• Sleeping baby

    3 of the Best Inventions to Get Your Baby to Sleep!

    Of every hurdle that you may face as a new parent, getting your baby to sleep at bedtime may be the hardest of them all. The amount of sleep your baby gets determines just how much you get. Some babies can sleep under any condition and at any time, but it’s more common than not for infants to either have trouble falling asleep or problems with waking up in the middle of the night – or sometimes both. While there aren’t any magic wands you can wave to make your baby sleep, but there are many tools out there to help in the process. Trying a range of technological aids…

  • Rub a Dub Dub! Daddy’s Health & Skin Care! GIVEAWAY!

    This Giveaway Is Closed Check the sidebar at the right for my $50 Your Way Giveaway. Daddy and Company appears to be gone. HOWEVER! I found The Honest Company for all your infant’s bath time needs. If you’ve been around my blog, you know, I’m a HUGE fan of Daddy ‘n Company. I’m excited to share with you my thoughts on some of Daddy ‘n Company’s new products from their Health & Skin Care line. Started out that the Pop-Pop had bath wash to try.  The Grandkids got wind of the word BUBBLE and that was the end of the Pop-Pops involvement.  The Health & Skin Care products from Daddy…

  • Send a Baby! Cutest Little Bear!! GIVEAWAY!!

    Giveaway Is Closed I had every intention of giving this adorable Send A Baby bear to a friend with a newborn daughter. Yea….. that’s not gonna happen. I wanted pictures of Alice holding this adorable brown bear decked out in a pink and white t-shirt and pink hat, with “Welcome Little One” on the t-shirt. Alice took one look at this bear and her face lit UP!!!  From the second it hit her little hands, this bear has been her constant companion!! She sleeps with the bear, the bear runs errands with us. It was a fight and a half trying to convince Alice that the bear couldn’t go to to art class…

  • Baby Magic!! Soft Cotton and Blooms Review

    Is there anything better than snuggling up with a baby after a bath?  It’s the perfect way to wind down your day.  It’s the start of the bedtime routine.  We love bath time!!  Alice will play in the bathtub until she is a prune and the water is ice cold!!  Since Alice is going to be in the bathtub that long it’s really important that what we use on her skin is GENTLE!!!  We found it with Baby Magic!!  This is a made-in-the-USA product.  Baby Magic has been around forever!!  Since the 1950’s!  Baby Magic never uses harsh chemicals like 1,4-dioxane or quaternium-15 ingredients. Alice is only two and the…

  • Are ya KIDDIN’ ME!??!!?

    Woke up with a migraine. Had to cancel my date with my Grandson Eli.  Noise BAD…. light BAD… Baby Alice was sooo great though she took a nice long nap with me….. no crying all day….. She was SUCH a GOOD girl…. so what does her Nonnie do in return??  Locked her in the car.  Yup yup!!   Had to get gas before I give Baby Alice back to her mom. So being THE greatest Nonnie EVER… I saw a shady looking grandmotherly looking woman standing on the sidewalk…… of course I believe she knows that the cutest 6 month old baby is in the backseat so I locked the…