• Day Owl backpack

    I’ve Finally Learned To Travel Lite

    It has only taken me 50 years to learn to travel lite. On this last trip to California, I traveled with one backpack and one carry-on suitcase.  Trust me if you knew me in real life you would in AWE!! How NOT To Pack I have FINALLY learned that I don’t NEED to have 72 tops, 4 pairs of shoes, 36 pairs of underwear. I will not wear 6 pairs of jeans. I will not wear 5 pairs of pajamas.  There is NO WHERE that I travel to that doesn’t have a washing machine. HELLO?? I only travel to see my grown children in their homes. The ones with WASHERS…

  • Denver Colorado

    5 Reasons to Visit Denver, Colorado This Spring

    To all who love exploring different parts of the globe, add Denver to your travel list. It is a city situated in the state of Colorado. The destination has cool districts full of world-class art and centuries of history. Best of all, Denver International Airport ranks number one in the list of major U.S. airports and is therefore very well connected. In this city, you can do many things, especially this spring. Here are the top 5 things you can do and see in Denver. Colorado State Capitol Building Colorado State Capital Building is the place to go if you are into history. You get to explore and learn the…