling better now. Maybe the sunday blues!
Shelly Peterson
I stayed up late last night, slept in a bit. I am spending the day relaxing.
Kate Sarsfield
I spent the day yesterday helping the landlady clean the B&B! She’s got 12 rooms & was expecting a lot of her husband’s family (including a sister that none of them knew about till recently from New York) to stay. I had nothing on so offered to help and actually enjoyed it! Sat on the bed about 10pm & slept right through.
My day has been full of work and cleaning and I am about worn out. Think I am going to take it easy for the rest of the day.
Kim Pincombe-Cole
The evil stomach flu has hit our house hard. Not our best day…
Michele Soyer
It is Sunday and for that I am grateful! Still feel very tired from the booster.. oh well life goes on…trying to get all my lists for the week done today.. shopping on Wed and the garden/yard to-do list before changing the curtains and drapes for Easter….
l p
this day has gone well. got extra things done so there was time for a virtual visit, having tea with a friend. thanks
Kim Avery
Goodness! What a month you had! Worse thing that happened to me last month was two broken brake lines! Today was a good day. Didn’t do much but binge on old reruns of Hells Kitchen.
Shelly Peterson
I slept in a bit today. Later I am going to dinner and having game night with my brothers family.
My day is off to a good start so far. I had a nice breakfast and am getting out of the house for a while today to so some running around.
Tamra Phelps
Well, I’m expecting my cousin some time today–haven’t seen her in person since before the pandemic (we both had other health issues, so both had to be careful about staying away from others, etc., long after others were going places.)
Polly Hall
It’s Saturday just relaxing.
Bruno D
I usually don’t comment but as a car lover (and the other machines…), I have to say that I like your (or The Husbands) taste.
Subaru XV, Toyota Tacoma and John Deere 3039r (if I got them right…) would be on my choice list, too. 🙂
Hello! Love the giveaways! I certainly want the gift card! Hope your day is a fantastic one!
Tamra Phelps
Oh, my. I just read your word of the day, Connie. For a split second, I forgot it was April Fools day–I thought, Aw, poor Connie. She’s finally lost that last marble.😂🤣
Sarah L
Happy April. Wasn’t it just January? Quiet day at home.
No April Fools jokes, they’re all in Congress (R).
KJ Skib
My day would be so much better if I didn’t have to listen to my man with “man cold”. For real????
The day is going well, which is great after yesterday. Thank you.
My day is going fine so far. Anyone fall for an April Fool joke? I anticipated an April Fool’s program joke and it was fun to be in the know ahead of time.
Karen R
The day is going well. I’m not letting my guard down until I turn in for the night.
gloria patterson
Its a good day got a little bit done not really in the mood to clean. I am cleaning out closet/drawers etc one to two items a day. When I get a stack I bag them up, out to the car and off to goodwill or the ranch.
I read your review of last month it funny the things you remember or the pictures reminded. I was laughing at your adventures with the car and the hill. Its fun those adventures are always fun to remember after. i remember years ago going up the hill and hitting a ice patch and spinning around. Took me 3 times to get up that road and I never drive it with out thinking about that day.
l p
this day is going well (no pranks yet and I think it’s safe as it’s after noon). thanks
My day is going just okay still pissed off about my hair getting chopped off yesterday way too short. I keep telling myself today that it will grow and remembered to take my vitamins.
Renee Summerhays
Feeling good with a good nights sleep.
Mishelle G
No sleep last night but hit the right amount of caffeine and feeling good!! Hope the rest of the day falls into place!
Mishelle G
I’m taking a really boring defensive driving course for work.
Shelly Peterson
Happy Friday! I am heading to dialysis soon.
Well it is April Fool’s Day and it is OK.
Kate Sarsfield
Happy April Fools’ Day everyone! Remembering all the pranks Mum played on us over the years. Really silly little things but she got us everytime!
Tamra Phelps
I’m that person who forgets that it is April Fools Day…until someone gets me.
Sharon Rooney
First thing in the morning and I have my coffee so far day going great.