Top 9 Reasons Why Physical Therapy Is Important
Sometimes you can treat pain through physical therapy (PT). Physical therapy, also known as physiotherapy, physio for short, entails treating, healing and preventing injuries and disabilities. PT helps to promote healing, relieve pain and restore movement and function. PT offers several benefits to the patient. 1. Reduce and eliminate pain Hands-on treatment such as electrical stimulation and ultrasound can restore muscle and joint function and help reduce pain such as lower back pain. It can also prevent the recurrence of pain. 2. Avoid surgery If PT helps to eliminate pain or heal injuries, surgery may not be needed. Even if it is required, you may still benefit from pre-surgery physical therapy.…
Happify! The Science Behind Happiness!! Review
So, what is Happify? Well, exactly what the name implies…… a site to help you be a better YOU! A HAPPIER YOU!! And doing so scientifically!! Yup, there is a SCIENCE behind happiness. Each week you have quick easy 4 to 7 exercises to help you get HAPPY!! We all tend to have times in our lives where we get bogged down in day-to-day details. We get sad, we get overwhelmed. We forget to be happy!! Who can blame us? The way the world is today, we all need some encouragement and reminders to be HAPPY!! The Happify activities are easy to do. For instance, one of the activities this…