Baby Come Back Age Defying Creme by Painted Earth

BabyI’m going to sound like a broken record here but, growing older is NOT for sissies!! I don’t like these bags, sags, spots, dots and wrinkles!! I do NOT like them here or there, I do not like them anywhere! I do not like them at ALL!!!

I saved my review of Baby Come Back Age Defying Creme as my final review from Painted Earth because you always save the best for last right??

This little jar packs a powerful punch!! Just like all of Painted Earth’s wonderful products, this one is all natural and organic. Baby Come Back uses a deep penetrating fruit based Alpha Hydroxy. This one battles all the signs of aging!! I swear I can feel my skin tightening when I apply it. My skin feels toned and tight. My pores appear smaller.

After I apply Baby Come Back my skin doesn’t have that greasy or oily look. My skin looks brighter! Healthier! WITHOUT that shine!! Baby Come Back actually leaves my skin with a matte finish. I don’t even need to add foundation! I add a little blush, a little lip color and I’m out the door.

I’ve been using Baby Come Back for over a month and my fine lines are disappearing. My age spots are diminishing. I couldn’t be more thrilled!! AND Baby Come Back won’t break the bank!! $43 and this jar will easily last me another 2 months, maybe 3. A little goes a LONG way!!

Ohhhh did I mention my neck? Ohhh YEA!! Baby Come Back is helping with that crepe-y neck thing too. I’ve seen a huge difference on my neck! (SEE??? Aging…. not for sissies!!)

My skin feels so smooth!! This is an amazing cream that will help repair, resurface, regenerate, and renew skin from the first application. Truly isn’t that what we all want?? Unless you’re 20’something. Then as I’ve been saying for years…… WEAR YOUR SUNSCREEN!!! Or you’ll be fighting these same battles when you’re in your 50’s!

This Complete Age-Defying Creme helps:

1. Increase skin’s hydration/moisture balance
2. Increase skin skin’s barrier function
3. reduce pigmentation
4. increase skin firmness and elasticity
5. reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
6. decrease pore size
7. reduce skin redness

I give Baby Come Back 2 very happy, enthusiastic thumbs wayyyyy UP!!!  If you haven’t checked out the amazing products at Painted Earth Skin Care, you should!! Skincare, make up, hair care and so much more! If you are doing gift baskets for the holidays, putting Painted Earth products inside would make anyone feel very special!!

Disclosure: I have received complimentary/free products for the purpose of this review and or any banners on this site. The opinions are 100% mine. I have not been influenced in any way. I am disclosing this in accordance with Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials In Advertising. Peanut Butter And Whine.

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