• Fiber……..

    Yesterday I talked about the aging advantages and disadvantages.  I don’t have to color my hair anymore unless I want too. I’m retired and can pretty much do as I want. If I want I can sit on my tush and binge watch Netflix shows 24/7. I’m my own boss. I wish my body knew that I was in charge! Between hot-flashes; (which I would TOTALLY deny if given the opportunity) to being ‘regular’ my body has a mind of its own. Oh to be young again when I didn’t have to think about getting enough fiber in my diet. Who knew that fiber would turn out to be my best friend?…

  • The Fast Metabolism Diet book

    I’ve been reading The Fast Metabolism Diet by Haylie Pomroy. I was thrilled to be able to review this great book. I admit it, I need HELP!! My metabolism is so slow I think it stopped and turned around and left!! The diet is not meant to be a rest of your life diet. But, Haylie encourages you to come back and use the diet for a week or so, to make sure you keep your metabolism revving up!  The program itself is a 28 day plan. It is divided into different phases, each with a purpose.Phase 1 – Unwind Stress. High glycemic, moderate protein, low fat phase.Phase 2 – Unlock Fat Stores. High protein,…