• Trail Cam Friday November 27th

    I know I haven’t posted many Trail Cam Friday’s lately, but things in our yard had been pretty boring. This past week though we’ve had a couple of beautiful bucks!  You know I’m hoping for those shed’s (antlers) to drop by the house for me, come spring!! Aren’t they so handsome?? Want to check out additional trail cam pictures? You can search trail cam (It’s on the left under “Whatcha Lookin’ For?”  Or start here for some more of my wildlife photos.  

  • picture time cougar

    Picture Time!

    Picture time is my favorite time. I have a couple of really cool shots to share with you!! The sky on Sunday night was pretty spectacular so I thought I would share. While washing dishes I always stare out the window and there was all sorts of activity under the window. I saved the best for the last! 8 miles away!!  One of our neighbors has a BIG KITTY CAT (mountain lion) come visit his trail cam. This shot is TOO GOOD not to share!!!  YES, I know it’s bad but I REALLY, REALLY want my own trail cam shot of this kitty!!

  • Trail Cam Pictures from Sandpoint Idaho

    What’s On The Trail Cam Friday!

    Diane, you pointed out there hasn’t been much to comment on lately. Let’s just call it L-A-Z-Y!! So, I here by designate Fridays as “what’s on the trail cam!” So, after going through 3000 (yeah, you read that correctly 3000) photos I found a few that are post-worthy. I also realized that the batteries must be low because all I have are night photo’s. We get constant traffic by this trail cam. It’s directly on the side of my craft room. I never get tired of the visitors. Here is what we got this week! Here are a few more trail-cam photos