• Simple Tips for Fractions

    Simple Tips for Fractions

    Many people, even when they are naturally good at math, have a hard time with fractions. If you fall in this category, there is hope. By following these simple tips for fractions, you can learn how to perform basic math functions using fractions. Numerator vs. Denominator A fraction represents a part of a whole number. If you have one half (i.e., 1/2) of a pie, for example, the whole pie has been divided into two equal parts, one of which is missing. The number on the bottom of the fraction is the number of parts or the denominator. The top number is how many of the parts are present, or…

  • Pens

    Writing! Writing! A Joy With Pilot Pens!!

    Y’all know I have a real addiction to pens.  Yes, pens; those lovely instruments that put ink on paper. Those instruments that write love songs, create moving novels or in my case keep my calendar up to date.  I’m probably the real reason that pens are on chains or have huge flowers attached to them. Yup, the pen whisperer! They just follow me home! HONEST!! Shoplet (don’t forget to use your Rakuten account. 2% back!) and Pilot Pens graciously sent me several packages of pens that I can’t wait to tell you about!! Let’s start with the Acroball Pro Hybrid Pens This is not just a good-looking pen, but the…

  • Marble Mania Crankster little girl playing with marble mania crankster toy

    Techno Gears Marble Mania Crankster #learningjourney

    Alice and I were so excited to get our The Learning Journey Techno Gears Marble Mania Crankster Building Kit!! We pulled everything out of the box along with very detailed instructions are several bags of parts. I was impressed with the way the pieces are packaged together making it easy to find the correct pieces when called out in the instructions. There are over 100 pieces in the Marble Mania Techno Gears Crankster set. With the help of one very adorable 4 year old I realized I was in over my head and called in the help of Pop-Pop. While kids that are 6 and over would be able to…