• A to Z April Challenge Letter Z

     Zachary. I thought about how to write this last post of the challenge. I knew all along it would be about Zachary, the baby in the family. But, what to write about Zac…… oh I could easily go on and on about how fabulous my son is… OR I could turn this into his very own e-harmony ad!!! (Dear Ladies, meet Zachary. Never married 32 year old cutie!)  OR…….I could let Zachary tell you about Zachary!! This is a copy and paste of what Zac wrote on his Shutterfly family page.  Enjoy!  (My kid is a crack up!! AND HUMBLE…. yea… humble my…… )  Ladies, if after reading this load…

  • William & Kate’s Wedding

    People are so obsessed with Kate and William’s wedding that Apple has an APP!!?!  REALLY!??!  I think I can understand this if I lived in England. But REALLY!? In the US?!?!  There is a TV commercial every 5 minutes!! Live coverage starting at 4a.m!?! on April 29th.  I don’t understand WHY? I mean really people it’s not like it’s ELVIS!!  Cause if that was the case I could understand a 24 hour Elvis channel and Apple Apps and Android Apps… and well, you get the idea. Note to my family and Barbara…. stop rolling your EYES AT ME!! YOU know my ELVIS rule!!! NOT dead!! He’s just in hiding!!! I should be excited about Kate afterall I’m pretty…