• Happy New Year Clip art

    Happy New Year Little Peanuts!

    Happy New Year Everyone!! WOW! 2022 sure went fast, didn’t it??  I hope that 2023 is THE best year EVER for all of us! Personally, I am thankful that 2022 is OVER!! So many things that could go wrong, DID!! The kind of serious stuff that makes you double check that your term life insurance policies are up to date.  The Husband had a horrible MS related summer. Then we both had Covid. Then the whole ladder/tumble/fall incident. Then the good ole John Deere Tractor was stuck in a ditch at the end of the driveaway. NOT good when it’s REALLY needed to clear the roads and dig out neighbors.…

  • Family

    Who Should Purchase Term Life Insurance?

    Find out if a term life insurance policy is suitable for you and your situation.  The idea of life insurance is very confusing for a lot of people. With so many different policies on offer and such a range of companies like Final Expense Direct offering insurance plans, it’s hard to know where to start and raises many questions. When should you purchase life insurance? What carrier should you buy the plan through? How much life insurance do you need? The questions go on and on. If you have a family and people who depend on you, you need life insurance — plain and simple. There are various types of life insurance,…

  • Personal Injury Claims lawyer

    How Are Personal Injury Claims Calculated

    Each and every day, people get hurt. It’s a sad fact, but a true one, with many innocent individuals hurt in auto accidents, workplace incidents, or something as simple as slipping and falling on a wet floor. Countless injuries of all kinds occur in these ways and others, and they can vary in severity from relatively mild cases in which the affected individual isn’t too hurt for more serious situations where severe medical issues result from the negligence or carelessness of others. When this happens, many people consider filing a personal injury claim and trying to seek fair compensation for the pain and distress they’ve endured. There are a lot…