• A group of four friends holding up their beers, celebrating while sitting in the outdoor area of a brewery.

    Why Foot Traffic Is Crucial for a Craft Brewing Business

    Craft brewing businesses must leverage all possible advantages in an increasingly competitive market. One pivotal factor in maximizing a craft brewery’s success is foot traffic. Craft breweries are not just places to enjoy a drink; they are destinations that offer unique experiences for everyone interested. With the rise of microbreweries and the growing trend of local and artisanal products, these establishments must stand out among a sea of options. Understanding why foot traffic is crucial for a craft brewing business can unlock untapped potential and ensure your brand secures a market position. Immediate Impact on Sales Foot traffic directly relates to the volume of customers entering a brewery. The more…

  • Day planner

    New Planner Time!! Hello #PurpleTrail

    Well, HECK! As of May 2023, Purple Trail is no longer in business. I did grab this planner, which is working well for me this year. Y’all remember last year when I had the opportunity to review PurpleTrail?  Well, I used it all year and it is truly my favorite planner to date, so I ordered one for this year too. I love a new planner. I have tried to use electronic calendars, but they just aren’t for me. I want a pretty planner. I want to make notes, I want to add stickers, I want… I want….I want….. As The Husband would say ‘A bottomless pit of wants and…

  • 9 Things To Keep In Mind If You’re Thinking About Starting A Business

    When it comes to starting a business, there are many different approaches that can be taken. There is no one right way to do things, and the best approach for you will depend on your unique circumstances and goals.  Starting a business is no small feat. It requires careful planning, preparation, and execution. But with the right mindset and approach, it can be an immensely rewarding experience. Here Are A Few Things To Keep In Mind If You’re Thinking About Starting A Business: Define Your Goals And Objectives. What exactly do you want to achieve with your business? What are your long-term goals? Defining these things from the outset will…