Bellyminator Review

Belly1So, let’s pretend this is my stomach okay? Because as much as I love you all dearly, ya ain’t gonna see this belly! Well, until it looks like this one, then I will be the queen of selfies!
Check out The Bellyminator, is a discrete little devise that works your abs anytime you wear it.  Basically, the Bellyminator is an adjustable belt with a plastic pad that has teeth on it. Sounds odd, I promise it doesn’t hurt, but when you release your stomach muscles the belt pad releases, you will feel a gentle reminder that you aren’t using your best posture and that your stomach muscles are relaxed. This is a constant reminder strengthen your abs and correct your posture.

The Bellyminator can not be seen under clothing. You can’t hear it when the pad releases because you have loosened your stomach muscles. Totally discreet!!

The Bellyminator comes with a level 2 plastic pad that has even longer teeth once you are ready to move up to the next level of improving your posture.


Bellyminator is designed to help people get rid of their “excess profile” by packing it back into where it came out from by creating a cage of muscles and enforcing them with memory to stay toned and flexed, even when the Bellyminator is not worn. It is just the way the back muscles work. All these muscles are expected and supposed to work in unison to achieve that.

Seriously, this looks like a simple belt, okay a belt with teeth. But let me tell you what, that gentle reminder tells me that I have horrible posture!! I also don’t keep my stomach pulled in. Basically, think about walking past that cute guy, pull that stomach in!!  Well the Bellyminator is that reminder to do that all the time!!
I put this belt on and immediately felt less pressure in my back!!  Walking is super easy wearing this belt, I remember my posture and to keep my stomach pulled in.  Sitting? Well that’s a WHOLE ‘nother subject.  I have yet to be able to hold my stomach in and sit.  I think the more I practice the better I’ll get and the better I will look and FEEL!!!

Bellyminator is a discrete device, that can be worn uner your clothes so you can use it wherever and whenever you want.  It is a great supplement to your workouts and walks.  It does not use batteries and is fully analog using simple yet very natural principles in core muscle toning.

The Bellyminator provides solution to your abdominal shaping and posture issues. It is designed around training your mind to control your abs and posture by sending a precise and effective message to your brain to keep your abdominal and back muscles contracted, for as long as you need them, to develop a muscle memory. This will maintain the required shape even when you take the Bellyminator off. The product is built upon same principles as Pavlov’s Noble Prize winning Conditioned Reflex research.  

Bellyminator is a discrete device, that can be worn uner your clothes so you can use it wherever and whenever you want.  It is a great supplement to your workouts and walks.  It does not use batteries and is fully analog using simple yet very natural principles in core muscle toning.

Check out the video! Y’all know I love cheesy, but it at least gives you an idea how this works.

The Bellyminator takes commitment! But, I really believe this works!!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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