Udi Gluten Free Foods Back to School Lunch Challenge!!

Udi productsI have to admit, when someone offers me a challenge I am IN!! I was definitely in when the makers of Udi Foods challenged me to make a week’s worth of gluten-free school lunches. I immediately went to work!!  I have to admit I’m not very creative with lunches. I’m a sandwich and chips girl, but Udi products made it easier to spin off the chips/sandwich merry-go-round for at least a couple of lunches!
First, I had to learn a little more about making a Gluten-Free meal.  The Mayo Clinic has a great article on what’s allowed and what’s not. Yes, I did a couple of sandwiches I can’t help it, old habits die hard!!
Here is what I came up with for the week!
Udi Monday lunch

Monday: Grilled cheese on Udi White Sandwich Bread, orange slices, an Udi (deeeelicious) Snickerdoodle cookie and a (equally, I wish I would have hidden the entire container, delicious) chocolate chip cookie.

Udi Tuesday lunch

Tuesday: Roast beef on Millet-Chia Bread (YUM!!) a serving of Glutino Pretzels. My must have, Udi SnickerDoodle and Chocolate Chip cookies.

Udi Wednesday lunchI know…. I know…. 2 sandwiches in a row… I promise I didn’t do all sandwiches… I really didn’t ….. honest!!

See?? Wednesday Greek Yogurt with Udi’s Gluten Free Granola. (Udi Granola is a household favorite for us! We always have a bag in the cupboard!)
I added a serving of Glutino Pretzels. Oh, and of course I must have to have my Udi SnickerDoodle and Chocolate Chip cookies.

Udi Wednesday lunch 3Udi Wednesday lunch 2
Thursday: 2 hard boiled eggs which I sliced up and topped with pieces of sharp cheddar cheese and topped with a Glutino Pretzels (it was really good! And super filling!) some blackberries, dried mango and a Udi Blueberry muffin (ohhh sooo good!! Moist! Full of blueberries muffin. YUM!!! YUM YUMMMMY!!
Udi Thursday lunch 1Udi Thursday lunch 2


Udi Friday lunch

Friday:  When I was in school, hot lunch Friday’s use to be Pizza Day… so… why mess with tradition!
Udi Pepperoni Pizza, (the picture doesn’t do this little pizza justice… it was really delicious!!)  some blackberries & raspberries and another delicious Udi’s Blueberry muffin.

I did IT!!!  5 days of Gluten Free lunches.  It was easier than I thought it would be.  Each meal was DELICIOUS and filling too!!  This challenge makes me wonder why do I need gluten in my diet??

The point of the Udi Gluten Free Foods back to school lunch challenge is to help kids that have the dietary restrictions can still have an extremely flavorful lunch!  Our household doesn’t have any Gluten restrictions and we still enjoy each of the products we’ve tried. (I’m tellin’ you the cookies and muffins are hide-able mommy treats!!)


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