No Boring Desk Here!! Thank You Blu Monaco!
I love chaos. I love knick-knacks and foo-foo dust collectors. I adore a gallery wall. I am a terrible hoarder; I truly have the worst time throwing things away. I have little toys, statues and fun things throughout the entire house. Truly drives The Husband insane. I even warn people when they say they are coming over to visit my house is SENSORY OVERLOAD!! No space shall be empty. (I so badly wish I were kidding!) WITH THE EXCEPTION!!! of my desk. I want my desk clear and clean of distractions. I am laughing to myself as I type this because what I call a clear, clean workspace would probably…
Shoplet Has ALL The Office Supplies I Need!! #shopletreviews
I truly have an addiction to iPad covers! Wait, I take that back, I have an addiction to office supplies. Pens, iPad covers, Binders, Paper! All of it!! Shoplet is one of my favorite spots on the net to feed that addiction. Shoplet is a one-spot shopping spot! Pens??! An awesome selection of pens! Paper? Toner? Furniture? Shoplet has EVERYTHING!!! Today, I want to share my review of two Samsill products from Shoplet. First, Office Binders. Being a blogger I accumulate a LOT of paperwork. Keeping it all in one binder makes my job easier!! This Samsill Top Performance DXL Locking D-Ring Binder With Label Holder is AWESOME!! SUPER easy…
So much STUFF!!! Too much STUFF!!
Where did all this STUFF come from?!?! Seriously!! Yes, we’ve been in this house since 1985. True, three kids grew up here. Three kids have stuff stored here. Then there is me I tend to collect stuff….. truly about one box away from staring on hoarders!! So, of course, all this STUFF has oozed into the garage… so I started looking at garage organization systems. This site made my heart beat faster. I was drooling over the organization and even the shiny floors on their site. (note to self… must mop tomorrow). Our garage is barely able to hold 2 cars. Then you add the holiday stuff, lawn stuff, tools, car stuff….…