• Design Trends with Practical Benefits

    6 Design Trends with Practical Benefits

    For many people who are far from creative professions, designers, artists and all other poets live in their own world, divorced from reality, do nothing “smart” and, to be honest, generally parasitize the body of society. But in fact, unlike poets and artists, designers always solve a specific, tangible problem. This article will help you choose a design direction depending on what you like. UX/UI Design Let’s start with user experience / user interface design (User eXperience / User Interface). These two directions are often put together, but there is still some difference between them. The goal of UX design is to develop the user’s interaction with the product in…

  • Did I break the site?

    HEY! I Didn’t Break It This Time!!

    Aren’tcha all impressed?? Remember last time I tried a new theme I broke it so bad that even GoDaddy Geeks had a heck of a time getting me up and running again. I think I may HAVE made 2 techs cry! ANYWAY, I was so happy with myself that I created a new header. Didn’t break the site. Didn’t lose any posts, pictures or comments. I was floatin’ pretty high, I must admit. That was until The Husband said that the header image is too confusing. So, Little Peanuts? What are your thoughts? Too confusing? Could you tell the basic message is “From my beautiful home in Sandpoint Idaho…….. Peanut…

  • Day planner

    New Planner Time!! Hello #PurpleTrail

    Well, HECK! As of May 2023, Purple Trail is no longer in business. I did grab this planner, which is working well for me this year. Y’all remember last year when I had the opportunity to review PurpleTrail?  Well, I used it all year and it is truly my favorite planner to date, so I ordered one for this year too. I love a new planner. I have tried to use electronic calendars, but they just aren’t for me. I want a pretty planner. I want to make notes, I want to add stickers, I want… I want….I want….. As The Husband would say ‘A bottomless pit of wants and…

  • How to Monetize Your Blog

    Maybe you have been running a blog for a while; you have a high readership, and now is the time to monetize; alternatively, you could be a startup brand or business who wants to gain traction right away. If you’re interested in monetizing your blog this winter, you’re in the right place. Below are some pro tips on how to get started.  Sell Advertising Space  One of the easiest ways to monetize your blog is to sell Ad space. The majority of platforms allow you to do this in the form of Ad space. You can allow display ads on there – ones not relevant to an audience – or…

  • Passion Led Us Here sign with feet

    How to Create a Long Term Career Plan Your Blog

    We all dream about a better job or starting our own company, but only a few people dare to take the first step. One of the main reasons why they don’t is that they don’t see clearly what they need to do to get where they want to go. If you want to spend more time with your family, earn more money, have the weekends off, or work flexibly, you will have to create a long term career plan. Below you will find a few tips on how to get started. Sit Down and Imaging Your Perfect Work Environment You need to know exactly what you want to do with…

  • 4 Big Pieces of Advice for Getting Your Own Mommy Blog Off the Ground!!

    If you dream of turning your passion for motherhood into a full-time income via blogging, you’re certainly not alone. But if you’re also struggling to get from Point A to Point B with your own blog, you’re certainly not alone. For starters, it pays to have realistic expectations in terms of what’s possible and what’s not. Let’s be honest: it’s difficult to juggle the day-to-day responsibilities of a mother and run a blog at the same time. Beyond finding the time, there’s no denying that competition in the blogosphere is fierce as everyone’s trying to grow their audience at the same time. That’s no excuse to get discouraged and give…