• Day planner

    New Planner Time!! Hello #PurpleTrail

    Well, HECK! As of May 2023, Purple Trail is no longer in business. I did grab this planner, which is working well for me this year. Y’all remember last year when I had the opportunity to review PurpleTrail?  Well, I used it all year and it is truly my favorite planner to date, so I ordered one for this year too. I love a new planner. I have tried to use electronic calendars, but they just aren’t for me. I want a pretty planner. I want to make notes, I want to add stickers, I want… I want….I want….. As The Husband would say ‘A bottomless pit of wants and…

  • 9 Things To Keep In Mind If You’re Thinking About Starting A Business

    When it comes to starting a business, there are many different approaches that can be taken. There is no one right way to do things, and the best approach for you will depend on your unique circumstances and goals.  Starting a business is no small feat. It requires careful planning, preparation, and execution. But with the right mindset and approach, it can be an immensely rewarding experience. Here Are A Few Things To Keep In Mind If You’re Thinking About Starting A Business: Define Your Goals And Objectives. What exactly do you want to achieve with your business? What are your long-term goals? Defining these things from the outset will…

  • woman with laptop bed

    Here Are Key Careers Where You Can Work From Home

    In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, a lot of people are curious about how safe it is going to be to return to the typical office job. Indeed, Barclays recently claimed that the days of the large offices may be over now which leaves even more questions. Will companies need to shrink down and will staff lose their jobs over the next few months? Right now most are only furloughed, to protect the economy and the workers. However, you may be interested to learn that there are already careers that you can effectively take on from the comfort of your home. Here are some of the top options that…

  • Create a business plan

    3 Business Start Up Tips and Why You Need Them

    So you’ve come up with a business idea, and have decided that this is what you want to do. Being self-employed can appeal to a whole range of people for different reasons. If you have a dream and you have a reason to get your business off the ground, then you will need to follow a few tips to get started and on the road to success. Many people before you have started a business and become very successful so why not learn from their experiences and do some research before you even start? Here are some tips that will get you through the initial setup at the very least.…

  • Couple shaking hands

    Happy Investment Insight: Focus On The Specifics In Your Life!

    It’s no secret that navigating your way through life is challenging enough, so making any major decisions will feel daunting. However, if you use your time, money, and efforts wisely and make sure that you’re as well-informed as possible when it comes to where to invest them; the rewards can be well worth everything you put in. The following are some areas to consider if you’re thinking about investing in your life, and will help you better it, for a happier future ahead. Learning And Development Education is often an extremely effective way to invest in your personal growth, along with your qualifications and career development; these often lead to…