• Diet Diet DIET……..

    I hate to diet.  It’s so hard to lose weight and it really seems harder to lose the older I get. Yes, I know the basic rules eat less, move more.  But, I’m weak and lazy. I’m always looking for help! (I’m also trying to find any store that doesn’t have a Girl Scout in front of it!! I’m a sucker for those Tag-a-longs. Girl Scout cookie time does me in!!) As I was saying I need help to loose weight. So I started searching the blogs and bulletin boards for hints and tips from other dieters. I found a site that had great things to say about calcium pyruvate. What I…

  • Outburst Energy Bites Review

    This business appears to be gone. I did find this alternative. Spirulina Supplements I don’t know about you, but I’m always on the look out for a quick energy boost.  Keeping up with 1 year old Alice takes energy times 10!!  I’ve tried the shots, the drinks and well…….. some of them are so foul tasting I just can’t do it. So I drink more and more coffee.  Coffee isn’t always convenient when you are on the go.  Outburst Energy Bites are a WAYYYY better solution!  I don’t know where these little gems have been hiding but, I’m so glad I found them!! Last week was a really busy week,…

  • Udi Gluten Free Foods Back to School Lunch Challenge!!

    I have to admit, when someone offers me a challenge I am IN!! I was definitely in when the makers of Udi Foods challenged me to make a week’s worth of gluten-free school lunches. I immediately went to work!!  I have to admit I’m not very creative with lunches. I’m a sandwich and chips girl, but Udi products made it easier to spin off the chips/sandwich merry-go-round for at least a couple of lunches! First, I had to learn a little more about making a Gluten-Free meal.  The Mayo Clinic has a great article on what’s allowed and what’s not. Yes, I did a couple of sandwiches I can’t help…