• September $50 Your Way Giveaway

    $50 Your Way Giveaway September 2022!

    Happy September Giveaway little Peanuts. Here is my monthly update. August was a pretty busy month. I finally got back to work in my garden. Let’s just say it’s a big dead piece of land and not really a garden. But, all weeds are pulled. Everything has been trimmed back. I dug up some of my lavender plants and planted them in different places. It worked wonderfully last year so I’m hoping for the same next spring. Only a small amount of touch-up left to do and this year is done. I also cleaned up my little roll-top desk. (Refresher, my Grandpa built this little roll-top desk for my Mom…

  • $50 Giveaway August

    $50 Your Way Giveaway August 2022

    Here is my July Giveaway update from on top of the mountain in Sandpoint Idaho. The beginning of the month was a whirlwind.  The Husband has been sick, MS and Covid do NOT mix well. Mid July I had originally planned to take visiting Granddaughter Alice home, stay a week and visit family and friends before returning home. Welllll, that was not meant to be. The Husband could not be left alone longer than a day, even that was tricky. So, Alice and I flew to sunny California, I dropped the kid at the curb, hugged the son-in-law. Hugged the kid and immediately got on a plane back to Idaho.…

  • Win CHEESE For A Year!

    Sign up for Sartori emails to win FREE Cheese for a year plus get discounts, recipes and more straight to your inbox!! Three Lucky winners are eligible to win. Artisan cheese for all.