April 15th Photo-A-Day TRANSPORT
The Photo-A-Day choices were Sadness which I was going to be funny and show the IRS logo and remind you that today TAXES are due. That inspires sadness in me. Hobby was another choice but since I dedicated the entire MONTH of March to my HOBBY that seemed really redundant.
Then I saw TRANSPORT and that struck a funny cord in me. Soooooooooo I give you my interpretation of TRANSPORT!!
Am I a funny girl or what?
I told you! I collect some of the oddest things! This little donkey has been with me for years. He is so stinkin’ cute I can’t seem to get rid of him.
Do you collect useless (totally obscure and weird) items to?? Godzilla he was part of the Comet TV giveaways way back. He is 100% a keeper! Probably until Alice visits then I may lose him or she just shake her head at me too.
I hope you all have a WONDERFUL week!!

Kate Sarsfield
I loved all the 50s/60s black and white Godzilla and other SF ‘B’ movies that were churned out during the Cold War, reds under the beds era!
Crystal K
Love the donkey AND the monster…and the tax day reminder. This was the first year we pushed it off to the last minute and got everything in right under the wire.
Connie Gruning
Crystal, We waited way, way, WAY too long on our end too. I hate that nagging, feeling in my stomach when the taxes are due. UGH UGH UGH! But, it’s done now. We don’t have to stress until March 2020! LOL!
Sarah L
I like your donkey. Not fond of the monster.
Connie Gruning
But Sarah it’s GODZILLA!?!? What’s not to love about GODZILLA? Except maybe all the destruction and ….. okay I may see your point.
It is a cute little donkey, and sometimes I think I’d rather get around by horse or donkey than an auto, more fun in good weather, anyway. I was collecting fabric, and I keep trying to stop myself, it is easier when online than in the store, where you see a fabric you fall in love with, then feel it, and scrunch it, and hold it up imaging how pretty it would be made into something, so you buy it and it sits in storage for ten years! Too many!!
Connie Gruning
Rosie, I have dreams of creating a quilt with all of my material. Yet, here it sits. We should get together and create!
Tamra Phelps
I love the little donkey. I have a tendency to collect weird little things, too. Hey, if I think it’s cute or it’s weirdness appeals to me, I’m keeping it.
Connie Gruning
See Tamra? That’s why I love you!! Us weird collectors need to stick together!
Michele Soyer
The donkey is adorable .. I see why you keep him.. As for me I am always get rid of things.. My husband and daughter are “keepers” I only keep old sentimental family things…
Connie Gruning
Michele, my daughter and The Husband are the toss it all out ones. My son and I are the hoarders. I guess it sorta balances us out.