Children Learning Reading Program – Teaching Children to Read!

My regular followers know I babysit my 2-year-old Granddaughter Alice. While we spend time every day with a learning activity. Each lesson is short. Jim and Elena recommend spending only 10 to 15 minutes a day with the lessons. PERFECT!!! Alice doesn’t lose interest and doesn’t dread having her ‘school time’ I want Alice to be excited to learn!! After all her little mind is like a sponge!! At 2 she is anxious to learn!! This program is designed to properly teach phonemic awareness.
Children Learning Reading
Children Learning Reading is a super simple and effective, step-by-step program that helps parents teach their children how to read. Check out this video with Jim and Elena’s kids reading!!
Personally, I’ve found the program easy to use. The program is a PDF download, stage one has 225 pages, stage 2 an additional 97 pages. Tons of bonus features including mp3 letter sounds, rhymes and lesson stories you can print out. In each stage the first pages are very helpful for the teacher. (me!) Including tips on how to get your child to cooperate! Motivation tips, praise and encouragement, seriously, this book has it all. I know this because I am ONE of THOSE people that just skips to the lesson plan.
Yup and was greeted with this qoute:
I know you’re anxious to get started, but I hope you did not skip all the way from the start to here! If you did, please go back and start from the beginning. If you must skip because you’re too anxious to get started, then please at least read these sections:
• The Importance of Blending
• Smooth Blending and Choppy Blending
• The Importance of Repeated Practice and Exposure
• The First Steps
• How to Teach Reading and Present Lessons
So I went back and read the first pages. Alice and I are on the letter C. We are still having a hard time tracing the letters. Alice really, REALLY wants to scribble BUT as she scribbles she says “A”. We use chalk on her chalkboard and she will scribble and say “Pink A”. I am okay with that, it’ll come. Now as far as sounding out letters? GOT it!! Words?? Oh yea!! Alice can pick out words like CAT, AT, APPLE (and TONS MORE!!)!!! She’s only TWO!!!!
The Program
This program is challenging and fun!! We continue to work everyday. I put words together on her magnetic board and Alice reads them to me. I read books to her everyday using the tips that Children Learning Reading Program has provided and Alice will parrot back to me. She’s so SMART!!!
I highly recommend this program to everyone with kids and this would be an fantastic addition to any home school program!! Alice and I give Children Learning Reading Program 4 very enthusiassssssssstic thumbs way up!!!
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Mama Destiny
When you mention how you were busted, I smiled. I am the same way; eager to get started without reading the instructions! Sounds like a good program. Phonemic awareness is the key to creating an independent reader.
I still remember my grandma spent a lot of time on helping me learn how to read.. she used to have flashcards written alphabets on them..i am married and my wife is expecting our first child in march.. i am excited to help my child learn the way my ancestors did for me.
Dani Rren
I find it fun reading to the kids in my class since they get to hear me spell out words and this gives them an interest in reading the letters on their own. The Jim and Elena’s kids learning video is very insightful and I will make use of some of the pointers in there, thanks!
Dani Rren
Derrek B
I’ll have to admit, my grandma had a great impact on me when I was learning to read. And guess what, my mom has really helped our kids jump ahead. I guess it’s something about the great amount of patience they have. Love it!
L Greenhall
I like the “please go back to the beginning” instruction from the program – mastery learning always insists that the basic blocks are in place before proceeding and this especially true in getting the skills of reading.
Veronica Lee
Sounds like an easy and fun program to use. Learning to read at an early age will give our kids a headstart in life!
Jim and Elena’s kids are so cute!
Connie Gruning
Veronica, I agree! Teach them to read and it opens up a whole new world!
Diane K.Brimmer
That is awesome! We grandmas have a bigger job than our mothers did. When you spend so much time with them that parents can’t ( due to working) you are doing the teaching. I think this program is great and would love to try it. Thanks for sharing.
Connie Gruning
I agree!! I love being so involved with Alice!