GIVEAWAY!!! $50 Your Way! December 2019
Imagine MY surprise when Alexa told me it was December 1st. SAY WHAAAA?!?!?
So, yes the monthly giveaway is a few hours late. Seriously, this retirement thing means I have lost all sense of time.
Here is my monthly update. Deck FINISHED!!! All the way!! All the way to the stain even!! Even more exciting is that the BBQ is finally out of my kitchen!!!!!!!!! I was so tired of that big eye sore sitting there since May.
Barn. UP done. HUGE!! (there is a shadow on the barn so look UP!) Tractor and 4×4 safely nestled inside. This thing is monstrous!! The Husband even has a workshop area! Course until the stove get’s installed it’s a tad on the chilly side in there. Like 1°. Truthfully, he’s been good enough to stay inside lately. (insert evil laugh here! AND a snicker)
We’ve been cleaning up the yard too. Seem that contractors are a messy bunch. So, lots and LOTS of scraps of wood, a million pounds of nails. Yup, that was a whine. Since there has been constant construction around here I have done zip-zero-nadda in yard work so the weeds are knee high. So we’ve worked on that too. Had to clean up branches that fell due to our 60mph winds last week. The yard looks way better. Surprisingly, still no snow. *except a small amount in October, which is completely gone. It is, however, cold enough to make ice molds! If you’re asking yourself why ice molds? Ummmm cause they are cool?
I have made another friend up here in Sandpoint. A KNITTER!! Can I get a whoot whoot!! I learned to knit. I made my first project an infinity scarf. I have to admit Marilee asked repeatedly if I was sure I wanted that many stitches on my needle. OF COURSE I do. Ummmmm soooooo basically an experienced knitter knows what she’s talking about!! This scarf is GINORMOUS!! Like I can pull it down around my shoulders, truthfully, it’s a round blanket. But when the wind chill gets to the negative I won’t be crying. (however there WILL be whining!!) I started a throw for The Husband with the softest, fluffiest yard! I’m totally enjoying this hobby.
Mostly, I’ve been holed up in my amazing craft-room. I tried my hand at felting. I made a blue bird. Now, mind you this is my VERY first ever attempt. However, not too bad. It was fun and one of those things that you can just zone out and do. I attempted a Christmas ornament too.
Now I’m working on a t-shirt for Alice with an iridescent vinyl in the shape of a snowman…. cause y’know every California kid needs a snowman. It’s so shiny!!!! BTW…… that kid! Taking ARCHERY!! Doing Mud Runs. I really hate that I am missing this! I requested a nice picture of Selena and Zac from Thanksgiving. My kids…………. they DO crack me UP!!! So sarcastic……. must get it from their Dad.
Now for the real reason you stopped by.
I truly am thankful you stop by! Most of you everyday. I am blown away by your support!!
My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! I really do appreciate the fact that you are here. THANK YOU!!!
This months giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements is always appreciated!!
GOOD LUCK little Peanuts!!!
This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!
Here it is August of 2024 and this giveaway is still going STRONG!! Am I a lucky blogger or WHAT?!?!

ilelebet burada!
ilelebet giriş
ilelebet burada!yapabilirsiniz.
Sarah L
Happy New Year!
Shelly Peterson
I went to dialysis. Afterwards I went to my brothers for New Years eve.
Tamra Phelps
Here’s hoping 2020 beats 2019 by a long shot. It’s hard to imagine it getting worse…knock wood.
Sarah L
No big plans for New Year’s Eve. I will be awake but that’s about all.
Good day for the last day of the year, and end of a decade. Paid bills, and sent off some communications to elected officials about proposed legislation, etc. Dark and gloomy again, so I didn’t get any cleaning done. Hope to go to bed way before midnight.
Mary Gardner
Today is a beautiful, sunny day. We are cooking some turnip greens and black eyed peas to have tomorrow. We will watch movies tonight and then try to stay awake to see the ball drop and have some sparkling cider.
Diane K. Brimmer
I can’t believe that This month is already over non less the year! Seems like the older I get the faster the years go by. I feel like a duck coming in for landing, just slow down! I hope y’all have a happy New Year!
Kate Sarsfield
New Year’s Eve 2019 and I haven’t even got the Christmas tree out of the loft or made a wreath! But, I’m better & Mum, sis & niece are on the mend so here’s to 2020. May you all be healthy, happy and safe xxx
Michele Soyer
Happy New Year all!!! May all the peanuts here enjoy a safe and pleasant NYE and a happy healthy 2020!!
shelly peterson
I had a relaxing day today.
Sarah L
Good swim today. Then errands and then 1 1/2 hr massage.
A strange weather day, it is thundering and lightning, and has been storming all day, since last night. I have to see if there is a weird name for this weather effect, but I’m keeping my flashlight handy if we lose power. Made a soup in the slow cooker today, just had some, nice comfort food for dark, gloomy weather!!
Here’s what they just said about the weather just now… “Very very unusual. One of the rarest weather events we ever see. It has summer-like qualities with cloud to ground lightning, hail (west of us at least) and really loud thunder. Hail happening in 36 degree weather I don’t know if it has ever happened in my lifetime that I can recall. Excellent time to know the difference between freezing rain, sleet and hail”
Tamra Phelps
Glad to see Kate’s back! I understand that she doesn’t recommend the flu diet because over the last year and a half, I’ve dropped 150 lbs., but I don’t recommend the sepsis/MRSA diet, lol.
Kate Sarsfield
… and I’m back! Thank you to all who sent good wishes while I was ill – 10 days in bed, saved so much money AND lost 16lbs!!! I would not recommend it to anyone.
Diane K. Brimmer
Well, the rain turned white and 35 degrees! I guess winter is back. Oh well I have no place that I have to bee right now anyway. I think I will get some things done around the house.
Michele Soyer
Great day yesterday….love to see old friends….today prepping for NYE….
shelly peterson
I had to go to dialysis today for the holiday schedule. I will be glad to back on regular schedule.
Sarah L
Sun was shining today on the snow. Not melting because it’s only 27 degrees. Quiet day at home.
Day is going good. It is going to start sleeting pretty soon, I have a short errand to do. Was shining up anything copper today, I was amazed how much tarnish comes off! High maintenance!
Mary Gardner
We are having a dreary, rainy day today. I am spending the day doing some laundry and watching some holiday movies that I didn’t have time to catch before Christmas.
Tamra Phelps
I’m sitting here listening to an oldies radio station. They’re playing a Kasey Kasem Top 40 Countdown from 1976. I probably heard it the first time around, lol.
Diane K. Brimmer
Raining today and 38 degrees! Here we goo again! We have a few leaks in the large window in our living room and one from the ceiling in the back room. At least for now I get to hear the sound of think, think, bloop, bloop coming from the buckets. Guess we are going to be doing roof repairs in the spring. That is if it lasts that long.
Michele Soyer
Can sit here and enjoy my coffee…guests not arriving until later this morning…I do love the holidays…
Laurie Nykaza
Cold outdoors today so we cleaned up our kitchen we had baked a turkey dinner so it was a mess. It was a great dinner for everyone
shelly peterson
I went to get coffee and breakfast with my daughter and grandson. Then I just relaxed all day.
Sarah L
Snowy day, about 3 inches. Glad to be warm at home.
Mary Gardner
Today has been a good day. We are having beautiful and unseasonably warm weather in the 60’s here and it will stay warm through the weekend but the rain is moving back in. So today was running errands and cleaning up some leaves in the yard.
Tamra Phelps
Well, I spent the last 24 hours in Univ. of KY ER. I told the nurses here at the nursing and rehab that I doubted the sore on my back was MRSA related but they’re jumpy about that, lol. Understandable as many times as I’ve had it. The upshot is it’s all fine. No MRSA. Just a bedsore that needs to be healed. (It came up the last time MRSA hit and I was in the hospital, bedridden for a week.)
Michele Soyer
Al always thinking about you.. glad that it is not MRSA
It is pretty nice out, but right now I’m inside making oatmeal raisin cookies. I tried using oil instead of butter, and ground flax thickened in water instead of eggs. They’re coming out good! I had to put the mix in the food processor to make the oats a little smaller, but not like flour. I like eggs, but ran out, and trying to use less saturated fats, so using the oil.
Michele Soyer
Planning my dinner party for tomorrow… a holiday get together that really makes me happy….. menu planned.. desserts made….table decorated and set… now I can relax and just enjoy the day….
My day is going pretty well so far. It’s my wedding anniversary today (21 years).
Diane K. Brimmer
Good morning! I slept like a log last night. I didn’t really want to crawl out of bed as it was nice and warm. Especially when my feet hit the ice cold floor, 27 degrees. Brrr! This morning I am off to watch the 6 kids for 7 hrs. Wish me luck!
shelly peterson
Today was a day of dialysis. Then I came home and relaxed
Sarah L
Good to be back at the pool after 4 days. Then a stop at the library to pick up a hold. Then to Kaiser for the blood letting. (just 2 vials, really). Then I treated myself to a BlackJack pizza.
Mary Gardner
Today is going well. I finally feel back to normal and rested after a fun but also exhausting few days. The weather is beautiful and I am having a nice relaxing day.
Day is going good, it is dark and gloomy out, so I don’t mind being inside. Got some cooking and laundry done, now taking a break. Hard to believe this year is almost over!!
Diane K. Brimmer
I am on my way to Bible Study and am late so I won’t make this long. I also have to kid sit with 6 kids toady! Think I will sleeptonight. Good thing I am doing this now. LOL!
Michele Soyer
Still relaxing and only doing holiday fun things .. no work at all… having guests and well today I am going to have to bake.. all the goodies gone… eaten or given away….
Laurie Nykaza
We had lots of rain so we stayed in watched movies and called loved ones to wish them a Merry Christmas too.
shelly peterson
I spent the day relaxing. I also had dinner with my daughter and grandson.
Diane K. Brimmer
Boy did I have a devil of a time getting on you website. I could not get on here till just now. Not sure what was going on. I even tried my phone from my daughter’s place and couldn’t get on. Oh well glad to be on here now.
Tamra Phelps
Man, I’ve been tired today. I’ve got a slight head cold, you know, just enough to add that touch of misery to everything, lol.
Sarah L
A lovely quiet day at home eating leftovers. Nice after a busy few days.
I like your new yarn bowl. Miss being able to comment on your instagram.
Day is going good, got back from shopping and just put everything away, late lunch and dishes. Now checking out what is going on online!!
shelly peterson
I got up early and ran some errands. wrapped a few gifts and relaxed.
Tamra Phelps
I definitely feel a cold coming on. Ugh. Great way to spend Christmas.
Sarah L
Just a quick dip in the pool. Then a stop at the busy, busy, busy grocery store for a couple of things for my friend’s party tomorrowt night
We having a couple of days unusually warm for this time of year, and sunny, too! I had too many things to get done today to go outside, but tomorrow I’m planning on walking to town to do errands.
Mary Gardner
Today has been a busy day with lots of baking an a little cleaning in between. The grandchildren are here and enjoying lots of holiday movies since it has been raining all day. Everyone is excited for Christmas!
Diane K. Brimmer
Good morning! We have a high of 43 degrees out today. Now I kinda like this kind of weather. Still have snow yet it’s not so cold that you freeze your toes off. Think with this sunshine I will finish my Peanut Brittle for the year.
Michele Soyer
All my baking is finally done.. some people picking the goodies up tomorrow and some my daughter is delivering….tonight he carol singers come.. love them…so off to do nothing!!
shelly peterson
I went in for dialysis today for the holiday schedule and then I went to eat Pho with my daughter
Mary Gardner
Today was a nice day. It is cold here but we had lots of sunshine and it was a beautiful day. I have been busy with lots of cooking and cleaning and more to come for the next couple of days.
Sarah L
Last quiet day at home this week. Wrapping packages.
It was nice out today, warmer than usual, and was able to get outside and enjoy for a while this afternoon. I’m getting ready to take a batch of kale chips with a topping out of the oven. I’ve only tried it a couple of times, and they are good – kale was on sale this week!
shelly peterson
I did some cleaning and then wrapped all my gifts.
Sarah L
Happy Winter Solstice! Now the days will be getting longer.
Hard to believe it is dark out already! Very cold today, but tomorrow is supposed to be warmer, yea! Made a kale & sausage soup, with homemade vegetarian sausage. I was surprised it came out good!
Tamra Phelps
Saturday before Christmas…and it just doesn’t feel like Christmas to me. I’m spending another Christmas in this place where I can’t do my usual baking or candy making. It’s just kind of depressing. There’s no getting around it. Christmas this year is just day to get through. Which I will do, and then move on.
Michele Soyer
Chin up Tammie.. have one of my cookies and a glass of wine….my goodness am I playing pretend?? no just trying to cheer you up..By the way where is Kate?? hope she is alright…
Mary Gardner
My day is going well. We have lots of holiday baking to get done and a little cleaning as well.
Diane K. Brimmer
Good morning! Yesterday I made my first Cashew Brittle! As my granddaughter said ” It turned out epic” I guess that means she liked it. Today I am off to kid watch till 6:30 tonight. They remind me they are not babies! LOL
Michele Soyer
Baking again today for early pickup… Lawn man is here cutting glad it stopped raining..
shelly peterson
Today was a day of dialysis. I have a short weekend so that everyone at dialysis has Christmas off.
Mary Gardner
My day was great. I spent the entire day playing with my granddaughters!
Sarah L
Went swimming with my friends but the pool was cold so we didn’t stay as long as usual.
Day is going good, my oh my, day is going by fast! Getting a few things done around the house, it is really cold out. Looking up recipes for soups with kale right now.
Tamra Phelps
Therapy is going good. I’m standing, trying to rebuild strength more than anything, so I can push myself up and move forward, lol.
Diane K. Brimmer
Last Friday till Christmas! Boy am I glad that I am done. Now I can sit in the window bench, drink my cup of coffee and watch it snow.
Michele Soyer
Looks like the sun might peek out from the clouds today…ready to go out into the garden if it does….
shelly peterson
I ran some errands today. I also went to lunch with my son.
Tamra Phelps
The new roommate kept me awake most of the night. She moans and cries, but denies she’s in pain. I don’t know what to do. I think she needs people near her because she fears sleep…she’s afraid she won’t wake up. She’s on hospice, is refusing dialysis, has COPD.
Sarah L
Got a haircut (actually got ALL of them cut). Then a stop at Boston Market – finally found my gift card for there.
Wow so dark out! Day was OK, a number of things went wrong, but no tragedies. I try to count blessings. Going to a complex meeting tonight.
Diane K. Brimmer
Good morning! I woke up to another bloody nose. grr! Kinda disappointed that I missed my granddaughter’s Christmas concert. I got a last minute dr. appointment and they took my blood pressure and it was 127/40. They made me stay longer to make sure I was okay. Which made me miss her concert. I will not get the Grandma award for the year! Anyway I feel okay other than the bruise from the blood pressure cuffs. Hope today I can get more things done.
Michele Soyer
So here goes the day….trying to contest early and I cannot do anything on instagram.. I am blocked.. cannot share anything on Facebook to a friend… so maybe I should just bake!!!
Laurie Nykaza
Today was a day of shopping to get the gifts we needed to buy for the holidays
shelly peterson
Today was a day of dialysis. I am tired.
Sarah L
Good swim today with my friends. Last group swim before Christmas. I’ll still swim on Friday and Monday.
Getting dark out, made a batch of split pea soup. Getting a few more things done for the holidays!
Mary Gardner
My day is going well. I had lots of errands to run today and will wrap a few gifts today. I am making spaghetti and meatballs for dinner and will enjoy some Christmas movies tonight with my daughter.
Tamra Phelps
Dang, I accidently hit my brother’s name on the autofill, lol. Anyway, my comment is above, lol.
Robert Phelps
New roommate today. This one is on hospice, too. She seems just slightly disoriented (not sure of the year, etc.) and has trouble breathing (on oxygen.) I’m not sure what is wrong overall, but let’s hope she’s not headed out of this World in 12 hours like my last roommate.
Michele Soyer
Had a lovely time yesterday shopping.. crowds were awful, parking unreal, registers slow but I still had a great time.. There are still some things not put away.. will get to it today!
shelly peterson
I didnt do much for most of the day. I did go grocery shopping.
Tamra Phelps
Tuesday in therapy was an eye-opener. I’m so weak after all the time in the hospital. Well, at least that’s over and the rebuilding has begun.
It was a snowy, icy, dark day today so no fancy cleaning going on, heartbroken LOL. Did a few chores, but I’m wondering, what the heck DID I do all day, that I was so busy? Well had to make several phone calls, did some cooking, catching up with relatives for the holidays!!!
Sarah L
Just a quiet day at home. Slept in.
Mary Gardner
My day is going well. It is cold and raining again so it will be an indoors day with the grandchildren this afternoon.
Diane K. Brimmer
Well, today I am off to another doctors appointment. It should go really well today as my one yesterday went great. You know you are getting old when all you tlk about is pills and doctors. LOL
shelly peterson
A day od dialysis, feels like a long day
Sarah L
Good swim today. Saw friends there I wasn’t expecting to see. Then went to T-Mobile to get my sim card switched from old phone to the new one. (I dropped the old one and it wasn’t happy) I couldn’t believe how easy it was to get all my contacts and apps transferred from one phone to the other. Google handled it all.
Tamra Phelps
Monday. Back to Physical Therapy. I’m pretty weak, but it’ll come back quickly, I’m sure.
Mary Gardner
Today was a great day. We had sunshine and almost 60 degree weather. I got outside with my granddaughters to enjoy it because it is supposed to rain tomorrow and drop 20 degrees for the rest of the week. We went to the library this afternoon and read lots.
Wow, this day flew by, and I’m so behind, but did hustle and got some things done. Walked to town and saw some people I know at the library, so got to catch up on what’s going on.
shelly peterson
This was a busy weekend. I had all my grandkids over.
Diane K. Brimmer
I am writing on here to comment as I have run out of places to comment on. I love how generious you are. Thank you so much for your awesome giveaways. You are the best!
Diane K. Brimmer
Well, I am on my way to my dr. appointment again. I will be glad to get this one done. It is a followup for my Bi-pap. It has been working great for me. I love how well it works.
Michele Soyer
Still dark and rainy.. even the dogs are getting the rainy day blues.. better crank up the music for them… shopping tomorrow for the last time before the holiday…have to make sure all my lists are in order for the baking…not taking any more last minute orders after today….going to also drive along to see the lights…
Sarah L
Today we got one more minute of sun in the evening. The morning will continue to lose daylight for the next week, then light will return.
It is a nice Sunday, the sun was out, an not too cold. It is so dark out now, so early! Getting some thing done for the holidays!
Tamra Phelps
Well, that comment was supposed to go under Kate’s last post but for some reason the ‘reply’ button isn’t working for me.
Tamra Phelps
Uh oh, Kate, you haven’t commented in a few days. I hope that doesn’t mean you’re feeling really bad. Putting good vibes out into the Universe for you!
Michele Soyer
I agree where is Kate??
Tamra Phelps
Not much going on here today. It’s been a slow Sunday. I’m just watching HGTV, you know watching other people redo their homes, lol.
Diane K. Brimmer
Today I am going to try to find my house. I have been gone and my house has been neglected. It needs a good dusting and so forth. Maybe put on some Christmas music and it should help get me going.
Mary Gardner
So far my day is nice. It is cold here but the sun is finally shinning which is great. Today is fairly laid back for us with maybe wrapping some gifts and taking it easy otherwise.
Michele Soyer
Still pouring….nothing is better on a cool rainy day then a pot of beef stew so here I go….while that is simmering away relax and listen to some hand bell Christmas…..
Crystal K
Good day – did some work, played Legos with my kids, took the dog on a long walk.
shelly peterson
I have been watching all my grandkids all day. This old lady is worn out, lol
Sarah L
Just a lovely quiet day. Mountains are getting lots of snow.
Tamra Phelps
Not a bad Saturday. I won an Ugly Christmas Sweater, lol. Got one that will likely fit my niece and both nephews (a little big on the youngest, but it’s a sweater, so who cares.) I hope it comes before Christmas so they can wear it.
Day is going Ok. Another rainy day, so did laundry, and some online shopping, mostly searching, though!
Mary Gardner
My day is going well so far. We are on our second day of cold, dreary weather so this will be a laundry and holiday baking day.
Diane K. Brimmer
Today I am spending the day with my little gymnast and her brother. Should be an awesome day. Then I will come home and make Peanut Brittle.
Crystal K
Took my dog THREE walks today. Just so happy to be feeling better, haha.
shelly peterson
Just another day of dialysis. Happy weekend!
Tamra Phelps
I’ve spent the day sick, tossing my cookies, lol. Hipefully it passes soon.
Sarah L
Had a good swim then a great massage. Then took a present to my friend for her birthday.
Diane K. Brimmer
Hello Connie, Today my daughter and I made some ornaments. They are so cute if I say so myself. It was a gread day with her and my grandson.
Day is going OK. A dark and rainy day, but I like them sometimes, as I stay in and content myself with doing things inside. Getting ready for the holidays!
Mary Gardner
So far my day is going well. We are having a cold, rainy day that began as freezing rain this morning. So it will be an inside day with maybe a few cleaning chores and wrapping some gifts.
Kate Sarsfield
I’m ill with a high temp & shivers. Mum’s just over it so now it’s my turn and the cat isn’t well either. Back to bed for me!
Diane K. Brimmer
So sorry that you aren’t feeling well. Hope you have a speedy recovery!
Shannon V Holmes
Watching Youtube craft videos. I just got up 🙂
Michele Soyer
Stormy again today.. last night the power went for awhile and the wind was howling.. huddled back under the covers until 5:30 then up and making coffee!
Crystal K
Felt much better today. Went grocery shopping, made lasagna, went to work.
shelly peterson
I did a little relaxing and then helped my daughter out for a while.
Shannon V Holmes
Hey I am doing a lot better. Had a good day relaxing.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. I love the blanket you made. Looks warm and lovely. Just wish I could comment on instagram.
Tamra Phelps
I start back to Physical Therapy tomorrow. Finally, something to look forward to!
Kate Sarsfield
YAY! Wait a mo, I don’t want to rain on your parade but that’s Friday 13th!
Went to get groceries today via the ride service. Tried self check, and what I liked about it is I could confirm my digital coupons were being used, as normally I have to call the HQ and spend hours to get them to credit me the coupons, very wearisome, so this was a boon. Talked to the CT Attorney General’s office today about the problems with our Fire Marshal office not enforcing the code and what I could do about the retaliation.
Mary Gardner
My day is going well. It has turned pretty cold here but the sun in shinning and it is supposed to be a beautiful day. I am making a few kinds of cookie dough today and will have my granddaughters later to do homework and play.
Kate Sarsfield
I made a head-dress to wear when carolling: holly, ivy & a couple of glittery tiny baubles on an old headband. I gave up on the superglue as there was more on me than on the foliage & used florist’s wire instead. A local nursing home tonight.
Michele Soyer
I think it is wonderful that you go carolling….It makes the season so joyful for many….
Diane K. Brimmer
Good morning Connie! Last night got to go out to dinner with my brother and his wife. Yesterday was her birthday. I enjoy how close my brother and I have became. Wish that our other brother could be as close. But he lives a very different life style than we do and isn’t comfortable around us. It is very sad. Oh well it is a new day and I am bound to make the most of it.
Michele Soyer
Another rainy stormy day… I do have to go out and see about my seedlings.. laundry… then cooking a nice eggplant parmesano…
shelly peterson
I went to dialysis today and we got a couple inches of snow.
Elicia P
Day went well for today. I got nothing done. It’s cold outside. That is about it. Now onto day 5 of insomnia.
Crystal K
Ugh another sick day. Read a whole book though so at least that was fun.
Sarah L
Had a fun class last night: Pickles and Chutney. We made pickled onions and cranberry chutney. Today went swimming with my friends.
Wow, I don’t know this day went by so fast! It was nice and sunny out, so was able to do a few things I needed that sunshine. Started polishing some brass items that haven’t been polished in….. 50 years or more?? What a difference, but lots of elbow grease and patience required, but the results are worth it!
Diane K. Brimmer
Good morning! I am so excited, I am going to a woman Christmas party. It should be quite fun as we will be making a craft as well. Oh and she puts on quite the meal, with al the finest finger sandwiches and pastries. Lucky me!!!!
Kate Sarsfield
Last night’s carolling in the Little Hospital was lovely AND we sang Happy Birthday to a gentleman who was 100 yesterday!
Michele Soyer
Dark and stormy….Baking bread and cookies to keep me out of trouble.. almost got blown away while walking the dogs!!!
Crystal K
Still sick, lazy day watching the holiday version of the Great British baking show.
Shelly Peterson
I still dont have my tree up. I was going to do it today but wasn’t feeling good.
Day is going good. The volunteers just picked up my donations for the sick and underpriviledged children. I’m glad I could do something. I was excited to try making the lip balm, but it separated, so now I’m googling around to find out what happened. It didn’t go to waste, I could whip it into a usable form. It was still fun to do, though. I can see once I figure it out, it should save me some money, as I like to use it, but good ones all natural are so expensive.
Kate Sarsfield
The tail end of the storm hit last night so we didn’t get much sleep. Off to sing carols in the little local hospital. Christmas officially starts now!
Mary Gardner
My day is going well however the weather is terrible. It is fairly cold and raining and very dreary today. I will have my granddaughters this afternoon after school though and that always brightens my day.
Michele Soyer
Well the weather changed my plans… did get some seeds started and cleaned the patio.. played with the dog and now well a book looks very good to me…
Diane K. Brimmer
I went shopping yesterday and went around the store 4 different times trying to find the right gift for the ones on my list and could not find anything that I could afford that I thought they would like. Is is bad to buy them gift cards? That way we both win! LOL
Laurie Nykaza
We were at home getting our gifts together to wrap for the holidays and see what left to buy.
shelly peterson
Today was just a typical day of dialysis.
Tamra Phelps
Not a bad day, all things considered. Oh, I see Kate is rehearsing Hairspray! I loved the John Waters movie version.
Sarah L
A sunny Monday. I am not sunny.
Kate Sarsfield
Well, the storm wasn’t bad, as storms go. Just no internet from 10pm last night till about 5 this evening and to honest, I didn’t miss it. Started rehearsals this evening for Hairspray (next April) and it’s not one I’m familiar with so it’s a bit of a challenge.
Michele Soyer
Love that show!! Great fun
Dark and torrential downpours today. I rounded up handmade dolls, heart pillows and fleece mittens with matching fleece headbands that I made for underprivileged kids, they are picking them up.
Diane K. Brimmer
Today we have a gloomy, gray, wet, foggy drizzle of a day. I think I will turn on the Christmas music and the lights on the tree. I may even bake!
Mary Gardner
It is rainy and chilly here but my day is going well so far. I will have my granddaughters after school today and we go to the Library on Mondays and always have fun.
Michele Soyer
Well sitting here is not getting my chores done!! Seeds to start and bok choy to reap.. Better get moving…..
Laurie Nykaza
It rained today so we stayed in cleaned the house and watch movies
shelly peterson
I picked up my daughter from the airport today. I went grocery shopping after that.
Crystal K
Another sick day. I mostly just laid around and drank tea.
Sue E
I had a wonderful day watching a movie with my friend and her son. The sun was out and everything was beautiful!
Tamra Phelps
Honestly, after everything that’s happened recently, with the MRSA coming back and being back on heavy duty antibiotics that are playing havoc with my stomach, I feel emotionally exhausted. I have no choice but to suck it up, buttercup, as my youngest nephew likes to say, lol. So, I’ll suck it up.
Sarah L
A sunny Sunday. Nothing much happening.
Mary Gardner
My day is going fine so far. Today I am just doing some online shopping for the holidays.
Just took homemade bread out and is cooling off, smells so good! I was really busy today, and I’m a little puzzled, what did I do that I haven’t stopped until right now?!!! Still have some hustling to do before it gets dark, so only a minute break here, seeing what all the peanuts are up to! and Bear!
shelly peterson
I had a good day with my grandson.
Kate Sarsfield
We’ve had beautiful weather ahead of the latest big storm to head our way so I spent the day gardening. Mum’s gone out to lunch with friends so I’ve got the house to myself!!!
Diane K. Brimmer
Hey seriously how do you change your little photo that you are given on here? Not that I am complaining but my little guy is kinda ugly. Of course I feel kinda green today but I would like to change him!!!!!!
Diane K. Brimmer
Still have this annoying head cold! I need to start baking but I am holding off this this cold has subsided. I went to the doctor and he said I am no longer contagious but I don’t want to take chances. So I guess I will work on my other projects. I am making a snowflake out of hangers! LOL
Michele Soyer
Baking today then a day of making lists….a to-do for the week and then a last holiday grocery and this and that shoppe list…In reality these lists will be updated every other day but I cannot the urge to make lists!!
Crystal K
Sick today, spent most of the day on the couch watching The Office.
Sue E
I haven’t been feeling well- I’ve had a sinus infection all week and it’s been kicking my butt ?
Sarah L
Sunshine and almost 60 degrees today. Still have lots of snow on the ground.
Tamra Phelps
Well, I’m spending Saturday trying to build my confidence, telling myself that p.t. will go well and quickly, lol. It can’t hurt to try a little self-hypnosis, lolol.
A sunny day so I hustled to get the chores done I need the sun, esp because big downpours are coming in for a couple of days. Going out for a short while in a little bit, but it is cold, but need to get things done before all the storms!
Mary Gardner
My day is going well so far. I have some baking to do today and some online shopping to work on. Nothing spectacular today.
Kate Sarsfield
There’s another major storm heading Ireland’s way tomorrow so I’m trying to get a load of laundry done. What an exciting live I lead!
Diane K. Brimmer
I am just so excited that I won this giveaway last month! I have already thought of a 150 things I would do with it. I am so truly blessed by this. Wasn’t sure I was going to be able to do much this year for the grandkids but this was absolutely perfect! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Kate Sarsfield
Many congrats Diane & thanks for all the funnies – keep them coming!
shelly peterson
I went to dialysis today. I took my daughter to the airport and have my grandson with me for the weekend.
Crystal K
Was a fun day at first but I have abruptly come down with something so now I’m on the couch 🙁
Sarah L
Had a fun time at the class last night. I now have a succulent centerpiece with 4 different little plants in a lovely white bowl.
Diane K. Brimmer
Well today I finally broke down and went to the doctor. Only to find out it is a virus and I can’t get a med to get rid of it. I am sick of not sleeping because I can’t breathe. Well my little buddy grandson gave me the gift that keeps on giving. Oh well I should be better by spring anyway. LOL
Kind of dark out today, although not snowing. So stayed cozy and warm inside getting a few things done. Trying to not start new projects that would be a welcome distraction, more to go!
Tamra Phelps
I’m feeling a lot better these days. I hope it stays that way when I start back at physical therapy.
Kate Sarsfield
I’m feeling better today, just as well ‘cos now my sister is down with it so isn’t around to help out if needed. Anyway, a quick pop into a very crowded town for Mum’s meds then home.
Mary Gardner
My day is going well so far. The weather is nice and the sun is out. I ran a couple of errands early this morning and actually have nothing planned for the afternoon so I may just take it easy today.
Michele Soyer
Had a fab day yesterday….I feel so loved and thought of… back to reality….off to the garden feed and grain to do monthly shopping then to the chemist ….
Kate Sarsfield
Glad you had a lovely day!
shelly peterson
I spent the day relaxing and then went to dinner for my daughters birthday.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home, now off to be a teacher’s assistant to Succulent Centerpieces at the gardens.
Kate Sarsfield
Current post: I’ve only just noticed Alice in the mud. Brilliant – dirt is healthy!
Kate Sarsfield
I knew I wasn’t feeling right so took my temp. Way up for what’s normal for me. I’m going to go to bed with a hot drink to feel sorry for myself.
Michele Soyer
Take care….
The ride service is supposed to pick me up soon, going for groceries. No snow today, yea!
Mary Gardner
My day is going well so far. The weather is really nice and I will have my granddaughters after school today. Tonight my sister and I are going to my grandson’s holiday choral concert at his school so I will be fully in the holiday spirit after that!
Diane K. Brimmer
Good morning! Today I am so excited, we are going to get new tires on the front of the car. Next month the other two tires. With 10 inches of snow and ice underneath it is a necessity for us. No more slip sliding away. Kinda sounds like a song. LOL
Michele Soyer
OMG today I am 68 years old…. Where the heck did my life go… the problem is I don’t feel old.. or perceive I think old but the numbers do not lie!! Taking a total me day… the company of my daughter….music.. books… wine….what could be better than that?? Only one thing my husband to be here….
Crystal K
Finally finished my painting project! And braved a rainy day.
shelly peterson
Another day down of dialysis. The weekend is almost here.
Tamra Phelps
Well, I’m back in my room at the nursing/rehab home. I feel much better, so hopefully that means the antibiotics are working. I start back at physical therapy this week, so wish me luck. So far, the back is much better.
I’m bundled up and snuggled up for the evening, catching up on email, etc. Walked to town today, it was a little icy, but if I had known that ahead of time, I wouldn’t have gone, but I did need to get those chores done!
Sarah L
Good swim with my friends. Then groceries, then the library.
Kate Sarsfield
Today’s post: I’m still in one piece & don’t (fingers crossed) have to see the dentist till June 2020! Phew!!!
Michele Soyer
Good for you!!! It really doesn’t taste the same w/o olive oil….
Sun is shining for a change. Feels good even at 35 degrees.
Diane K. Brimmer
I am commenting on here becuase there isn’t anything new to comment on. I really need to start doing my baking but with this sinus infection I don’t think anyone would appreciate gettting any goodies. It would be the gift that keeps on giving. Lol
Diane K. Brimmer
Good morning! Hope your day is going better than mine. Woke up in the middle of the night with a sinus infection. I can’t hardly breath and I use a Bipap. Guess I will have to drag out the wedge to sleep with. I hatr it but at least I will be able to breath tonight.
Mary Gardner
It is still pretty early here but so far things are going well. I will take my mother to run some errands today and make a chicken stew for dinner when I get home. I hope your day is a great one!
Kate Sarsfield
I wonder if you can get pesto without the olive oil? Sorry, thinking ‘aloud’!
I’m off to the dentist straight after lunch. I can think of lots of things I’d rather be doing!
Michele Soyer
Have a few calls to make this morning.. see how long I would be placed on hold!! then making some pesto from the basil I reaped yesterday .. after that who knows??
shelly peterson
I had a nice relaxing day. But it sure is cold.
Crystal K
I made about 50 paper snowflakes today because my son was griping about our house not being “Christmasy enough.” Mission accomplished!
My organic beeswax pastilles arrived. I like concocting DIY creams, and so I thought I’d try making lip balm. Looked up some recipes, getting ready to experiment. Bit the bullet and let go of more things today. The snow finally stopped and I was able to get outside to do a chore.
Tamra Phelps
I’m finally out of the hospital. I got back here late last night only to find out my roommate had died (the lady was eat up with cancer, under 70 pounds, so not suprising.) But I had a new roommate, they had just found out she had MRSA! It was in her lungs, so in her sputum. She was on lockdown…so I wasn’t allowed in my room, lol. Last night, the only available bed was in the unit (a locked area for those who might wander off)–that was an experience. My roommate there laid there talking to people who weren’t there all night long. Finally, this morning the powers that be decided it wasn’t OK for me to be in the unit, so they put the new roommate in another room by herself and cleaned the entire room with bleach before they brought me back in.
yikes. I hope it is better now with your new roommate, and you can get well.
Kate Sarsfield
I know it’s horrible but at least they’re taking MRSA seriously.
Sarah L
A quick dip in the pool and then a massage. Good way to go.
Mary Gardner
My days is going well so far. It’s a nice sunny day and I have done some laundry and a few errands and bought groceries. I’ll have the grandchildren after school today so that will be fun. Nothing special but a good day all in all.
Diane K. Brimmer
Good morning! Lol It’s 12:30 in the afternoon here. Oh well it really is in all the way you look at it. I have not gotten my Christmas shopping done. I am getting kinda worried as it is creaping up on me. I am still waiting for some money to come in so I can finish it though. Patience is not one of my virtues. It might be another week or so! So you can see how I am getting kinda nervous. Relax Diane Relax! I can’t!!!!
Kate Sarsfield
Today’s comment: You could fit a small town into that barn! Are you going to start taking on some animals? Think of fresh eggs!
Kate Sarsfield
Well, I made it to Oklahoma! The 15 minute journey took 1 1/2 hours. There are no signposts in rural Ireland, no street lights. Ended up just driving downhill in search of civilisation and started again!
Judy Thomas
It’s a lovely summer’s day here. Not too hot with a good breeze.
shelly peterson
Just another day of dialysis.
Crystal K
Good day, took the dog and kids on a walk and then went to a dinner party with some friends.
Sarah L
Was planning to go to the pool before my infusion, but my lazy self skipped it. Infusion went well, but I don’t like driving home in the dark.
We had a fine day. The days started off with dental checkups for both my husband and myself. Happily, we like our dentist and his staff.
Snowy day today, still snowing. Had a bunch of phone calls and things like that to do. The good thing is I was too busy to be buying things for cyber Monday!!!
Diane K. Brimmer
I wanted to tell you that I really like your Pole barn. It has some really nice big doors. I want my husband to tear down the rest of our old barn and put one of the pole buildings up. We are getting old and the barn needs a new roof and is starting to collapse. So I think it would be best. I will have to show him yours.
Diane K. Brimmer
I have got more of my Christmas decorations up! Man by the time I get it all done it will be time to take it down. Lol! I really could leave it up much long if the neighbors did bawk about it. LOL
My day is going pretty good so far. I have some running around to do and then I am going to hit the computer for Cyber Monday savings tonight.
Mary Gardner
My day is going well so far. The sun is shinning after 3 days of clouds and rain so things are looking up! I don’t have any big plans today, just doing some laundry and going to the library with my grandchildren after school today.
Michele Soyer
December is here….that means the holidays….starting my shopping list for the cake orders….love doing all that baking and making a shilling too!!
Tamra Phelps
new post comment: Your deck is gorgeous and now it looks like you’ve got everything done. All things considered, from kitchen guys who do bad work to Winter blowing in, it didn’t take long, really.
Tamra Phelps
That scarf is definitely huge. You could raise it up and completely block the wind, lol.
I love the felting. And it does sound fun to have a knitting pal, and who can show you how. The scarf came out nice. I would hole myself up crafting, but I’ve got everything locked down for a while so I will do a bunch of things I’ve managed to procrastinate about, for a long time! We’re in the middle of a snowstorm here today and this evening, first pretty snow of the season. Now I’m all set with pretty snow until next December!
Diane K. Brimmer
Oh I am commenting on here as I really do like your scarf. I don’t care if it’s too big. You made it and should be proud that you are tackling something new. You really will use it this winter to stay warm in. I love the colors that you choose too.
Diane K. Brimmer
We have a storm brewing here in Michigan. Hope we are able to get out to my dr.s appointment. Oh well if we don’t I will just sit tight and do so project that needs done for Christmas.
Sarah L
Sun is shining but still not very warm. Happy December!
Kim Pincombe-Cole
I’m struggling on day 10 of an upper respiratory virus. The worst! I have a 12hr car ride to Cleveland & back tomorrow and I’m dreading it…
It is OK. It is a bit windy and rainy that will turn into snow but it is a good day otherwise.