$50 Your Way April 2023 GIVEAWAY!!

Hello Little Peanuts!! FIRST! There are a couple of cha, cha, changes coming this month. (Did anyone else start singing David Bowie style with that intro!?!?)

I am taking away the option to tell me how you want your prize in the Giveaway Tools.  OHHHHH Settle down!! It’s not that bad, if you will just hear me out. The last few winners never acknowledged their win. Which, okay I get that, everyone is busy. It’s only a blog giveaway. (Which does come out of my pocket. So really, a thank you would be nice. BUT again. I understand. (Ohhhhhh did someone wake up on the bitchy side of the bed?? MAYBE!!)

HOWEVER, what if the reason they never acknowledge the win was because the PayPal address was wrong? What if that account was closed? Or I made a typo?  So, now y’all get an email and then you can actually watch for your prize to be delivered to your inbox.  I mean do we actually know what happens to undeliverable PayPal or Venmo $$?? Same with Gift Cards??

Other than that announcement.

Arms, hands and elbows especially just continue to have more pain. Seriously! This getting old stuff in NOT for the faint of heart! Had an MRI on Monday the 13th. Waiting on results now. Ohhh I may get to update before this publishes? RIGHT? I mean… RIGHT!???

OH MY GOSH What a month. I waited patiently for 2 weeks for the doctor to contact me with my results. EVEN THOUGH I was able to see the write up on the 13th. So, I finally called and asked should I make an appointment for my results? NOPE! I just had fallen through the cracks. After that call I actually had an appointment on the 29th with the Pain Management Doctor. Now we wait AGAIN for the insurance to approve the treatment plan which will be steroid shots in my neck. SERIOUSLY! Do I know how to have fun or what!?!?  Hopefully that will happen soon.

As far as crafting goes, it’s slow because well, I HURT. LOL! My hands do not want to cooperate. Not to mention this trigger finger thing is getting ridiculous!  It just curls a few dozen times a day. SO ANNOYING!

My new patio doors did get installed.  I went from these leaky doors

Patio Doors

To these sturdy sliding glass doors. We are very happy with the new doors! Now we have some trim painting to do. But, basically almost done!

New Patio Doors

Now for the REAL reason you are here………………..

GIVEAWAY TIME!! $50 Your Way Giveaway Logo

This April Giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. A little of the blah blah blah stuff: This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal, Venmo and Amazon option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This giveaway is $50 US. This is a giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements and of course going through PBnWhine for your regular Amazon Purchases is always appreciated. Going thru my blog does not cost you any additional money!! I do make a 1% commission.


Win $50 Your Way!  Tons Of Ways to Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway!! Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them! Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally. Those entries may pop up at any time during the month. Usually in the form of a comment on a certain post.

Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, you can expect that all of the entries are about me, me, me, me…. and of course ME!!


HIT this TWEET button since GiveawayTools still hasn’t fixed the button! (grrrrr!) Then take credit in the entry form.  Thank you!!!

This Giveaway Is Closed. However, my $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. I hope you will check it out.


  • heather

    My day is going pretty good so far. I just got in the door from having to run to the store. It sure is nice out here today perfect weather at 63 degrees and sunny.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I was going to go out to my house but have slept & slept. Have to be sensible rather than impatient! I’ll go for a walk later for some fresh air.

  • Michele Soyer

    Another month come and gone and I feel like nothing really got done – have to push aside the frustration and know there is a reason for the slow movement – Mercury is Rx…..

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m just sitting here half watching one of those true crime shows and looking around online. In other words, being very UNproductive, lol.

  • gloria patterson

    I was up dressed etc by 8am………….. by 9 am I had chicken breast in the oven and eggs boiling. For some odd reason I can cook early in the morning but never feel like doing it in the afternoon or evening………….. thank goodness for frozen meals. I like to have the chicken for salad and sandwichs. About noon decided I needed a nap 3 hours later LOL

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good just got home from doing some shopping. I went to Costco and should have known better than to go near that place on a Saturday it was cray cray!

  • Michele Soyer

    Worked outside yesterday and today is a day of lists and bits and bobs… in this country all there ever seems to be is an endless stream of paperwork that goes on and on – my true opinion is if you no longer are a part of the British empire all these years later move forward with your own systems not antiquated regulations! Just saying…

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Noooooo! It was supposed to be a lie-in, lazy morning day. I woke, wide awake at 7am. Now it’s 9.30am and I’m ready for bed again.

  • Tamra Phelps

    On the way to Lexington today, the bus picked up a lady on a country road and it was lined on both sides by honeysuckle growing wild. I’ve never seen so much honeysuckle, lol. I loved it as a kid. It grew along my Granny’s fence and we would bite the ends off and such out the nectar.

  • gloria patterson

    Off to krogers by 8 :30 and had few other places I needed to stop at. Got back and was unloading my stuff in to a cart (best thing I ever bought) And my nieces husband showed up beside me. He and great niece (how of school friday) were up visting with his mom and little niece she was taking care of. So put all my grocerys away and grabed a few treats that zay likes and went to vist. That little CC would not have anything to do with me. But when comes to visit me she knows what she likes in my apartment. She finally as I was leaving gave me a hug and kiss by

    No energy but to late in the day for a nap…………… BUT will make up for the missed nap on saturday

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good so far. I just has a nice lunch at Roadhouse and I am stuffed but boy their prices are crazy for a hamburger $15.00 and the rest on menu were more than that. Needless to say I ate is all and probably won’t be back for a while.

  • clynsg

    Quiet so far. Just had a discussion with my grandson who will be going on a business trip in his new job in about a week–he has never flown through DFW, so I gave him some info on it from my days of business travel!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I have to get up early tomorrow for a doctor’s visit in Lexington, so I’m not looking forward to that, lol. It’s just an ordinary visit, no tests or anything, so shouldn’t take long, though.

  • Polly Hall

    Drove an hour away to look at another appartment for my brother. It was a much nicer place than the last place I looked at for him.

  • gloria patterson

    This is my lazy day! For breakfast I had 1 piece of pizza out of the refrigerator … I like cold pizza. Heck I even like all kinds of cold pasta for breakfast. I just now finsihed a peanut butter sandwich. Not in the mood to cook or do dishes.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I was hoping for a nice lie-in this morning but the girl in room upstairs had her boom-boom music blaring at 8. Off to get a haircut in one of the 3 salons in my new locale then onto the house for more painting.

  • gloria patterson

    This was my run around day for stuff for my mother. Had to drop this off and she decided she wanted a new cell phone (FLIP phone) she is not a tech person. The first cell phone store was empty so had to go on the other side of town. Then had to get gas has 40 cents off per gallon at kroger $50 later. Then I called in order for pizza tired and hungry

  • heather

    I went to Starbucks this morning and went through the drive thru. I ordered a breakfast sandwich and when I got up to the window the employee handed me my sandwich and said have a nice day. I went to pay and he said the lady in front of me paid for my order. It made my eyes water it was so very kind. It really made my whole day nicer. KINDNESS ROCKS!!!!!!!! and I am so paying it forward to someone soon.
    God Bless

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Front windows painted: tick! 2nd coat in spare rm tick! My bedroom scrubbed & ready for painting: tick! Then noticed one of my tyres was wearing. Stopped off at repair place – needed 2 new tyres (tires): €140.00 🙁

  • Michele Soyer

    Drying out from yesterdays deluge…have to see what plants survived and get rid of the ones that didn’t….

  • Tamra Phelps

    So, I had to go back for a follow-up mammogram last Thursday because they saw some calcification they wanted to check closer. Today, they let me know I need a biopsy because it concerns them. OK. That’s just what i need to add to my list of health issues, lol. So far, I’m not overly concerned because I know most calcification is not cancerous. But you can’t deal with this without some concern…anyway, I’ll have to go to Lexington for the biopsy be cause they can do it with a local anesthesia while I’m in the wheelchair.

  • heather

    My day is going ok just having some computer strangeness which always makes me nervous. Hope you are having a nice day.

  • gloria patterson

    Still have the cold from hell but I think it is getting better. Sure hope so my engery level is zero. all I want to do is take naps

  • Michele Soyer

    The wave is here – torrential tropical rain since 4am… Can’t go out to walk the pooch as yet – told her to go back to sleep! LOL

  • gloria patterson

    I still have the cold & cough from hell over a month…………. 2 prescriptions and misc cold stuff.

    Well after 80’s last week we had a freeze warning this morning high of 45. I am in sweat pants and sweat shirt and heavy sock and heat keep kicking on. Spring is playing with us

  • clynsg

    Not too bad, although am going to have to stay up until after midnight at the end of the week to be able to get some dogs of family members into the vet for neutering. They only take so many per day, and the appointments are filled up until the 2nd week of May, and the online scheduler opens up for each week at 0001 every Saturday!

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good here so far. Just finished prepping all the fixings for a huge salad that I can have for a few days trying to lose some weight. I love having a big salad all ready to eat in the frig so all I have to do is dish it up when I’m hungry.

  • Leela

    I’m currently going through chemo and it’s kicking my butt. I thought my doctor’s appt was today but it’s in a few days.

  • Michele Soyer

    I need another mental health – me day so I am taking the day off today…This relaxation is so pleasant – I can see myself doing this in Corfu….when all this is said and done I want to volunteer in any capacity I can there – it would be lovely to spend the day doing something for others animal or human!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Back to the house again in 30 mins. Thanks for the good wishes, Michele! I only have enough money left to stay at the B&B for another 4 weeks so it’s all go, go, go! I only need 2 rooms finished so I can get my furniture etc. from storage and the Ukrainians can bus it to the house & continue working. I’ll save €1,500 a month by doing that!

  • gloria patterson

    Fell asleep around 8:30 or so and wide awake at 3 am!! So I got up got laundry and down to the laundry room. I was done and back upstairs with everthing hung up or put away by 4:30. And decided I was sleepy slept till 10. Don’t know why I am feeling so lazy and sleepy today

  • heather

    It is really nice here today and I had some shopping to do just got home and finished putting everything away. It is a wee too warm for me and I see by next Friday it is going to be 90 here that is way too hot!

  • Michele Soyer

    I tried to reply to Kate but it just wouldn’t go through – wanted to wish her all the best with the house – so glad for her….as for me the rain is pouring and the wind is picking up a bit not dramatic though so cuddling up with my book and coffee….

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Heading to my new house later this morning with Viktor. He’ll start scrubbing the other front room while I carry on painting the spare bedroom. Onwards & upwards!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I decided about 8 this morning to just sleep until I felt rested, lol. That moment never arrived…by 1 in the afternoon I had to pee so I got up. I swear I never feel really rested anymore. Is it just me???? I think it is like that for a lot of people.

  • gloria patterson

    quick trip to walmart ………… wrote a list ………………. NEVER looked at it. Out of 6 items I wanted I picked up 3 of them. The heck with her AMAZON they will be here monday.

    then took a 3 hr nap. I am sleeping good but still need naps this past week

  • Shelly Peterson

    I was up early for my grandsons 8 o clock soccer game and then went to breakfast. Soon I will have the grandkids while my daughter moves into her new place.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I did comment, I swear, but then my internet broke so I went shopping. Now Net’s back but comment seems to have gone AWOL.

  • Michele Soyer

    It is very early in the season but there is the possibility of a tropical wave coming off the coast of Africa – here we go – may this be our last hurricane season here….

  • gloria patterson

    Up early took my mother on several errands. Dropped her off ran some of my own.

    Beautiful day mid 80 !!!

    Came home took a 3 hr nap Now thinking about what I want for supper

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s all gray and rainy here today. But not too cold, so that’s good. There’s not a lot going on. Just a slow Friday.

  • heather

    Just got home from the grocery store and realized that I forgot a few things why why why don’t I write a list more often. Hope you have a nice Friday.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    First coat of paint in the spare room is now ticked off my list!! What a difference a bit of white paint can make!

  • Michele Soyer

    Went to a funeral yesterday and I am still reeling from the sadness and pain of the family – taking the weekend off starting right now – i shall call this a mental health weekend….Have to put old school R&B on the stereo then disco – happy happy dancing music!

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good so far. Just doing stuff around the house today. They are saying we are supposed to get snow here today but I don’t think so but it sure his cold.

  • gloria patterson

    Didn’t sleep good last night, kept waking up ever couple of hours…… Of course you are a wake so you got to the bathroom! Wide awake at 6 About 10 I got so sleepy time for a nap 3 hrs later feeling good now

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Swallows!!! Summer is a comin’, Tamra! It used to be they’d show up in June & stay till September, now it’s April till October. That, my friends, is Global Warming.
    Got a Doc’s appt. then going to my house to start painting the spare bedroom.

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s a nice day, weather-wise, here in KY. But there was aterrible wreck near here this afternoon. A pick-up truck pulled out between a dump truck & a bus (coming from opposite directions) and was hit by both. I can’t figure out why the driver pulled out between them–he could see both ways.

  • heather

    It’s been a busy morning for me lots of runnng around to do and just got home now resting my feet. We had more snow here this morning and it is chilly.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    The spare bedroom is ready for painting!!! I’ve only got enough money to stay in the B&B/keep furniture in storage for about another month so got to keep at it!

  • gloria patterson

    Boiled and made egg salad, cleaned up the mess. Sun is shinning in my windows, and you can really see how dirty my windows are. Add to my to do list.

    Meeting a cousin who is in town for the day will have a long lunch and catch up

  • Michele Soyer

    Solar eclipse energy is upon us already – it is here in our time zone tonight….our cats are agitated and one is crying so that we had to pick her up – pooch seems to be fine ….I know her – she will be howling later on…..I don’t howl (lol) I stay quiet and wait….

  • Kate

    Today will not be one of my more exciting days… spring cleaning. 🙂 But I’ll try to plan something fun for the weekend to make up for it. hehe

  • Tamra Phelps

    Finally got the doctor to switch my antibiotic since the first one wasn’t working at all. Hopefully the new one works.

  • Piroska

    I’m good. Looks like the major snow storm missed us (thank goodness).
    I’d love to start gardening, but the snow is not all melted, yet.

  • heather

    We has snow on the ground here today and it is chilly beans here. We need the water so I am happy about the weather but it is a little strange for this time of year.

  • gloria patterson

    I put in a workorder 3 months or so ago drip in my tub faucet and my kitchen faucet. They showed up this morning (YEA!! ) at 9 am. No big deal for me since I have been up since 6 am

    They fixed the tub leak, put in a NEW kitchen faucet, put in a new hall light bulb (I never turn it on) and a new light bulb in my hanging light. Also cleaned the ceiling vents.

    And as they were leaving I remember my clock on the wall that I cannot reach. Put in a new battery and set the time, first time in over a year………..

    So I am having a great day

  • Michele Soyer

    I have decided when the sale is done and over with a party is in the cards…A goodbye to all here in this small village…They have yet to see when Hungarians party – we shall have food, music. dancing, laughter and a sharing of my heritage with the folks here….

  • Kate

    My Tuesday is going awesomely so far. Later today I’ll be picking up a grocery order and planning a weekend getaway road trip for my family.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Having slept for a good solid 8 hours last night, I’m ready for a nap! Planning to go to my house (MY house, rather than THE house!!!) later on my own as the lads are at English classes.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Took a water pill this morning to deal with some edema–honestly, I m ight as well set up camp in the bathroom. I have been back and forth 5 times in 5 hours. Man, I hate edema.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good. I had a lot of running around to do today and I spent way too much money that’s for sure. I am stocked up for the week as we should be getting snow this week.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    We left at 7am, got to hospital in time for her examination & home by lunchtime. Poor N. was so scared – she’s in her 30s with 1 child, in a strange country, a language she doesn’t understand & now she has a lump in her breast. The staff were wonderful with her but now it’s the awful wait for the results.

  • Michele Soyer

    Cannot shake the sadness that this death has caused.. memoris of my own son and memories of my daughters friend….best thing for me to do is get moving….

  • Kate

    Today (Monday) has started out beautifully! That’s a good thing because I have some plans for today that involve being outside and I’m looking forward to it.

  • Polly Hall

    10 degree cooler today than yesterday and raining, so glad that my husband and our neigbor were able to get their new slider in yesterday.

  • heather

    I am having a nice quiet Sunday so far which is just the way I like it. We are getting a lot wind here today blowing in a big storm.

  • gloria patterson

    Wide awake a 6 am…………. about 10 my receliner started yelling at me YOU NEED A NAP! So 2 hours later I am up and moving.

    Not in the mood to do any thing so just going to be lazy!!!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Day off today to catch up on laundry etc. Early start tomorrow taking Natalia to Galway University Hospital for an appointment & she speaks v.little English.

  • Kate

    It’s a rainy Sunday and so far my day is going great! I hope it clears up because I really want to go for a long walk this afternoon!

  • Michele Soyer

    Very sad here in the neighbourhood – a young man only 18 years went swimming and never came back – oh my how sorrowful for everyone –

  • Tamra Phelps

    The air conditioner is acting up just when it starts to get warmer outside, of course. Hopefully I don’t have to hound them to fix it. They’ve known since Wednesday, and I know the maintenance guy filled out a work order request, so if they don’t get it done Monday, my calls will begin, lol.

  • gloria patterson

    Had no real plans going to do a little of this and that

    Niece texted wanted to drop off some paperwork .. OK Great niece was to stay with her grandmother today BUT she decided she really really wanted to stay with me…….

    So she stayed and her grandmother came down and got her about 5 to take her home.

    It is always fun to have zay spend the day

  • heather

    I am running behind today just got in the door. I hate it when a place changes their hours and your don’t know about it until you try to open the door!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I had a series of really weird dreams last night – woke up maybe 6 times. Going back for a nap then I’ll head to the house on my own (Viktor’s on kitchen duty). Plan to do a bit more gardening till it rains then start scrubbing the spare bedroom from ceiling to the new floor, ready for painting.

  • gloria patterson

    Made a trip to walmart today………….. in my store they have been moving stuff ever where……… well they are just about done. I like shopping in there clothes dept the prices are not to high and you can find nice stuff. Looking at the clothing section women & men made me feel like I was in JC pennys. They gave lots of room to big name brands and the other stuff little areas. The nice things about all of these changes………………. I WILL SAVE MONEY on clothes that I don’t need.

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s a nice sunny Spring day with bright blue skies and fluffy white clouds–so, that’s nice to see. Wonder how long it’ll last, lol.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good so far. The weather is super nice here today the sun is shinning and the blooms are everywhere so pretty.

  • Tamra Phelps

    You know, I see a weekend with a lot of sleep in my future, lol. I just feel like sleeping the whole weekend away.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good just got in the door from doing some shopping etc in town and need to take a break. It is super pretty here all the trees are in bloom, fields are green and flowers are blooming best time of the whole year!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Another hard slog at the house but at least the weather was warm. I gardened while the guys sweated over concrete. They had some left over at the end of the day so I got them to put a small ramp onto the footpath round the house where it changes levels. Might need it one day!

  • gloria patterson

    Spring has arrived for sure yesterday 75 today already 80. Outside for a while just taking in the fresh air. But decided I needed a nap…………………. Will set phone for a hour and yes I can fall asleep in just minutes.

  • Michele Soyer

    More news – spoke to a developer yesterday and bid me wait on a private sale until he can further talk to me concerning the property – housing developments are coming – I know this – one has already been done and gated – have to take a moment and think carefully – lawyer tomorrow….

  • Tamra Phelps

    I had to schedule a doctor’s appointment for tom orrow because I jujst feel like utter crap, lol. Ugh. Hopefully some antibiotics will help, as I suspect I have an infection.

  • Polly Hall

    It’s a beautiful day, sunny and 76 degrees, I sat in the sun and read for the first time this year, it felt so good.

  • Shelly Peterson

    I am super tired today. My neighbors play loud music late in the night and then woke us up this morning fighting.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Viktor & I saw Mr. Biden on our way back to B&B. The weather’s gone really cold and windy. Even had a bit of snow overnight.

    • Tamra Phelps

      So you had a moment of excitement followed by an irritating traffic jam, lol???? Usually when you run into a motorcade like a politician’s motorcade it clogs things up for miles.

  • gloria patterson

    Building waterheater problems, 2nd day this week barely warm water its ok in the summer but not this time of the year…………. I want HOT!!

    No plans but temps are in the 70’s so I may go do something

  • Tamra Phelps

    What can I tell ya, I’m tired and just feel like I have no energy left in me. It’s just one of those days, I guess.

  • Susan Smith

    I’m having a good day. The weather is in the 70’s and I did some walking, ran some errands. laundry and cleaning.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good just got done with some chores and am now taking a break and resting my feet. Hope you are have a nice day.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I am soooo tired today. I only got a few hours sleep last night and today I have been nodding off just sitting here, lol.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Hello, folks! I’ve had too much whiskey and am really tired. I don’t think I’m able for another party next weekend!

  • Piroska

    My day is going well. We’re at 17C, and the snow is melting like crazy off our roof. Scares the dogs, but it needs to go. We’re getting rain later this week. It’s Spring!!

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good glad to be home had some running around to do this morning and there were a ton of idiots drivers on the road today!

  • gloria patterson

    Cannot shake this cold had 5 days of antibiotics and still fell like XXXXX Was in bed early woke up early but have no energy! Took a 3 hr nap and really thinking I need another one.

  • Michele Soyer

    Tomorrow would have been my sons 49th birthday – lost him 11 years ago and it seems like yesterday…He would have supported us whole heartedly in the Corfu move – I miss him so very much –

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m feeling a litle un der the weather, so I just rolled over and went back to sleep this morning –and woke up about 2 in the afternoon, lol. And I didn’t even care, so there!!

  • Anonymous

    Dear God, slept for 14 hours, waking up to another party:, then next weekend we’ll celebrate the Othrodox Easter so anotherr


    Dear God! What a difference from ‘Jesus Christ

    What a difference and it’s all good! My usual Easter consisted of driving Mum to the Catholic church to play the organ, sing & turn her pages. Today, It’s PARTY,PARTY,PARTY!!! I like the Ukrainian state of mind, especially as we get do it all again next weekend for their Orthodox celebrations!!!!


  • heather

    Happy Easter to you and yours. I am remembering the reason for the day today and spending some time in worship. I will be cooking a big ham dinner this afternoon.

  • Anonymous

    Heading out to my brother’s for dinner, sister in law is a great cook and all the families go there. No Easter snow high of 60 today.


  • Michele Soyer

    This has been a lovely weekend so far – I have let go of all the work around the house and just sat back and enjoyed myself – by the grace I hope this is my last Easter here and next will be in Corfu!

  • Tamra Phelps

    There’s not a lot going on today. My oldest nephew pitched a great game today and that was the highlight of my Saturday, lol.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good just got in the door from doing some running around town. I was amazing I got everything done so fast and now I am hope for the holiday weekend.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Viktor & I went out to the house again today and we literally jumped up and down with glee! I underestimated the amount of concrete but it’s only a couple of square feet & we’ll mix the concrete ourselves next Wed. We sanded & primed the front windows. They’re double glazed in hardwood frames and will be replaced if & when I can get a Govt. upgrade grant.

    Then we went to a Polish deli for goodies for the Easter celebrations tomorrow. Another party – I don’t know if my ageing body can take much more!

  • Anonymous

    Just took my last antibiotics for my cold. Some times I think it is getting better other times I don’t. Just tired and feeling lazy. My brother is staying with mom for the weekend so I am being lazy. Just enjoyed a 2 hr nap and thinking about something to eat.

  • Michele Soyer

    My ham is in the oven so tomorrow I will only have to make sides and really enjoy the holiday…The rest of today is reading etc and a lovely glass of wine or maybe two!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Still a little chilly today but tonight I am looking out the window at a sunset that has that Spring Purple-look. You know, when it’s sort of starting to get dark and the sky goes purple/pink/orange??

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I have floors!!!!! Four solid hours of damn hard toil but the 3 guys didn’t complain or moan at all. They were brilliant.

  • Polly Hall

    A beautiful day here, my husband was able to get the rest of the shed torn down today now he just has to do the clean up.

  • heather

    Happy Good Friday to you. It has been a busy day for me had a lot of running around to do. I hit the store and purchased my ham for Sunday dinner and all the fixings.

  • Anonymous

    Wide awake at 5 am…………. got up etc etc left here at 7:30 headed to krogers picked up misc stuff and got a few things to take to Easter family dinner at brother & sister in law. Not sure if mom & brother will go depends on how she is feeling.

    Then stopped at discount store picked up a few things. I have been looking at the mini frigs to put your skin care stuff in. They usually start at $39. and up found one (checked and it works ) for $19.99 white and just the right size to fit on a small cabinet I have in the bathroom.

    Put everthing a way……………. AND my recliner started yelling at me……….. YOU NEED A NAP and it was right slept for 2 hrs 🙂

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I took Viktor to the dentist this morning to mend his front tooth that he broke eating pizza. He was terrified he wouldn’t be able to afford it but it’s free! Everyone is entitled to 2 dental visits, 2 fillings per year, paid by the State.

  • gloria patterson

    Dr called me yesterday mom was released I could go pick her up ata the hospital. OK will take me 15 or 20 minutes with traffic. Thats good………….. this was at 2:15 I didn’t leave till 2:30 and it take me 20 minutes………………. Got a spot right in front of doors. Called talked to the nurse at 3:15 getting her dressed will be right there. At 4 the securtiy guard had the front desk call they were on there way. We left the off at 4:30 BUT it was a beautiful warm day in the low 80’s today it is 50

    My younger brother came over and is spending the weekend with her

  • heather

    Pretty quiet day here for me just finished up my laundry that is always a great feeling. I did a lot of shopping yesterday and it really wore me out.

  • Michele Soyer

    Baking first thing this morning to deliver Hungarian treats to my neighbours for tomorrow… then I am forgetting about everything and just listening to all cast albums of Jesus Christ SuperStar and watching all the movies day by day… wish i could go to church for the Stations of the cross but utube handles that for me….

  • Shannon Mitchell

    Pretty sick today but I had to work through it because it’s hubby’s big birthday. I made him a cake and met him for lunch.

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s been raining cats and dogs this evening after having a really nice, warm day. It does finally look like Spring here.

  • gloria patterson

    Was shopping for grocery at walmart at 7:15 this morning. My brother is going to stay overnight with mom for the next 4 or 5 days. So i was picking easy stuff to throw in microwave or oven and put it on PAPER PLATES! Got it all laid out for them includeing sweets and snacks.

    Set up appointments for in house nurse and rehabit visits.

    And off to pick her up at the hospital!!!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Much needed day off today! Slept 10 hours – that really deep, refreshing sleep that works wonders for body & soul. Organising things for Friday – hope to be getting the concrete down in the 3 floors that need replacing.

  • Polly Hall

    My brother is moving from CA back to Michigan, my husband and I drove 50 mile to check out an appartment for him, it was nice I hope he gets it.

  • heather

    It has been one fast day sure is a lot going on today. It is super chilly here today they are calling for mo snow.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    My bathroom looks great so far! I’m beginning to see things taking shape at last. Lots of sanding down old paintwork, filling in little nicks & dinges in the hall walls and covering stains before painting. Trying to organise concrete for Friday, but need to get wellies for three (3, TAMRA, 3!!!) guys first.

  • gloria patterson

    Have to pick up prescriptions and a few things from the store. Then just waiting on the phone call to head to rehab with mom’s stuff

  • Michele Soyer

    Moving forward trying to get the paperwork ready for the sale – had more buyers looking than I would have imagined…

  • gloria patterson

    My mother 93 fell last week so has been in the hospital. Looks like they are going to release her to rehab tomorrow. So i was packing stuff for her. My problem is she will hang stuff in the closet that is not ready to wear. She is one of those people that have to cut this, sew that etc etc before she wears it. So it is one of those she is going to have to wear what I picked out.

    Then I decided I had to clean her refrigerator out……………… I am one of those people that watch expiration dates. My mother is not and it has not killed her yet. BUT So it went from a full refrigerator to empty shelves. LOL

      • gloria patterson

        They are going to release her to rehab today. They check ever she didn’t even have any brusie………… she was very lucky

    • Connie The Head Peanut

      Oh Gloria, I’m so sorry about your Mom. If your Mom is like mine was your gonna be in trouble throwing out her food. LOL

      OMGEEEE it’s so hard to pack for another person.

      Is your Mom fiesty in the hospital? My Mom turned into a whole different person. Ohhh she was a handful.


      • gloria patterson

        Let say she will not be HAPPY but since this is not first time I have cleaned it out LOL

        She is the sweet old woman in the hospital that does not bother them. Head ed to rehab today

    • Michele Soyer

      I am so sorry to hear this – you take care of you also – the caregiver often forgets about themselves – if you get sick who will take care of mum?

  • Piroska

    My day is blah. It just snowed a bunch, sunny today, then another big bunch of snow coming tonight.
    April is so tempermental.

  • Heather

    My day has been a busy one digging out of the snow. We had a scary blizzard here last night I mean it was a total white-out! Scary!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    First layer of plaster finished in my bathroom!!! Kakha is bloody marvellous! Second/last coat tomorrow, then he’ll move on to the kitchen. Poor Viktor has the worst job, scrubbing the ceilings & walls while I potter about like the Lady of the Manor!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Here’s hoping tomorrow’s weather is good because I have to go to the grocery. And I know we are having rain later this week. I get so happy about warm weather in Spring that i forget about the fact that it storms so much.

  • Piroska

    My day is going well. My youngest grandson slept over this weekend. He was good, but boy, talk about high energy!

    • Connie The Head Peanut

      Don’t you wish you had that energy for just an hour? Ahhh think of all the things you could get done!

  • gloria patterson

    Just though of this………………… https://sunny-bay.com/
    Have been buying from them for about 3 years

    Body heat wraps /// neck pillows /// heated neck wraps /// back wraps

    You put them in the microwave and you have heat on your shoulders/neck and NO electric plug needed

    These are great I have at least 3 different sizes

  • gloria patterson

    Wide a wake at 5 am………….. full of pep

    Cleaned house, pulled out more stuff to take to goodwill. Have done a little of this and that……… AND all at once my mind started yelling NAP TIME……………… 2 hrs later feeling good again

  • Kim Pincombe-Cole

    Sorry about all of your pain and trouble getting results from your doctor! That’s the worst.
    Anyway, I love your new patio doors!

  • Heather

    My day is going pretty good so far. We are getting ready for a big storm here today it is raining right now but we hear snow is coming. Oh forgot to mention yesterday I LOVE your new doors.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Phew! Absolutely pooped. 3 of us just spent 4 hours working at the house (well they worked and I pottered about!!!). Spring and new beginnings are definitely in the air.

  • Natalie

    We had a blizzard overnight so the roads were terrible this morning. I was able to make it to the store without getting stuck.

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      I face-timed with Granddaughter Alice while my daughter Selena walked the dog. Alice and I collaborated on a April Fools Joke. Cup of water, she put a cutting board on the cup, then turned it over. Then put whipped cream on the bottom of the cup and then grated some chocolate on the whipped cream. ROFLMAO Selena picked up the mug for a drink. ROFLMAO, WHAT THE $#$%!? AND water WENT everywhere. I’m still laughing. It was AWESOME!!!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Oh, I get the fingers/hands that don’t want to cooperate! Some days it hurts to hold a pen. This has been a crazy April Fools Day–Mother Nature decided to prank us all by pretending it was going to be a nice Spring day and then throwing tornados at us last night! My phone went off with a tornado warning at 2 a.m. The wind is still crazy today.

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      My fingers and hands too! WHAT THE HELL?? This getting older thing is for the birds!
      OMGEEEEEEEEE I am so glad I don’t have hurricanes or tornados! Our skies are BLACK right now so probably more snow heading my way.
      Have you had tornado warning while your in your new place?

  • gloria patterson

    I have been lucky so far NO neck problems. BUT I do get steriod shots in my right knee and right hand ever 3 months! Like I said don’t know anything about the neck but the knee does not really hurt when he sticks the needle in. MY doctor sprays the area with a numbing spray. Ever time he uses it I tell I would love to steal that can. BUT on my hand it depends where he gives me the shot the wrist area a little bit the thumb hurts like hell. BUT they are worth it.

    For me HEAT helps my pain. Lots of different ways to apply heat electric not electic LOL I can offer lots of suggestions.

    Last saturday we had major windstorm and power was out for over 5 hrs. We are getting that wind again today. Power has blink off and on 3 or 4 times…………………. I HOPE IT STAYS ON

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      Okay, that makes me feel much better and a WHOLE lot less nervous. So the pain goes away for 3 months?! OMGEEEEEEEEEE I will be so happy!! This pain is really starting to mess with my craft room time! AND I DO NOT LIKE IT!!!
      I use an electric heating pad every night. Well, yesterday it was all day long. I am ready for some relief.

      Thank you for the information. I really am less nervous. I’m hoping it’s like the knee… this shot goes in my neck. soooooooooooo I’ll report back.

  • Heather

    Happy April Fools Day! I am taking it easy today it has been a bitch of a week and I need some serious R &R this weekend!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Happy April Fool’s Day!! Connie, did you know Botox can be used to prevent finger curling? Maybe worth discussing with your Doc? As for me, I’m drawing up plans for the work schedule for the next 2 weeks. 4 hours a day, 2 men and me, 3 or 4 days a week …

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