• North Pacific Land Management. Dead Trees

    Beware! North Pacific Land Management MY Review

    Here I go again with some MAJOR whines.  Refresher: last year we hired North Pacific Land Management to help with our property. Our land (11 acres) was very overgrown and needed some thinning. We are always very aware of fire season. I am so paranoid that we could lose everything. We are surrounded by a lot of trees and bushes. Some are dead. Like brown, standing eye sores. North Pacific Land Management came out and explained they would thin out the trees. They would take the trees they cut down and sell them. This is considered their payment. That’s fine. We still were going to be winners. Our existing trees would…

  • Fire North Idaho Land management

    What a S(*&$^ Show! Fire BAD!!!

    Hello, little Peanuts. Those of you that follow me on Instagram may have seen my post with our “CONTROLLED” burn.  Well, let me tell you a story. As you may know, we hired North Pacific Land Management to start our land cleanup. It helps with forest fire management. (Getting rid of dead trees, thinning them out, AND helps us have healthy trees) NOT a quick fix This has been a two-year cleanup.  Last year they started, came in, and cut down trees, as in semi after semi of trees logged out.  This is part of our contract. You can thin out our land which will help us to have healthy…