• System Hinoki For Thinning Hair GIVEAWAY!!

    I am just GIDDY that I get to host a giveaway for the same System Hinoki that I’ve been using for the last 3 months. This stuff is AMAZING!! In three months my hair is NOTICEABLY thicker and so much longer!!  My hair is now long enough to put in a bun!!  Check out my Month 3 Post as well as my Month 2 Post. Let me remind you what the System Hincoki is and how to use it. Then ENTER!!! You will be thrilled with the results!! What says “Happy Holidays!” more than a product collection for hair loss/hair thinning issues? For a person who is suffering from it,…

  • Female Hair Loss: Types and Treatments

    Most people think of hair loss as a male disease. However, forty percent of American hair loss sufferers are women. Thinning hair can devastate a woman’s self-image, but many women suffer in silence.In today’s society, it is generally more acceptable for men to experience hair loss. Even some in the medical community treat female hair loss as insignificant or non-existent. Health professionals are more likely to suggest hair loss treatment to men than women. While hair loss is not a life-threatening condition, it can cause psychological damage. The emotional toll can impact physical health. The American Hair Loss Association (AHLA) recognizes female hair loss as a life-altering condition that should…