Affresh! Powerful Household Cleaners!! Give AWAY!!

Affresh Cleaners

It’s hard to get excited about cleaning products. I know… I’m right there with ya… But, maybe it’s because we’ve never had a product that was worth getting excited about! Affresh products changed that!!!!!  SERIOUSLY!!!

First the stove. Years ago, this adorable deer cookie jar’s lid broke, so I turned it into storage for cooking utensils.  Wellllll…. it made this horrible rust and grease ring on the stove top. It doesn’t come off. It’s been there forever! I promise you I have tried. Nothing cleans it. Until Affresh cooktop cleaner!!  WOWOWOW!!!!  With ease!!  No elbow grease!!!  I didn’t break a sweat with this cleaner!!Clean Stove

Utensil holder

Affresh Cooktop Cleaner is worth its weight in GOLD!!!!!!!!!

Seriously! Do you see how shiny my stove is?!

Next, Affresh for Stainless Steel.  Last summer I used every chemical known to man to remove the hard water rings around the knobs on the sink. I used elbow grease, scrub pads, and razor blades. I’ve since decided I can live with the hard water build up.  I sprayed the Affressh around inside of the sink, sprayed the knobs then went and grabbed a cleaning cloth.  Affresh was on MAYBE 2 minutes, though I highly doubt it.  The hard water, white, ugly build up was gone!!  GONE, people, G-O-N-E!!!  There was no scrubbing.  There was no screaming. (You know… out damn spot…..)  I just wiped it away!!!  It never occurred to me that the hard water stains would disappear, so I didn’t get a up close shot.  I’m blown away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

clean sink

My house is so clean!! Affresh smells so good. Works better than I could have ever dreamed!!

I’m excited about cleaning products?!?!  Sayyyy whaaaaaa?!?!?!
Even the deer is clean!! REALLY clean!

Oh I’m on a ROLL now…. the dishwasher is clean, the washing machine, the counters and all the appliances too!!! WOW!!!  I cleaned in a fraction of the time!!  NO ONE GO in the kitchen… it’s so pretty…. it’s so clean!!  Let’s eat out!!
Have a smelly washer?  Try affresh Washer Cleaner to get rid of odor and residue left behind by detergents, lint and soils.  Affresh Washer Cleaner tablets penetrate and dissolve unseen residue in hard-to-reach places inside your washer and leave it smelling fresh!
Can’t get your cooktop clean enough? Remove even the toughest baked-on residue with the affresh Cooktop Cleaner and pad. This non-abrasive cleaner works without damaging the surface of your cooktop and can even prevent build-up when used regularly.
Crumbs and spills left behind? Safely remove everyday food spills and stuck-on residue from inside your microwave and refrigerator, plus your favorite small appliances (blenders, toasters, mixers) with affresh Kitchen & Appliance Cleaner without the need to rinse after.  Simply spray on a cloth, wipe down your appliance and watch the grime disappear.
Smudgy Stainless Steel? affresh Stainless Steel Cleaner removes fingerprints, smudges and residue left behind from daily use, and leaves your stainless steel shinier than ever.
Something Rotten in your Dishwasher? affresh Dishwasher and Disposal Cleaner removes left behind food particles and buildup that causes your dishwasher and disposal to smell like something died in there. Affresh eliminates odors and leaves your kitchen smelling fresher than ever!
When used as part of your regular cleaning and maintenance routine these products can not only prevent the build-up stains and residue but also help extend the life of your appliances.
The amazing, awesome, wonderful and amazing (YES! I said AMAZING twice!) people over at Affresh are sending one very lucky Peanut Butter and Whine follower their own complete set of Affresh Products of their very own!!  WOO HOOO!!!  (See?? They deserve 2 AMAZING’s huh?!?)
Good Luck!!

Disclosure I received complimentary products for the purpose of my review. No other compensation was provided. The opinions are mine and 100% honest. I have not been influenced in any way.


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