Female Hair Loss: Types and Treatments
Most people think of hair loss as a male disease. However, forty percent of American hair loss sufferers are women. Thinning hair can devastate a woman’s self-image, but many women suffer in silence.
In today’s society, it is generally more acceptable for men to experience hair loss. Even some in the medical community treat female hair loss as insignificant or non-existent. Health professionals are more likely to suggest hair loss treatment to men than women.
While hair loss is not a life-threatening condition, it can cause psychological damage. The emotional toll can impact physical health. The American Hair Loss Association (AHLA) recognizes female hair loss as a life-altering condition that should not be ignored by the medical community or society at large.
Hair Loss Types
Alopecia, the medical term for hair loss, can be temporary or permanent. Temporary hair loss is often connected to an underlying medical condition, and treating the condition reverses the hair loss. Stress, pregnancy and some medications are other causes of temporary hair loss.
Androgenetic alopecia, also called pattern baldness, is the most common type of hair loss in men and women alike. It has genetic and hormonal factors. While pattern baldness is permanent, medical treatment can stop its progression and may encourage hair regrowth.
Hair Loss Treatments
According to the AHLA, women are in a “Catch-22” where drug treatments are concerned. Medications for androgenetic alopecia are more effective for men, and drug companies are not actively pursuing treatment for female pattern baldness. In fact, only one drug is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for this particular condition.
Most women turn to scarves, hats, wigs and hair pieces to hide their thinning hair. Many companies offer stunning hair replacement systems. Advent Hair is one example. Women can find everything from top-of-the head or integration systems to full head coverage.
These natural wigs and hair extensions are made with real human hair in dozens of designs and colors. Many companies can create custom, one-of-a-kind looks to give women a unique appearance. To find womens hair replacement products online, do a simple Internet search.

Diane K. Brimmer
It is nice that there are companies for women with hair loss. I know it would be great for me but I hear that they can become quite warm and uncomfortable. I like that they are now making treatments so that women can try to grow their own hair back.
Sarah L
Luckily I haven’t had the problem of hair loss. Gray hair, yes.
Wigs can sometimes look really fake. I’m glad to hear that these are nice and made of real human hair, in case I ever need one.
Alicia K
my mom uses a wig. it makes her feel better about herself.