• Blue Window shade

    Give Your Living Room A New Lease Of Life This Summer

    Right now, we’re in the final few weeks of Spring, it’s raining less often, the Sun is shining brighter, and the temperature is starting to slowly rise up. In only a few short weeks it will be Summer, which means only one thing: it’s party season! Whether you prefer backyard BBQ cookouts, pool parties or even just Summery dinner parties, the Summertime is ideal for having guests over and enjoying time with all your friends and family! While our Summer’s last year were disrupted, this year we look free and clear to enjoy ourselves. So, it’s probably been a while since you last hosted a big event at home, so…

  • DIY Homeowner Flowers

    Best Spring Projects for the DIY Homeowner

    It’s that time again when DIY homeowner folks all over the country begin cleaning, organizing remodeling or renovating, as well as taking on a number of other general, household chores.  We’re talking about spring, and if you want to finally tackle all of those tasks around your house and property that you have been putting off since last year, now is the time.  When it comes to the annual springtime chore list, most of them break down into two categories; cleaning and home improvement. Although these are two completely different types of tasks, they still go hand and hand.  Having a weekly, or monthly cleaning service will free your time…

  • My house Home Improvement Ideas

    My Idaho Update

    I know it’s been awhile since I have done an Idaho update especially the progress on the house. So; here goes! Get a cup of coffee and get ready for some whining! If you are new here; The Husband and I just moved from California to Sandpoint Idaho. It’s quite the change. From the people (who are SO NICE!!) to the weather! The last month has seen 100° + days (I didn’t think Idaho got this hot!) today is actually cool (downright chilly!) with heavy wind gusts that are bending the trees around our house. (Keep bending…. Please! No fall down. No fall into house. Please!) I decided that while…