
All giveaways 2018

  • April 2022 $50 Giveaway

    $50 Your Way April 2023 GIVEAWAY!!

    Hello Little Peanuts!! FIRST! There are a couple of cha, cha, changes coming this month. (Did anyone else start singing David Bowie style with that intro!?!?) I am taking away the option to tell me how you want your prize in the Giveaway Tools.  OHHHHH Settle down!! It’s not that bad, if you will just hear me out. The last few winners never acknowledged their win. Which, okay I get that, everyone is busy. It’s only a blog giveaway. (Which does come out of my pocket. So really, a thank you would be nice. BUT again. I understand. (Ohhhhhh did someone wake up on the bitchy side of the bed??…

  • March Giveaway

    $50 Your Way GIVEAWAY March 2023!

    Happy March Little Peanuts!! If you are new here WELCOME!! You will find that this is an amazing group of people. The Peanuts (that’s you now!) are supportive and caring! I’m your Head Peanut Connie.  This is a monthly giveaway. I always start with a brief blurb about my past month. Sometimes I have a TON to say. Sometimes I’m pretty boring. I live on top of a mountain in Sandpoint Idaho. I have a craft room that I never in my wildest imagination thought I would own. I swear it’s bigger than my 1st apartment!  The 2 sets of double doors look out at Lake Ponderay and it’s a…

  • February Giveaway

    $50 Your Way Giveaway February 2023!

    Here is my monthly update before we get to the giveaway. January drug by! I think because it’s so dang COLD here in Sandpoint, Idaho. Which really means I spent more time in my craft room. For Christmas my amazing children Selena and Zachary bought me the Cricut Mug Press. OHMYGOSH!!! I am beyond addicted.  I’m still working on getting colors and placements right, but DANNNNNNNNNG this is fun!! I can take a plain ole white mug, white tumbler, coasters, and magnets and turn them into THIS!!!! Of course all the pictures have disappeared. SORRY!! Granddaughter Olivia requested some new acrylic designs for her light. So I etched these on…