• Hard To Shop For Person Wrapped gift

    Growing up fast – gift buying for teens

    Where does the time go? From building blocks and cuddly toys that get passed on to cousins or neighbors to outgrowing their first bike and even making the transition from the kids’ clothing section to ‘small’ or even ‘medium’ adult sizes, children grow up fast and without warning. While helping our children to make the journey from one day to the next as a happy and healthy young person is all part of the plan, the added headache of gift buying for teens is something for which we are seldom prepared. But it doesn’t have to be that difficult.  Check out these teen gifts for inspiration. You see, even the…

  • teens and cooking

    Teenage Kicks In The Kitchen?

    Whether you work late, have a challenge maneuvering after-school clubs, or simply fancy one night a week where you don’t have to slave in the kitchen; letting your teen take over the helm can be a fantastic way to make this happen. Not only will this one-night routine teach them the fundamentals of cooking, but it will also instill responsibility and the importance of helping out. The trouble is that, as any teen mamma will already know, getting a teenager into the kitchen can seem about as likely as getting them up before sundown on the weekends. AKA, not likely at all! While it couldn’t be easier to get a…

  • Phone Buying Less Painful Child A Cell Phone

    Should You Give Your Child A Cell Phone?

    It’s difficult to imagine life without cell phones, but when you were a kid, that’s almost certainly the case. Now it seems as though kids are getting their first cell phone at an even younger age, and it’s something that’s usually top of the wish-list. Deciding when to give your child a cell phone is a difficult choice, and each child is different. To help you and your child prepare for getting their first cell phone, take a look at the following and work out if it’s the best decision for you. Are they old enough? Children mature at different ages. While one eight year old might be very responsible for…