• Yoga downward dog

    Yoga Helps Fitness Seekers at All Levels

    When it is time to improve fitness, especially for someone particularly out of shape, it is easy to jump straight into doing a bulk of cardiovascular work, ignoring other exercises. The fact is that, with variety in taking yoga classes or Pilates, fitness seekers will see results sooner and help avoid injuries. Adding your own DIY pre-workout supplement could also benefit your practice. By adding yoga into the mix, fitness fans will love how they feel as they get into shape and even lose weight, if that is one of their goals. Some of the benefits that yoga offers includes balance, strength, flexibility and agility. There are even yoga courses…

  • Exercise excuses logo

    Be Honest, Are You Making These Excuses?

    I was having a word with one of my old friends yesterday who said she’s on a mission to finally lose weight (who isn’t, right?!)… hello aren’t we all making these excuses? Yes, we are in the midst of an obesity problem… yet, there’s simply no seriousness about it. That’s why I decided to write about it! After having a word with couple of experts in the field, they helped me identify three excuses most people, especially women make, when it comes to losing weight. So let’s see those in today’s unique blog post and let’s also see how to tackle these excuses when YOU make them the next time…

  • Health and Fitness woman walking

    Walking Your Way to Better Health and Fitness!!!

    Walking is a great way to get exercise. It’s great exercise for rookies and experienced devotees alike. Furthermore, besides a set of comfortable walking shoes, it requires no gyms or fitness equipment. It’s as simple as step one to step two and voila better health and fitness. Nevertheless, if you plan on walking to the land of fitness and better health, you will need some best practices, plans of approach and useful tips to expedite your arrival and prolong your stay as a full Fitness Walker The Mission Statement Believe it or not, taking the time to record why you are walking in the first place can be the biggest…