• Cutie Pa Tutus

    Ohhhh my GOSH!!!!!  Have you ever seen such a cute outfit on SUCH a cute baby!?!??!?!?! Thank you!  THANK YOU!!  Thank you Cutie Pa Tutus!!!! I won this ADORABLE outfit from Cutie Pa Tutus!!  The giveaway was hosted on Mommy & Me Giveaways This is the CUTEST outfit!!!  I was so sad when Alice outgrew her Denver Broncos jammies.  But I am GIDDY over this tutu set!!  Alice will be sporting this Bronco Baby tutu for a long time!!!  The tutu is so well made!!  The pompoms are sewn inside the tutu!!  The color is PERFECT!!!  OMG this is soooo CUTE!!!!!!!!  Thank you!!! Megan and Amanda!!!   (Now doesn’t your…

  • Bad people!! BAD!! BAD!!!

    I don’t know about anyone else but I am having a heck of a time with Malware messages!  When I go to open my own page I get a message about sites I have linked too.  I have had to remove 2 different button,s in two days, from my blog because I get the message they contain Malware.  Seriously!! Why can’t the people that design these things do something constructive with there talents!!  Imagine if they built programs to make life easier….. instead of just ruining someones work?!?! GGGGRRRRRRR!!!!! So if your button is missing I will put it back as soon as I stop getting the bright red screen…