• Beautiful Oops! By Barney Saltzberg

    With Christmas blazing towards at breakneck speed I’m thrilled to share with you some great idea’s for gifts starting with this a great book from Chinaberry. Chinaberry is a San Diego based business that has so many things for kids!! OH MY GOODNESS!! From books, pretend play to baby shower gifts and so much more!! Today I want to tell you about Beautiful Oops! A book written by Barney Saltzberg. And it’s not just me that is in love with our new book, but 3 year old Alice has requested this book every day since it arrived. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY!! This is the perfect book for kids in general, but for kids…

  • Cute little girl with painted hands

    Kids Craft Ideas

    Kids Craft Ideas Crafts are a great way for parents and kids to spend time together. The act of creating something is often more memorable than simply watching a movie or playing a game, and crafting fosters creativity and a sense of pride in young children. What’s more, there are many fun crafts that can be made using common household items so they are very inexpensive to produce. The next time your kids complain about being bored, try one of these fun craft ideas. Tie Dye Purchase clothing dye from your local craft store. Dilute several different colors of dye in hot water and pour them into squeeze bottles. Soak…

  • Pinterest

    Part of me wants to scream DON’T go in!!!  The other part is screaming come here…. look at this!!  Come here… wait… don’t go… Ya….come on I want to show you. I have ‘pinned’ so many things it’s insane.  What have I pinned?  Crafts I want to make.  Things I want to cook.  Pictures I want to take.  It’s like a magazine of fresh pictures everyday!! I am so addicted!! I’ve wasted so much time looking in here it’s NUTS!! I’ve decided to make a board of  “This Month’s Bucket List” I am going to pin 4 things on the new board that I will make in December.  That’s my…