• How To Choose A Dentist For Your Child!

    As a parent, your child’s health is one of your top priorities. When it comes to their medical care, you take your child to a pediatrician – a doctor who specializes in working with children. The same should apply when you choose a dentist. Rather than taking them to a regular dentist, you should consider taking them to a pediatric dentist like the Phoenix dentist, that will take your child from their first visit through orthodontics and everything in between. The best time for a child to start seeing the dentist is the minute that they start getting teeth. A pediatric dentist can examine your child’s smile, making sure that…

  • Tips To Help You Have Better Sleep!

    Ever wonder about those guys that work until late and are among the first to arrive at the office and looking refreshed? We all envy them and wonder what’s special about them. How do they do it? We all need to sleep at some point. They must have a key to better sleep. Sleeping is vital to our health and overall well-being. But in as much as we should get plenty of shut-eye, it does not mean that we quit our jobs because we have to be up early to get to the office, or that we forgo certain activities such as the weeknight concert. What matters is not so…

  • Fiber……..

    Yesterday I talked about the aging advantages and disadvantages.  I don’t have to color my hair anymore unless I want too. I’m retired and can pretty much do as I want. If I want I can sit on my tush and binge watch Netflix shows 24/7. I’m my own boss. I wish my body knew that I was in charge! Between hot-flashes; (which I would TOTALLY deny if given the opportunity) to being ‘regular’ my body has a mind of its own. Oh to be young again when I didn’t have to think about getting enough fiber in my diet. Who knew that fiber would turn out to be my best friend?…