• October giveaway logo

    Happy October!! $50 Giveaway!!

    Hello Peanuts here I am with my October giveaway!! Fall is officially here!! Idaho has gotten a little on the chilly side. Today’s high was all of 50°!! September seems to have gone very fast! Kitchen still not done. HOWEVER!! The flooring is done!! It’s so nice!! Between all the stains and the smells and the dust and dirt having a super soft carpet is aaaaaaaahhhhhhhmazing!! So, what’s the first thing you do when you get new carpeting? You get an 8 week old PUPPY!??!? Yup, only me…… Bernie is came home the 30th of September at around 5pm. I’m hoping this sleeping puppy sleeps all night long!! Fingers crossed.…

  • September Giveaway Logo

    $50 Your Way Giveaway! Single Blog Giveaway! PayPal, Amazon, Starbucks

    Are you ready for Septembers Giveaway? I have to say last month was BUSY!! Between my kids Selena and Zac coming for a visit. Alice spending 3 weeks here IN THE MIDST of remodeling. (BTW I do not recommend entertaining and remodeling at the same time. It’s stressful!) Remember just last month I complained it was HOT outside?? Well, a mere 30 days later it’s COLD!! I know whine, whine, whine! It’s weird, not really freezing but unpredictable. One day it will be in the 60s and today? 63! Then yesterday it bad it to 80’s. Everyday is different. I’m learning that this is Idaho. However, the nights? In the 40’s,…

  • $50 Giveaway August

    August 2018 $50 Your Way Giveaway!!

    Hello Peanuts welcome to my August Giveaway!!! HOLY GUACAMOLE Batman Idaho get’s HOT in the summer!! Temperatures in the high 90’s and 100’s. With no air conditioning……… Yup, started this post right off with a whine. I really shouldn’t whine at all, the guy that is replacing the siding is outside all day in this heat!! YOUCH!!! Alice was delivered by Uncle Zac on Saturday. We drove him back to the airport the 31st. Alice and I get our three weeks together now. I’ve missed this baby!!!!!!!!!! She flew into my arms and I got the best hug EVER!!! This post isn’t making much sense because THIS kid has no…