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    How to Monetize Your Blog

    Maybe you have been running a blog for a while; you have a high readership, and now is the time to monetize; alternatively, you could be a startup brand or business who wants to gain traction right away. If you’re interested in monetizing your blog this winter, you’re in the right place. Below are some pro tips on how to get started. Sell Advertising Space  One of the easiest ways to monetize your blog is to sell Ad space. The majority of platforms allow you to do this in the form of Ad space. You can allow display ads on there – ones not relevant to an audience – or…

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    6 Reasons Your Blog Isn’t Earning

    Whether we want to admit it or not, most bloggers would like to earn money from their work. You might not have gone into blogging to earn money. You might not even have realized that it was possible in those early days. But you’ll have since learned about bloggers who make a full-time living from their sites. Those that have become well-known offline and have their own range of merchandise. No matter how much you love writing, and your audience, chances are, you’d be happier if you were making money from it. So? Let’s delve into why your blog isn’t earning money every month. For some, the goal is a…

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    How to Create a Long Term Career Plan Your Blog

    We all dream about a better job or starting our own company, but only a few people dare to take the first step. One of the main reasons why they don’t is that they don’t see clearly what they need to do to get where they want to go. I have a few suggestions for a career plan your blog. Blogging is amazing way to spend more time with your family, earn more money, have the weekends off, or work flexibly, you will have to create a long term career plan. Below you will find a few tips on how to get started. Sit Down and Imaging Your Perfect Work…