• Trail cam pictures from Sandpoint Idaho

    Trail Cam Friday March 27th

    WHINE ALERT! Just like other states Idaho now has a ‘stay home’ order for the next 21 days. I’m basically a homebody. I enjoy my home. NORMALLY! HOWEVER, when I am forced to stay home I’m bored out of my mind! I should be taking this time to deep clean, thin out my closet, craft. I love crafting. I just have no desire to do anything. The weather is boring and gray. Although we did have snow for a day, which melted by evening. Even my trail cam photos this week seem boring. Peanuts I hope you are doing well and not going stark raving mad. Most of all I…

  • Deer in Sandpoint Idaho Photo-A-Day

    Trail Cam Friday!

    We moved the Trail Cam to point to the “Zen” area. In the spring and summer it’s absolutely a stunning spot. The area is a HUGE rock covered in moss. Beautiful quiet spot. (pffttt everywhere is quiet, it’s just this one spot is so ZEN!!) I’m still not crazy about the area so, it’s Tuesday the 3rd and I’m gonna go drag the trail cam around for a different view.

  • Deer in Sandpoint Idaho Photo-A-Day

    Trail Cam Friday!

    I moved the trail cam just a little. It’s much better than looking at the side of the barn. RIGHT?!?! This is to the side of our house looking down our road. This angle will hopefully show me who is walking up to our yard. I mean……. hellllo. It’s a long driveway. It’s obvious it’s someone’s house and yet…… they never come to the door. They walk up this long driveway……… it’s weird. Right?  Some day I will video tape how far off the road we actually are. It’s A HIKE! Okay… see? Shiny…. side tracked…… gesh! I like this first set of pictures because it reminds me of Alice.…