• August $50 Giveaway

    $50 Your Way Giveaway August 2020! #Giveaway

    AUGUST’s giveaway is here!  I know you will groan at me but do you realize that Christmas is 146 days away?! I know that was mean. Sorry. (not really! Cause if I have to know this crap so do you!) Well, if this is your first time here some of my update news won’t make much sense. I’m hoping you will become an official Peanut and come back often. We are a FUN and CARING group. Honest!! So, starting off (Kate look away now because I don’t want to be responsible for you in the fetal position today) Kate is one of the Original Peanuts. I think she has been…

  • July $50 Giveaway

    $50 Your Way #Giveaway July 2020

    Anddddddddddddd here we are again with July’s $50 #giveaway.  Another month has passed by like a lightning bolt. Best part of June?  I believe that we can all agree is that Tamra got sprung!! Congratulations Tamra. You are a ROCK star!! Did you get a “goin’ home party’ from the home? I tried my darnedest to get Alice to do a video congratulations video. Yea…. working with a 9-year-old takes a lot of bribery and from a different state I have less ‘pull’ than I used too. But, one of these days it may just show up. Fingers crossed. My June biopsy came back ‘inconclusive’ so the whole lump must…

  • Giveaway June Logo

    $50 YOUR Way #Giveaway June 2020

    Welllll it looks like someone didn’t remember that May had 31 days! I TOLD you that this stay home order has my mind turned to mush… (that’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it) ANYWAY! The Giveaway is ready now. May was NOT a good month for our family. Both of my kids had 14-year-old dogs that unbeknownst to the other had to put their dogs down on the same day. That was a very emotional day all the way around. No Mom likes to hear their child cry and for some reason adult children crying makes my heart break. One week later The Husbands father passed away. We all…