• Upgrade Your Study Space: 6 Ways Student Moms Can Improve Their Learning at Home

    For student moms, balancing the responsibilities of motherhood and academics can be a challenging juggling act. With the demands of childcare, household chores, and coursework, finding the time and space to study effectively can seem like an uphill battle However, creating an optimized study space at home can make a world of difference in your ability to focus and succeed in your studies. In this article, we’ll explore six ways student moms can upgrade their study space to improve their learning experience at home. Choose the Right Location The first step in creating an effective study space is selecting the right location within your home. Ideally, it should be a…

  • Schooling at Home: The Real Lessons We Should Be Teaching Our Kids

      With all the educational trends over the last year pointing towards homeschooling and remote working, parents all over the world have had to fly by the seat of their pants. When they receive work from the school, they have to interpret it and do the best they can with the child. And while there’s a lot to be said about the importance of academics, while our children are at home, we might want to start thinking about the best lessons that we can teach our children that are not necessarily provided by schools. If you have thought that there are certain lessons that you need to teach your children,…

  • Children at school

    5 Excellent Reasons Why Early Childhood Education Is So Important

    Most parents are anxious about whether sending their child to an early learning center is the best idea. It can be hard to separate yourself from your child when they are so young. But, in many cases, it is the only option as parents need to return to work. Even if work is not a factor in the equation, there are five excellent reasons why you should be focusing on early childhood education for your child.  Just be sure to take your time choosing the right place. A little research will ensure you’ve chosen a reputable center, such as this Croydon early learning center. 1. Independence One of the toughest…

  • Simple Tips For Home-Schooling During The Pandemic

    Just as adults have started to work from home, some children are being forced to learn from home. This is not something they will be used to at all, as you can imagine. However, you have a perfect opportunity to be a part of their educational development and help them to understand core concepts that feature in their curriculum. Something about being in the heart of your child’s education and helping them to understand and learn about the world should send tingles up anyone’s spine. But how do you help them learn in an environment which they’re not used to learning in, and how do you adjust to the new…

  • Whistlefritz On Va Jouer!! YES! (Let’s Play)

    It’s no secret I’m a huge fan of Whistlefritz CD’s and DVD’s.  These are FUN ways for kids to learn a new language!  Whistlefritz CD’s and DVD’s have received so many awards, from Parents’ Choice, Mom’s Choice, Mr. Dad, The Dove Foundation, NAPPA and KIDS FIRST! The folks at Booklist has praised them as “perfect for both school and home settings.”  Alice, Emma, Eli and myself AGREE!! 8 thumbs UP from my crew. The newest release is On Va Jouer (Let’s Play) is equally as fun and entertaining to watch!  The On Va Jouer DVDs combine live-action, animation, interactive skits and music. On Va Jouer!  Let’s PLAY!!  Is being released just in time for Bastille Day, which is  July 14. …

  • Barker Creek!! Early Learning and Beyond!!! Give AWAY TOO!!!

    I’m so excited about today’s review!  My regular followers know that I babysit 2 year old Alice during the week. We play A LOT… but I also make sure we practice our colors, our letters, numbers and so on.  She’s really smart!! So I want to keep challenging her. THANK YOU Barker Creek for helping me do just that!!! Alice and I are excited to share with you our review of Learning Magnets Red Kid Board and Learning Magnet’s High Frequency Words The two products are so perfect together!!  First, the Kid Board is the coolest shade of red! It’s the perfect size too! Alice can set the Kid Board on her…