Clean and Simple Remodel: Products to Give Your Home the Sleek Look
Chances are you have a variety of home remodel projects that you’d like to tackle, and you may have one or two that stand out over the others. No matter if you are looking to completely re-style your whole home at once or if you are taking it a step at a time, there are certain products and materials that are perfect for those looking for a sleek and sophisticated style.
It’s important to decide if the project is something you can tackle on your own or hire a reputable contractor, tiler, or even a cabinet maker. There is no shame in hiring professional help to ensure your remodel is a complete success.
If you are looking for a clean and simple remodel that leaves your home looking remarkable, then these are products you’ll want to consider using.
Whitewater cultured marble products are a great option for bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms and other areas of the home that require counter tops, tile flooring or back splash. These products provide a clean and sleek look to any area of the home, and they are much different than the traditional granite or ceramic used in many households. Marble sticks typically with whites and grays, allowing you to use it with any type of style or color options throughout your home. No matter what type of look you’re going for or the style you want, marble can be a great addition that complements it well or serves as the centerpiece to the room.
If you are not a fan of marble or want something that gives you a little more variety, granite is another great option for counter tops. Granite comes in a variety of styles and colors, so you can easily create something that stands out as the main focus of the room or choose something more subtle that fits in with its surroundings. Plus, many granite companies will allow you to pick the specific slab of granite, so you can find the one you like best and ensure that piece is somewhere inside your home for all to see.
Hardwood Floors
Carpet isn’t found in homes often anymore, because if you want to keep a sleek and seamless look in your house, you need to stick with hardwoods. Hardwood floors come in a variety of colors, styles and materials, so you need to determine which is the right look and feel for your home. For instance, if you have pets or young kids, you’ll want to stick with a flooring that’s thicker and won’t adhere to as much damage. However, if not, you can stick with a weaker wood that has the look and texture you want. Keep in mind that any unfinished hardwood can be sanded and stained to any color you choose, allowing you to easily capture the look you want with the color of your choice.
Subway Tile
If there are areas in your house that need tile, choosing subway tile is a smart way to go. Subway tile allows you to have a modern yet stylish look, and you can choose these in a variety of colors too so they easily match your space. Plus, many subway tiles today come on bigger sheets, so you can get the look of subway tile without having to individually adhere each one to your space.
Glass is a great option during home remodels, especially when working in small spaces. For instance, if you’re remodeling a small bathroom or kitchen, opting for glass doors on the shower or glass doors on the cabinets can make the space appear bigger. Plus, glass offers a sleekness that not many other materials can provide, so you can ensure you’re getting the look you want. Finally, glass also comes in different styles, so you can opt for something you can see all the way through, or you can get something tinted or designed that make it less transparent.
Although white is not a material, it’s a color choice that will go a long way when it comes to creating a spacious and luxurious look in your home. This means you should consider white for the doorways, trim and crown molding inside your home. While some may worry that white is harder to keep clean, it’s not—and it gives your home a fresh look that many people are looking to accomplish.
Home remodeling requires you to have an idea of the style you’re looking for in the end result. When you are looking for a sleek, sophisticated yet simple home, then using the products on this list will help ensure you get exactly what you want. What’s best is they all pair well together, so be sure to play around with different options to create a space that’s right for you.

This has me rarin’ and ready to get at it. I’d love to do all of these, but painting I did not long enough ago to justify changing so soon (even though I want to) and then furniture wouldn’t match either. Hah hah! I’ve been decluttering, organizing, etc., it is tedious, but when I’m done with an area, it really makes a difference!
Kate Sarsfield
Whatever you choose make it something that cleans easily and doesn’t show the dust!
Kate Sarsfield
I’m a firm believer in white walls. Everything looks brighter, even the gloomy rooms that never get direct sunlight, and they show off pieces of artwork and plants to perfection.
Michele Soyer
Really great tips.. the hardwood floors remind me of my childhood they are so lovely when waxed and polished….
Tamra Phelps
I really like the look I’ve seen recently of using cement/concrete on countertops and floors. They can even color them.