• cutting up a cc

    Debt! Now THAT Is A Topic To WHINE About!

    Debt like time is a funny thing. I don’t know about you but when I was 15 getting to 16 took FOREVER!! Then 18. Holy Guacamole Batman time seemed to crawl. 21? Forget about it. By the time I was 21 I already had two little ones and trying to make ends meet. I tried all the tricks like sending the phone bill payment to the electric company. (APPARENTLY in the 80’s this was common, cause they caught on QUICK!) I clipped every single coupon I could find. Then someone thought it was a great idea to give ME a credit card!??! (Pfffftttt that was dumb!) I’m a Giver! I…

  • Passive Income As A Means To Ensuring Your Family’s Financial Security

    Not since the crash of the 1920s led to the “Great Depression”, has the state of the global economy been so…well, messed up.  So what can you do to protect your family in these uncertain and largely uncharted times? Smart money is saying two words:  Passive income. Image by nattanan23 WHAT IS PASSIVE INCOME? Passive income is earnings derived from an enterprise or undertaking where you’re not directly involved with it.  For example, earnings derived from rent or being a “silent partner” in a company. CAN’T I USE MY REGULAR INCOME TO SAVE? Well, yes you can.  But considering that most American families were not nearly saving enough before the…

  • Don’t Slip Climbing Up The Property Ladder

    Are you getting ready to invest in your first piece of property? By the time you hit the age of twenty, you’ll find that there seem to be numerous people urging you to buy your first home, whether you can afford it or not. It’s important to be aware that not all these people have your best interest at heart. Some people will maintain that renting is dead money and this is certainly true. However, that doesn’t mean that buying is automatically the best decision. You will still need to approach this challenge the right way and ensure that you don’t rush in. Don’t forget, if you buy property, there’s…

  • 5 Ways to Earn Money From Home This Winter

    Image Credit Make your money work for you  The first step in earning better money from home is to reduce your bills and spending as much as possible. Any savings analyst will advise you of this strategy because until you strip everything back to the necessities, your saving efforts will be inefficient and therefore flawed. Go through your accounts and remove any unnecessary expenses. These could include subscription services you haven’t used for a while. Limit subscription services where possible and check you’re getting the best deals on your energy, credit cards, insurance, and the best savings rates. Off-load all the stuff you don’t use Some people like to clean…

  • Practical advantages of applying for installment loans online

    You can find a number of banks and institutions that provide an installment loan to the people who are in need of financial help. Most of the banks follow the age-old methods of applying for a loan which includes a series of credit checks, verification’s, and document submissions. As technology developed and spread among the masses, the internet influenced the loan industry in a positive manner. Many advantages came forth as private companies drifted away from the traditional method and customized the whole process of applying for a loan. They modified everything so that it would become easier for you to get a loan. Let’s have a look at some…