• Signing Time on Demand Review

    Signing Time on Demand is amazing!!   During the last week at Yosemite, I took along my laptop specifically for the Signing Time on Demand app for Alice.  She is mesmerized by Rachel Coleman!! Rachel Coleman is cheerful and engaging!  Alice will watch the video over and over.  As a matter of fact, the first night of the Yosemite trip we stayed in a hotel.  Alice was still wired from being in a car seat all day so I clicked open the Signing Time on Demand and Alice was totally entertained!!  We watched the video three times in that sitting alone! I’ve been teaching Baby Alice signing for toddlers and…

  • Potty Time Review

    Potty training….. NOT the most fun job.  Okay really….. the word fun doesn’t even belong anywhere near the words potty and training! NO!!  Potty training is hard work!!  It’s tiring and frustrating.  And the kids don’t like it either!! But, if it could be fun it would start with this DVD!  Potty Time Seriously! I enjoy this DVD and I’ve watched it about 20 times already and I’m STILL singing along with Rachel Coleman each time we play this DVD. Some of my favorite parts of Potty Time # 1. obviously is Rachel Coleman she does singing and signing.  She is amazing… amazing… my body is amazing… amazing… (sorry it’s one…