A to Z April Challenge Letter V

I had an AWESOME V post… fun video, great music in the background and the all of a sudden the video is password protected. GRRRRRR It’s okay, this one is going to be BETTER!! SO, I say “HA” on your password request, stupid Vimeo!! HA I say!!

So we are going with Vampires!! What better post for V??
I really do love zombie, vampire and scary movies.  I will watch them all. EXCEPT the Exocist… still the scariest movie I’ve ever seen. (yes, my kids mock me too… I don’t care. I’m NOT watching it again!! NO!)

I even love older Vampires. I mean really who doesn’t love Grandpa??

And for those of you that can’t wait for True Blood to return…. (I am one of them!! I can’t wait!!) I watch a LOT of Sesame Street and this one may be my all time favorite clip!!!  Oh and True Blood? Returns June 9, 2013

A to Z Challenge blog everyday except Sunday (per the rules) with my theme being what makes me happy, what inspires me and what makes me ME!!!  So be prepared for more information about me than you ever wanted to know!!


  • Nagzilla

    I love the more old school vampires, like Dracula and Nosferatu. Although my favorite vampires are from Anne Rice (Lestat, Louis, Claudia). I haven’t really gotten into the new ones, especially that sparkly bunch. 😛

    Hi from Nagzilla bloghopping A to Z

  • ann

    I dont like watching horror movies tho I used to watch Frankenstein ( the old one)
    all the time. Munsters are funny to watch .

  • Diane K.Brimmer

    Sorry Connie I have to vote with the majority on this one not a vampire fan either but I did love to watch Grandpa on the Munsters and Sesame Street too.

  • jesstopper

    Love the Vamp-love! I don’t read too many horror stories, but I do love a good vampire tale, and I do watch True Blood. There are just so many inventive ways to twist the old lore and make a new breed of vamps these days!
    Jess/ Blogging on the Brink

  • Jai

    You had me at Vampire Cat.

    I have heard so much about True Blood during this blog. I am going to have to make it my next time waster aka It’s Sunday and I am not moving off this couch time.

  • Jan Morrison

    Oh – I love True Mud – never seen this one – my Sesame Street watching days have been over for about (let’s see – calculate ages of children) 37 years!
    Still love Rubber Ducky though.
    This is a fun place – think I’ll mooch around a bit. Thanks for coming over to my spread.
    Jan Morrison

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